Kosovo PM disappointed, accuses Serbia of "racism"

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said on Monday he "regretted deeply" <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=11&dd=09&nav_id=95984" class="text-link" target= "_blank">UNESCO General Conference's decision</a> not to allow Kosovo to join the organization.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 09.11.2015.


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Kosovo PM disappointed, accuses Serbia of "racism"

"That especially influenced some countries that have the same interests as Serbia. But that will not stop us, because we are determined to work tirelessly on strengthening the state of Kosovo, so we can affirm it as a successful project that serves the interest of all its citizens and contributes to peace, tolerance and prosperity," said he.

Pristina, he added, "will not give up on its Euro-Atlantic agenda" and will convince everyone it deserves to join all international organizations.

Mustafa, who was in Vilnius, Lithuania on Monday, announced that "Kosovo will continue to promote international cooperation through education, science and culture by improving the universal right to justice, rule of law and human rights, together with other basic principles of the UN."

These, he noted, are "basic principles of a democratic society that Kosovo is oriented toward through a full social and cultural consensus."

"After the signing of the SAA (with the EU) Kosovo expects good news from Brussels regarding visa liberalization," Mustafa said, as quoted by the media in Pristina.

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