Ischinger criticizes Washington

The EU envoy in the Contact Group Troika, Wolfgang Ischinger, was critical of the U.S. approach to the Kosovo status crisis.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 11.10.2007.


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The EU envoy in the Contact Group Troika, Wolfgang Ischinger, was critical of the U.S. approach to the Kosovo status crisis. Ischinger also cautioned that Serbia should in no case be forced to chose between alternatives - Kosovo and closer ties and eventual membership in the EU. Ischinger criticizes Washington "The current Serbian leadership would decide in favor of Kosovo," Ischinger said in an interview with Germany's leading business magazine, Handelsblatt. The diplomat demanded that the EU offered visa facilitation to Serbia as a sign that the country is getting closer to the Union, which would, in his words, represent a positive signal for the negotiations on Kosovo's future. Ischinger also criticized announcements coming from the United States on the possible recognition of a unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo independence. "All the statements which give the impression that the solution has already been determined are of no help," the German diplomat said ahead of the beginning of the second round of direct talks between Belgrade and Pristina, set to be held in Brussels on October 14. He pointed out that in Brussels, "one would be able to see whether both parties had finally decided to take a serious approach" towards the negotiations on the settlement of the Kosovo status issue. Ischinger also rejected the possibility that the mandate of the negotiating Troika could be prolonged after December 10.

Ischinger criticizes Washington

"The current Serbian leadership would decide in favor of Kosovo," Ischinger said in an interview with Germany's leading business magazine, Handelsblatt.

The diplomat demanded that the EU offered visa facilitation to Serbia as a sign that the country is getting closer to the Union, which would, in his words, represent a positive signal for the negotiations on Kosovo's future.

Ischinger also criticized announcements coming from the United States on the possible recognition of a unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo independence.

"All the statements which give the impression that the solution has already been determined are of no help," the German diplomat said ahead of the beginning of the second round of direct talks between Belgrade and Priština, set to be held in Brussels on October 14.

He pointed out that in Brussels, "one would be able to see whether both parties had finally decided to take a serious approach" towards the negotiations on the settlement of the Kosovo status issue.

Ischinger also rejected the possibility that the mandate of the negotiating Troika could be prolonged after December 10.

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