Opposition party: Condemn Libya attacks

The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) has called on the authorities to condemn the international military intervention in Libya.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 21.03.2011.


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The opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) has called on the authorities to condemn the international military intervention in Libya. Serbia "knows best that bombardment cannot be a solution to any problems", said the party, in reference to NATO'S attacks against the country launched in 1999. Opposition party: Condemn Libya attacks "Serbia knows better than anyone that destruction and suffering do not bring peace and freedom, and for that reason it should condemn the bombing of Libya and strongly advocate solution of all problems through talks and in a peaceful manner," party spokesman Petar Petkovic said. Petkovic also noted that the western powers started bombing another country "almost on the anniversary " of the start of their attacks against Serbia. Petar Petkovic (FoNet, file)

Opposition party: Condemn Libya attacks

"Serbia knows better than anyone that destruction and suffering do not bring peace and freedom, and for that reason it should condemn the bombing of Libya and strongly advocate solution of all problems through talks and in a peaceful manner," party spokesman Petar Petković said.

Petković also noted that the western powers started bombing another country "almost on the anniversary " of the start of their attacks against Serbia.

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