UN rep in Kosovo wants "serious investigation"

The United Nations Security Council needs to seriously investigate the claims of organ trafficking in Kosovo made by Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 17.02.2011.


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The United Nations Security Council needs to seriously investigate the claims of organ trafficking in Kosovo made by Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty. This was heard from UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, chief Lamberto Zannier in New York on Wednesday. UN rep in Kosovo wants "serious investigation" "In my opinion, the Security Council needs to take the claims in the report seriously. This is a priority issue and it is in everyone's interest to treat it like one," Zannier said at a UNSC session presenting the UN Secretary-General's new Kosovo report. The report covers the period from October 19 last year to January 15 this year. Zannier urged everyone who has any knowledge of the organ trade, Marty included, to immediately turn over all evidence to the investigative authorities. The key, of course, is to offer protection to witnesses, said the head of UNMIK. He added that EULEX representatives have given him assurances that EULEX has the competence and the jurisdiction, under Security Council Resolution 1244, to conduct an investigation. "I understand that EULEX will be ready to take on the responsibility it is entrusted with in this matter. I can reiterate that UNMIK will give its full support to the investigative authorities," Zannier stressed. He also pointed to the need to start dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina as soon as possible. The Kosovo leaders are now in the process of forming a government, which I hope will be stable enough to have authority in the talks with Belgrade, Zannier stressed. The UNMIK head reminded of the appeals made by many international officials, which he personally agrees with, that Kosovo needs a clean-hands government. Belgrade has shown readiness to open dialogue, which was called for by the UN General Assembly and which has been delayed by the political instability in Kosovo. Now that the government in Pristina is about to be formed, I commend the Kosovo authorities who have also expressed willingness to engage in the process, Zannier said at the UNSC session. The UN Security Council in session (Beta, file) "Situation improved" The council also heard from Flora Citaku, who attended on an invitation and represented the government in Pristina. She said that government rejected all accusations found in the Marty report, but that it would not oppose an investigation, "which can be carried out only by EULEX". "No report can change the very well known and clearly documented situation between the aggressors and those who were the victims. Clouding that difference is not in line with reality, nor does it help with determining the truth and reconciliation," said the Kosovo Albanian official. Citaku also claimed that the Marty report "in fact did not give any proof that Kosovo's officials named took part in the human organ trade". The report accuses ethnic Albanian KLA of kidnapping Serb civilians in Kosovo in 1999 and 2000, detaining them in Albania and killing them for their body parts. As for the current situation in Kosovo, Citaku did not share the disappointment voiced by Lamberto Zannier and FM Vuk Jeremic over the small number of Serbs driven out of their homes in Kosovo who have been able to return. She said the situation had improved, adding that proof for this was that "a Kosovo Serb will be vice-president in the government". "Divided over jurisdiction" Representatives of United Nations Security Council member countries supported an investigation into the allegations of organ trafficking in Kosovo made in the report of Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty, but were divided on whether it should be conducted by EULEX or the UN, as suggested by Serbia. Among the countries which supported an EULEX-led investigation were the U.S., Great Britain, France and Germany, while Russia, China, Gabon and the Republic of South Africa assessed that the Security Council should form an international investigating mechanism. U.S. representative Rosemary DiCarlo said that Washington supports an independent and comprehensive investigation into Marty's claims carried out by EULEX, which has the jurisdiction and mandate in matter of war crimes, which it showed in the past. DiCarlo noted that Washington does not believe an ad hoc investigating mechanism created by the UN is necessary in this case. British representative in the UNSC Mark Lyall Grant said that the British government expects that the grave allegations made in Marty's report will be taken seriously and welcomes EULEX's decision to launch a preliminary investigation into the claims, as well as the willingness of the Kosovo and Albanian governments to cooperate with the investigators. EULEX has the mandate, authority and jurisdiction to conduct a full and independent investigation, Grant said, pointing out that Great Britain does not believe a Security Council mandate is required in this matter. French representative Gerard Araud believes that the ongoing EULEX investigation is sufficient, and Germany's representative agreed saying that the allegations in the report are shocking, but that EULEX has the capacity, and above all the jurisdiction to conduct an investigation. Russian representative Vitaly Churkin supported Serbia's initiative that the UNSC form a special international mechanism that would investigate the organ trade claims. Churkin assessed that such a mechanism is necessary, as the investigation could move outside the region, and also noted the dismal state of witness protection in Kosovo. The Chinese representative said that China is very concerned about the claims in Marty's report, pointing out that any violation of international law was impermissible.

UN rep in Kosovo wants "serious investigation"

"In my opinion, the Security Council needs to take the claims in the report seriously. This is a priority issue and it is in everyone's interest to treat it like one," Zannier said at a UNSC session presenting the UN Secretary-General's new Kosovo report.

The report covers the period from October 19 last year to January 15 this year.

Zannier urged everyone who has any knowledge of the organ trade, Marty included, to immediately turn over all evidence to the investigative authorities.

The key, of course, is to offer protection to witnesses, said the head of UNMIK.

He added that EULEX representatives have given him assurances that EULEX has the competence and the jurisdiction, under Security Council Resolution 1244, to conduct an investigation.

"I understand that EULEX will be ready to take on the responsibility it is entrusted with in this matter. I can reiterate that UNMIK will give its full support to the investigative authorities," Zannier stressed.

He also pointed to the need to start dialogue between Belgrade and Priština as soon as possible.

The Kosovo leaders are now in the process of forming a government, which I hope will be stable enough to have authority in the talks with Belgrade, Zannier stressed.

The UNMIK head reminded of the appeals made by many international officials, which he personally agrees with, that Kosovo needs a clean-hands government.

Belgrade has shown readiness to open dialogue, which was called for by the UN General Assembly and which has been delayed by the political instability in Kosovo. Now that the government in Pristina is about to be formed, I commend the Kosovo authorities who have also expressed willingness to engage in the process, Zannier said at the UNSC session.

"Situation improved"

The council also heard from Flora Citaku, who attended on an invitation and represented the government in Priština.

She said that government rejected all accusations found in the Marty report, but that it would not oppose an investigation, "which can be carried out only by EULEX".

"No report can change the very well known and clearly documented situation between the aggressors and those who were the victims. Clouding that difference is not in line with reality, nor does it help with determining the truth and reconciliation," said the Kosovo Albanian official.

Citaku also claimed that the Marty report "in fact did not give any proof that Kosovo's officials named took part in the human organ trade".

The report accuses ethnic Albanian KLA of kidnapping Serb civilians in Kosovo in 1999 and 2000, detaining them in Albania and killing them for their body parts.

As for the current situation in Kosovo, Citaku did not share the disappointment voiced by Lamberto Zannier and FM Vuk Jeremić over the small number of Serbs driven out of their homes in Kosovo who have been able to return.

She said the situation had improved, adding that proof for this was that "a Kosovo Serb will be vice-president in the government".

"Divided over jurisdiction"

Representatives of United Nations Security Council member countries supported an investigation into the allegations of organ trafficking in Kosovo made in the report of Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty, but were divided on whether it should be conducted by EULEX or the UN, as suggested by Serbia.

Among the countries which supported an EULEX-led investigation were the U.S., Great Britain, France and Germany, while Russia, China, Gabon and the Republic of South Africa assessed that the Security Council should form an international investigating mechanism.

U.S. representative Rosemary DiCarlo said that Washington supports an independent and comprehensive investigation into Marty's claims carried out by EULEX, which has the jurisdiction and mandate in matter of war crimes, which it showed in the past.

DiCarlo noted that Washington does not believe an ad hoc investigating mechanism created by the UN is necessary in this case.

British representative in the UNSC Mark Lyall Grant said that the British government expects that the grave allegations made in Marty's report will be taken seriously and welcomes EULEX's decision to launch a preliminary investigation into the claims, as well as the willingness of the Kosovo and Albanian governments to cooperate with the investigators.

EULEX has the mandate, authority and jurisdiction to conduct a full and independent investigation, Grant said, pointing out that Great Britain does not believe a Security Council mandate is required in this matter.

French representative Gerard Araud believes that the ongoing EULEX investigation is sufficient, and Germany's representative agreed saying that the allegations in the report are shocking, but that EULEX has the capacity, and above all the jurisdiction to conduct an investigation.

Russian representative Vitaly Churkin supported Serbia's initiative that the UNSC form a special international mechanism that would investigate the organ trade claims.

Churkin assessed that such a mechanism is necessary, as the investigation could move outside the region, and also noted the dismal state of witness protection in Kosovo.

The Chinese representative said that China is very concerned about the claims in Marty's report, pointing out that any violation of international law was impermissible.

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