Report: EC to propose visa liberalization

The European Commission (EC) adopted unanimously on Tuesday recommendations for visa liberalization for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 14.07.2009.


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The European Commission (EC) adopted unanimously on Tuesday recommendations for visa liberalization for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. EU diplomatic sources told Tanjug news agency that the recommendations relate to period starting January 1, 2010. Report: EC to propose visa liberalization The decision will be announced by European Union (EU) Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn and EC Vice President and Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot at a joint news conference in Brussels on Wednesday, the news agency said. The decision will now be placed on the agenda of the EU council of justice and interior ministers. The proposal should be officially accepted by the justice and interior ministers of the 27 EU members-states, but their stands need not be unanimous, according to the Tanjug report.

Report: EC to propose visa liberalization

The decision will be announced by European Union (EU) Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn and EC Vice President and Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot at a joint news conference in Brussels on Wednesday, the news agency said.

The decision will now be placed on the agenda of the EU council of justice and interior ministers.

The proposal should be officially accepted by the justice and interior ministers of the 27 EU members-states, but their stands need not be unanimous, according to the Tanjug report.

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