KEK unhappy with EPS collecting bills

Kosovo's power company, KEK, says Elektrokosmet's move to collect electricity bills in the north is an "illegal process".

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 08.01.2010.


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Kosovo's power company, KEK, says Elektrokosmet's move to collect electricity bills in the north is an "illegal process". Elektrokosmet was founded by Serbia's state power corporation EPS. KEK unhappy with EPS collecting bills Now KEK spokesman Vitor Buzalja says this company will call on all relevant institutions to discuss this subject and that they would "not give up on the talks until consumers start paying their bills to KEK". KEK believes that they are the only registered company for distributing of electricity, "with jurisdiction in the whole territory of Kosovo". Elektrokosmet started collecting bills in the north of the province in December 2009, for the first time in ten years. All this was triggered by KEK's October cut of electricity supplies to the Serb-dominated northern areas, when EPS first stepped in to provide electricity, and then to have consumers pay to the company.

KEK unhappy with EPS collecting bills

Now KEK spokesman Vitor Buzalja says this company will call on all relevant institutions to discuss this subject and that they would "not give up on the talks until consumers start paying their bills to KEK".

KEK believes that they are the only registered company for distributing of electricity, "with jurisdiction in the whole territory of Kosovo".

Elektrokosmet started collecting bills in the north of the province in December 2009, for the first time in ten years.

All this was triggered by KEK's October cut of electricity supplies to the Serb-dominated northern areas, when EPS first stepped in to provide electricity, and then to have consumers pay to the company.

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