Satellite images revealed: The invasion begins PHOTO/VIDEO

Satellite images analyzed today by the AP show that the Israeli army has begun a ground offensive in the southern reaches of the Gaza Strip.

Izvor: Beta/AP

Tuesday, 05.12.2023.


Satellite images revealed: The invasion begins PHOTO/VIDEO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Satellite images revealed: The invasion begins PHOTO/VIDEO

Since the expiration of the temporary ceasefire and the exchange of hostages held by Hamas for Palestinians in Israeli prisons, the Israeli army has launched heavy bombing and ground clashes in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Footage released by Planet Labs PBS provides the first clear glimpse of the intensity and scope of the fight.

Footage from Sunday showed Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers just six kilometers north of the center of Khan Yunis, the capital in the southern Gaza Strip.

Many residents who fled the Israeli offensive and bombardment in Gaza City in the north are now living around Khan Yunis and other surrounding areas after being ordered to evacuate by the Israeli army. Israeli soldiers have deployed west of Salah al-Din, the main north-south corridor of the Gaza Strip through which many Palestinians have fled.

AP analysis showed positions at four locations with about 150 armored personnel carriers, tanks and other vehicles. In some places, Israeli soldiers have placed obstacles around some positions that can be used as cover. Fresh traces of tank movement can be seen on the ground. The Israeli military did not immediately respond to an AP request for comment on the strategy for the offensive and what the footage shows.

However, the maneuvers and the number of vehicles suggest that the army is potentially preparing to move into Khan Yunis. There are already reports of conflict in the area.

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