First batch of Russian S-300s delivered to Iran

Russia has delivered to Iran the first batch of its S-300 air defense missile systems, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 11.04.2016.


First batch of Russian S-300s delivered to Iran
(Beta/AP, file)

First batch of Russian S-300s delivered to Iran

Ansari added that the delivery took place via the Caspian Sea.

Moscow signed an agreement to sell the S-300s to Tehran in 2007, but later suspended it under pressure from the United States and Israel.

Russian authorities said at the time - when the West was accusing Iran of secretly working on its nuclear program - that honoring the agreement would have "destabilized the region's security."

The contract was renewed last year, after Iran and six world powers signed an agreement on the country's nuclear program.

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