Workers end blockade after 12 days

Workers of the Prvi Maj company have finally stopped blocking the railway from Belgrade to Niš after 12 days.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 19.12.2009.


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Workers of the Prvi Maj company have finally stopped blocking the railway from Belgrade to Nis after 12 days. After signing the agreement on Friday, the owners of the company have paid all the remaining wages promised to the workers for the year. Workers end blockade after 12 days On Monday, 60 of the 254 workers, who did not take their claims for receiving these wages to court, will be paid the full sum. The workers will each receive between RSD 140-165,000, while the other remaining demands of the striking workers—contributions for pensions and health insurance—will be met by March 1, 2010, according to the signed agreement.

Workers end blockade after 12 days

On Monday, 60 of the 254 workers, who did not take their claims for receiving these wages to court, will be paid the full sum.

The workers will each receive between RSD 140-165,000, while the other remaining demands of the striking workers—contributions for pensions and health insurance—will be met by March 1, 2010, according to the signed agreement.

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