"Presevo valley must feature in normalization of relations"

Ragmi Mustafa says "there cannot be normalization" between Belgrade and Pristina "without inclusion of the Presevo valley."

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 06.11.2018.


(Getty Images, file, illustration)

"Presevo valley must feature in normalization of relations"

"Presevo valley" is the informal name for a region in the southern part of central Serbia that has ethnic Albanian minorities in three of its largest towns: Presevo, Bujanovac, and Medvedja.

According to Pristina-based, Albanian language media outlet Koha, Mustafa said he "didn't think that the idea of Presevo valley joining Kosovo is of the President Hashim Thaci but rather a legitimate ambition of the citizens of the valley."

"We have always felt as citizens of Kosovo," Mustafa said, according to Tanjug, which quoted UMMIK's Media Observer.

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