B92 Mobile receives award

The jury of the Second Web Fest has declared B92.net's website designed for cell phones, <a href="http://www.b92.net/mobilni/eng/" class="text-link" target= "_blank">m.b92.net</a>, the best in its category.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 27.11.2009.


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The jury of the Second Web Fest has declared B92.net's website designed for cell phones, m.b92.net, the best in its category. During the final evening of the Web Fest held at the Belgrade City Assembly, the judges presented awards to the best internet sites of the region. B92 Mobile receives award The internet presentations were evaluated by both their visitors and a jury of professionals. They chose the best in 17 categories. A total of 2,200 websites from across the region entered the competition, with Belgrade newspaper Blic's internet version receiving the best news site award.

B92 Mobile receives award

The internet presentations were evaluated by both their visitors and a jury of professionals.

They chose the best in 17 categories.

A total of 2,200 websites from across the region entered the competition, with Belgrade newspaper Blic's internet version receiving the best news site award.

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