Gay rights group: No conditions for parade

The conditions for a homosexual parade to be held in Serbia do not exist, an activists told reporters in Belgrade today.

Izvor: FoNet

Wednesday, 23.04.2008.


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The conditions for a homosexual parade to be held in Serbia do not exist, an activists told reporters in Belgrade today. "In order to realize the freedom of movement that is guaranteed to us by the constitution, we, the homosexuals, need the police protection, which they cannot provide," Boban Stojanovic, of the Queeria Culture and Non-Violence Center, said in a news conference. Gay rights group: No conditions for parade The organization was promoting a campaign dubbed, "Love to the streets, hooligans to jails". Stojanovic also said that the Serbian police, MUP, advised them to seek protection from private security firms. He added policemen were not reacting to continuous threats that some gay activists have been receiving. "One in four homosexuals comes under some form of attack, physical or physiological, and for that reason we have launched this campaign," Stojanovic said. He also denied rumors that some 20,000 homosexuals were set to arrive in Belgrade in time for this year's Eurovision song contest. Stojanovic stressed that members of the far-right group Obraz on several occasions, and through foreign media, threatened that "blood of all those who arrive for the Eurosong and are suspected of being gay will spill in the streets of Belgrade". The Liberal-Democrat (LDP) Belgrade mayor hopeful Biljana Srbljanovic also attended the news conference today in support of the campaign, and said she stood for "a Belgrade without prejudices… we are all essentially the same, and we all carry many identities inside".

Gay rights group: No conditions for parade

The organization was promoting a campaign dubbed, "Love to the streets, hooligans to jails".

Stojanović also said that the Serbian police, MUP, advised them to seek protection from private security firms. He added policemen were not reacting to continuous threats that some gay activists have been receiving.

"One in four homosexuals comes under some form of attack, physical or physiological, and for that reason we have launched this campaign," Stojanović said.

He also denied rumors that some 20,000 homosexuals were set to arrive in Belgrade in time for this year's Eurovision song contest.

Stojanović stressed that members of the far-right group Obraz on several occasions, and through foreign media, threatened that "blood of all those who arrive for the Eurosong and are suspected of being gay will spill in the streets of Belgrade".

The Liberal-Democrat (LDP) Belgrade mayor hopeful Biljana Srbljanović also attended the news conference today in support of the campaign, and said she stood for "a Belgrade without prejudices… we are all essentially the same, and we all carry many identities inside".

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