Serbs flocked to Greece for summer vacation

432,000 Serbians spent their summer vacation in Greece last year, while the number will be 30 percent higher in 2010.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 01.09.2010.


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432,000 Serbians spent their summer vacation in Greece last year, while the number will be 30 percent higher in 2010. Considering that a majority of Serbian tourists travel to northern Greece, the Serbian Consulate in Thessaloniki told B92 that between 4,000 and 7,000 tourists from Serbia had been entering Greece each day since the beginning of June. Serbs flocked to Greece for summer vacation This puts Greece at the top of the Serbian tourists’ favorite destinations, and they cite "clean sea, safety, prices and hospitality" as reasons. The lifting of EU visa restriction imposed on Serbian citizens was another factor that prompted many to visit Greece for the first time. The prices in Greece have for the most part remained the same despite the crisis. Owner of the Sithon Travel agency Evangelos Rodokalakis says that there was "no crisis in tourist destinations". “The season wasn’t bad at all. We missed the tourists from Germany but the void was filled by Serbs and guests from Eastern Europe. The crisis is not felt here, but it’s visible in cities due to unemployment, reductions in wages. Of course this didn’t affect the price hike in tourist offer,” Rodokalakis explained.

Serbs flocked to Greece for summer vacation

This puts Greece at the top of the Serbian tourists’ favorite destinations, and they cite "clean sea, safety, prices and hospitality" as reasons.

The lifting of EU visa restriction imposed on Serbian citizens was another factor that prompted many to visit Greece for the first time.

The prices in Greece have for the most part remained the same despite the crisis.

Owner of the Sithon Travel agency Evangelos Rodokalakis says that there was "no crisis in tourist destinations".

“The season wasn’t bad at all. We missed the tourists from Germany but the void was filled by Serbs and guests from Eastern Europe. The crisis is not felt here, but it’s visible in cities due to unemployment, reductions in wages. Of course this didn’t affect the price hike in tourist offer,” Rodokalakis explained.

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