Glavaš targeting Croatian journalist?

Croatian daily Jutarnji List journalist Drago Hedl has received 24-hour police protection after receiving threats via SMS, Croatian media report.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.11.2008.


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Croatian daily Jutarnji List journalist Drago Hedl has received 24-hour police protection after receiving threats via SMS, Croatian media report. According to daily Slobodna Dalmacija, Hedl spent almost three hours with police. Glavas targeting Croatian journalist? This is the fourth time Hedl has reported receiving death threats to the police. Hedl said that he could not say exactly who stood behind the threats, but that it was indicative that they had arrived after the publication on Wednesday of an article mentioning MP Branimir Glavas, who is on trial for war crimes committed in Osijek during the civil war. In the article, Hedl stated that he had learnt from sources close to Ante Djapic’s HSP party that Djapic had brought Glavas chocolates during his hunger strike. Hedl said that he received the threat immediately after Glavas’s press conference, where he had lambasted the journalist and ridiculed his articles.

Glavaš targeting Croatian journalist?

This is the fourth time Hedl has reported receiving death threats to the police. Hedl said that he could not say exactly who stood behind the threats, but that it was indicative that they had arrived after the publication on Wednesday of an article mentioning MP Branimir Glavaš, who is on trial for war crimes committed in Osijek during the civil war.

In the article, Hedl stated that he had learnt from sources close to Ante Đapić’s HSP party that Đapić had brought Glavaš chocolates during his hunger strike.

Hedl said that he received the threat immediately after Glavaš’s press conference, where he had lambasted the journalist and ridiculed his articles.

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