Croatia: Pride Parade participants attacked

Far-right extremists attacked participants of the first gay Pride Parade in the Croatian town of Split on Saturday.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 12.06.2011.


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Far-right extremists attacked participants of the first gay Pride Parade in the Croatian town of Split on Saturday. Five parade participants and three journalists were injured and 300 persons were arrested. Croatia: Pride Parade participants attacked Gay-Straight Alliance’s Lazar Pavlovic, who is in Split, told B92 that police had evacuated the participants and that they were safe. The organizers believe that Croatian Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko is responsible for the incidents. The anti-gay rioters threw firecrackers, stones, torches and tear gas at the Pride Parade participants. Dozens of young men, mostly wearing black shirts, chanted “Kill the gay” and “Kill the Serb” while doing the Nazi salute. (

Croatia: Pride Parade participants attacked

Gay-Straight Alliance’s Lazar Pavlović, who is in Split, told B92 that police had evacuated the participants and that they were safe.

The organizers believe that Croatian Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko is responsible for the incidents.

The anti-gay rioters threw firecrackers, stones, torches and tear gas at the Pride Parade participants.

Dozens of young men, mostly wearing black shirts, chanted “Kill the gay” and “Kill the Serb” while doing the Nazi salute.

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