"Democratic Front has not yet been discussed"

Honorary President of the Democratic Party (DS) Boris Tadić has said that so far "there has been no discussion to form a democratic bloc."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 29.01.2014.


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BELGRADE Honorary President of the Democratic Party (DS) Boris Tadic has said that so far "there has been no discussion to form a democratic bloc." Tadic added that the formation of a bloc of opposition parties "will require the will of the leaders of these parties to resist the ruling parties." "Democratic Front has not yet been discussed" "A possible establishment of the democratic bloc will depend solely on the needs of our political reality and on how the bloc can contribute to the necessary reduction of the hazardous difference between the opposition and the government that threatens democracy in Serbia and undermines the multiparty system," Tadic said in a written statement to the media. He added: "Obviously a huge advantage of the SNS in relation to other parties makes elections not an indicator of the will of the citizens, but of pre and post-election math." "To form a bloc of opposition parties will require the will of the leader of these parties to resist the ruling party, rather than compete which one of them will place better in that math, governed only by self-interest." Tadic said that the aim should be the stabilization of the political system in Serbia, and not to gain power at any cost and in any way. "The leaders of some opposition parties, by in advance destroying that bloc despite the fact that it does not even exist, speak not about that bloc, but rather about their intentions and motives with which they enter into the election campaign. In any case, so far there has been no discussion about the formation of such a bloc," Tadic concluded. The media on Tuesday reported that the former president and former leader of the Democrats had decided to lead the Democratic Front, which would include a part of the DS, Together for Serbia (ZZS), the LSV and the LDP. The ZZS announced that "these political options are their natural allies," while Nenad Canak's LSV said they were interested in being a part of the Front for the elections. But the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leader Cedomir Jovanovic was adamant - no discussions have ever been conducted on this subject. (Tanjug, file) Tanjug

"Democratic Front has not yet been discussed"

"A possible establishment of the democratic bloc will depend solely on the needs of our political reality and on how the bloc can contribute to the necessary reduction of the hazardous difference between the opposition and the government that threatens democracy in Serbia and undermines the multiparty system," Tadić said in a written statement to the media.

He added: "Obviously a huge advantage of the SNS in relation to other parties makes elections not an indicator of the will of the citizens, but of pre and post-election math."

"To form a bloc of opposition parties will require the will of the leader of these parties to resist the ruling party, rather than compete which one of them will place better in that math, governed only by self-interest."

Tadić said that the aim should be the stabilization of the political system in Serbia, and not to gain power at any cost and in any way.

"The leaders of some opposition parties, by in advance destroying that bloc despite the fact that it does not even exist, speak not about that bloc, but rather about their intentions and motives with which they enter into the election campaign. In any case, so far there has been no discussion about the formation of such a bloc," Tadić concluded.

The media on Tuesday reported that the former president and former leader of the Democrats had decided to lead the Democratic Front, which would include a part of the DS, Together for Serbia (ZZS), the LSV and the LDP.

The ZZS announced that "these political options are their natural allies," while Nenad Čanak's LSV said they were interested in being a part of the Front for the elections.

But the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leader Čedomir Jovanović was adamant - no discussions have ever been conducted on this subject.

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