“Signing SAA means signing away Kosovo”

DSS-NS coalition leader Vojislav Koštunica says that signing the SAA would mean that Serbia recognized Kosovo's unilateral independence.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 24.04.2008.


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DSS-NS coalition leader Vojislav Kostunica says that signing the SAA would mean that Serbia recognized Kosovo's unilateral independence. At an election rally in Nis, Kostunica said that those who dared place their signature only did so in their own name. “Signing SAA means signing away Kosovo” His coalition partner and New Serbia (NS) leader Velimir Ilic told the crowd that Kostunica was the best candidate for prime minister and a guarantee for Serbia’s European and democratic future. Addressing a 3000-strong crowd at the Nis fortress, the DSS leader said that Serbia could enter the EU but only under the same conditions as the other 27 member-states. “Serbia is the heart of Europe, Serbia is the West of the East, the East of the West. So which country is more in Europe than Serbia? It’s that kind of Serbia that should enter the EU as a whole. With Kosovo,” Kostunica underlined. The DSS leader said that the number of states that had recognized Kosovo’s unilateral independence—36—was negligible and that Serbia had to continue protecting its territorial integrity. Ilic said that Serbia would succeed only if every region in the country developed and that much had been done in the south over the last few years. “Don’t let them lie to you in the coming days, don’t let them tell you that they’ll make a European Nis, because Nis has always been European, not African. That story holds no water. We want to work, and they can’t lie to you that nothing has been done,” insisted the NS leader. The rally (FoNet)

“Signing SAA means signing away Kosovo”

His coalition partner and New Serbia (NS) leader Velimir Ilić told the crowd that Koštunica was the best candidate for prime minister and a guarantee for Serbia’s European and democratic future.

Addressing a 3000-strong crowd at the Niš fortress, the DSS leader said that Serbia could enter the EU but only under the same conditions as the other 27 member-states.

“Serbia is the heart of Europe, Serbia is the West of the East, the East of the West. So which country is more in Europe than Serbia? It’s that kind of Serbia that should enter the EU as a whole. With Kosovo,” Koštunica underlined.

The DSS leader said that the number of states that had recognized Kosovo’s unilateral independence—36—was negligible and that Serbia had to continue protecting its territorial integrity.

Ilić said that Serbia would succeed only if every region in the country developed and that much had been done in the south over the last few years.

“Don’t let them lie to you in the coming days, don’t let them tell you that they’ll make a European Niš, because Niš has always been European, not African. That story holds no water. We want to work, and they can’t lie to you that nothing has been done,” insisted the NS leader.

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