"Holders of Serbian IDs issued in Kosovo cannot enter"

Member of the Kosovo government Edita Tahiri has said that citizens cannot use Serbian ID cards issued in Kosovo towns when entering Kosovo.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 15.12.2015.


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"Holders of Serbian IDs issued in Kosovo cannot enter"

"Identity cards issued by Serbia, where offices in Kosovo towns are referred to, are illegal. The Brussels agreement from 2011 on freedom of movement between Kosovo and Serbia, on mutual recognition of identity cards of both countries as documents for crossing refers to valid IDs issued by the competent authorities of both countries," Tahiri told the Kossev website, as quoted by the Beta agency.

She added that in line with this, both sides presented a copy of valid identification cards that the other side will accept.

"So, all others are invalid, which means that identity cards issued by parallel structures are illegal and in breach of the agreement on freedom of movement," said Tahiri.

According to her, it is up to Serbia to halt issuance of "such illegal identity cards."

When asked "how long will citizens be tolerated in using Serbian ID cards," she said: "If they apply for Kosovo identity cards, then application certificates as additional documents will help them cross the border."

Earlier today, media reported that some citizens complained they were no longer able to cross the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia using Serbian ID cards issued in towns in Kosovo.

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