PM: West wanted us to impose sanctions

Aleksandar Vučić says "the West asked Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, or more precisely to align its foreign policy with EU policy."

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 12.05.2014.


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PM: West wanted us to impose sanctions

Asked whether the negotiations with the EU could be halted because of this position, Vučić said that "cannot be known," but that western countries "should show understanding."

"I think people in the West should respect our position, which is very fair, because there are many questions that we can ask the best, and many would not have any answers," the prime minister was quoted as saying.

He added he "asked for the position of Serbia to be respected as well," which, when it comes to Russia, is based on moral, traditional, and strong economic ties, and is "fair and honest," though, he added, "a very difficult position for us."

According to Vučić, we in Serbia "went through everything that people in Ukraine are now going through." He noted that "for the people there, but also for our position, the best thing would be to find some peaceful solution."

"On the other hand, I think that Serbia has shown that its policy is best for us, that it holds to ethics, to EU integrations, but also respect our friends who have not introduced sanctions against us, who did not bomb us, and, very significantly, with whom we have very successful economic relations," Vučić told TV Pink, during an interview where he also spoke about "economic measures he was preparing for the recovery of Serbia."

He expressed his regret over the killings of civilians in the east of Ukraine and his hope that a peaceful solution to the crisis would be found.

Vučić said in the same interview the decision about whether to hold the Belgrade Pride gay parade depends on decisions to be taken by the state in accordance with security assessments.

He reiterated that his first official visit abroad will be to Sarajevo - "because Bosnia-Herzegovina is our big trading partner, a million and a half Serbs live there, and Serbia wants regional stability."

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