Report: Court to reject Bosnia’s genocide lawsuit

The International Court of Justice today decides on Bosnia’s genocide lawsuit against FRY.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 15.02.2007.


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Report: Court to reject Bosnia’s genocide lawsuit

The United Nation’s highest court’s ruling in the case will be presented to the public on February 26, by Judge Rosaline Higgins, on behalf of a panel of 15 judges.

Belgrade daily Blic reports today quoting from sources close to the court that Serbia will not be found guilty of having committed genocide against Bosnia.

The daily reports the International Court of Justice will rule that although war crimes against the Bosniaks and Croats have undoubtedly been perpetrated by Serbs, Bosnia’s lawsuit will be rejected on grounds of insufficient evidence that genocide took place on a state level.

The former state union of Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) disputed the International Court of Justice’s jurisdiction in the case, stating that at the time the lawsuit was brought against it, FRY was not a UN member-state.

The country’s legal team also rejected claims that genocide took place in Bosnia, and that official Belgrade could be held responsible for the crimes that occurred during the war in that country.

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