Democrats decide to expel Jeremić from party

The Executive Board of the opposition Democrats (DS) met on Thursday in Belgrade and decided to expel Vuk Jeremić from the party.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 14.02.2013.


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BELGRADE The Executive Board of the opposition Democrats (DS) met on Thursday in Belgrade and decided to expel Vuk Jeremic from the party. Jeremic was Serbia's former foreign minister who currently serves as president of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Democrats decide to expel Jeremic from party The DS leadership previously called on all former cabinet ministers from its ranks to "return their MP mandates", i.e., resign from parliament. However, Jeremic did not make an official statement on that demand, but said that, upon his return from New York, he intended to play an active role as MP. The party said today that he was no longer a DS member because he had failed to respect the previous decisions of the DS Main Board, and had violated the party statute. Several high-ranking DS officials told Belgrade-based Blic newspaper earlier on Thursday that they would "not hesitate to expel Jeremic even though he is one of the party's most popular politicians". Jeremic was previously quoted as saying that he would not return the mandate because it would be contrary to the Constitution and laws, according to which parliamentary mandates belongs to MPs rather than their party. On Thursday, as the party was deciding on his membership Jeremic was presiding over an UNGA session in New York, tweeting photos from the hall. DS leader Dragan Djilas in November called on all former ministers to return their MP mandates. Former Agriculture Minister Dusan Petrovic and Jeremic refused to do so and Petrovic was expelled on January 31. Jeremic was given more time to decide since he was not in the country. (Tanjug, file) B92 Tanjug

Democrats decide to expel Jeremić from party

The DS leadership previously called on all former cabinet ministers from its ranks to "return their MP mandates", i.e., resign from parliament.

However, Jeremić did not make an official statement on that demand, but said that, upon his return from New York, he intended to play an active role as MP.

The party said today that he was no longer a DS member because he had failed to respect the previous decisions of the DS Main Board, and had violated the party statute.

Several high-ranking DS officials told Belgrade-based Blic newspaper earlier on Thursday that they would "not hesitate to expel Jeremić even though he is one of the party's most popular politicians".

Jeremić was previously quoted as saying that he would not return the mandate because it would be contrary to the Constitution and laws, according to which parliamentary mandates belongs to MPs rather than their party.

On Thursday, as the party was deciding on his membership Jeremić was presiding over an UNGA session in New York, tweeting photos from the hall.

DS leader Dragan Đilas in November called on all former ministers to return their MP mandates. Former Agriculture Minister Dušan Petrović and Jeremić refused to do so and Petrović was expelled on January 31.

Jeremić was given more time to decide since he was not in the country.

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