Leaders react to preliminary election results

The next government will have to be formed by a coalition of two or more parties; the leaders have made their first statements tonight.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 12.05.2008.


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The next government will have to be formed by a coalition of two or more parties; the leaders have made their first statements tonight. The head of the Democrats (DS) and Serbian President Boris Tadic said tonight that his party, which won a convincing majority of votes but fell short of 126 seats, will form the next government. Leaders react to preliminary election results He said that his coalition "will lead the country to the EU and fight to preserve Kosovo". "These are the two goals that the new government and I as president will work for", Tadic told reporters at his party headquarters. He said that the Serbian citizens have unequivocally confirmed Serbia's clear European path and that, "just as they did in the presidential elections, they clearly said they wanted to join the EU". Tadic warned some parties, which he said were trying to bring Serbia back to the 1990s, "not to play with the will of the citizens because these attempts would be prevented by all democratic means". "For a European Serbia" ticket is made up of the DS, G17 Plus, the League of Vojvodina Social Democrats (LSV), the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) and the Sandzak Democratic Party (SDP). Meanwhile, the deputy leader of the Serb Radical Party (SRS) whose party came in second, also addressed journalists in Belgrade, to say that he will engage in coalition talks as soon as tomorrow morning, and that the first meeting will be with Vojislav Kostunica's Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). "We have demonstrated that on the ideological level we can be in a coalition," Nikolic said of the DSS. He added that there were no contacts this evening with any of the parties, but that he believed the Radicals will be able to muster enough votes in the parliament to participate in the next government. "Either we will have a SRS-DSS-SPS cabinet, and I suppose also some minority parties, or there will be no cabinet, and we'll be headed for new elections," Nikolic warned. He was also strongly critical of the statement made by Tadic tonight, accusing the DS leader and Serbia's president of violating the constitution when he "warned against any attempt to form a government that is not in the interest of the citizens of Serbia". "Tadic is trying to turn the majority of votes his ticket has won into an election victory," said Nikolic, whose party had won the most votes twice since 2000 but remained in opposition both times. "The SRS has never glorified its victory by making conditions to Serbia or when much weaker parties than ours formed governments". Nikolic added that his party has, according to the first results, won 1.5 percent more votes than in January 2007, which will still make it the strongest single party in the parliament. He also appealed to Tadic "to keep his emotions in check, and await the negotiations on the next government". The Democratic Party of Serbia – New Serbia (DSS-NS) coalition leader Vojislav Kostunica tonight ruled out any possibility of teaming up with the Democrats, and said that this pre-election coalition will not backtrack on any of the principles that it stood for in the campaign. "We will not calculate with our policy, it will not change," Kostunica said at the party headquarters in reaction to the election results tonight. He added it is "very important to form the next government quickly, since that will be the safest way for the country". The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and the coalition of minor parties gathered around it has emerged as the apparent kingmaker for the post-election period. Party leader Ivica Dacic said tonight that he will first talk with Kostunica's DSS in order to explore the possibilities of forming the next cabinet. "There is no parliamentary majority without the DSS-NS and SPS-PUPS-JS coalitions," he said. Dacic said it was "too early to talk about contacts with the Democrats", since his first partner for negotiations will be Kostunica. He also said the question of whether the SPS was ready to support a minority government "is four years too late". "Until now they have asked us who we'll join, and now, it is up to them to say who they will work with," Dacic said of the large parties and coalitions. The leader of the Socialists told reporters he considered the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition the only true winner of the elections, and that the SPS will support only those who stand for the defense of the country's territorial integrity and social justice. Tadic addresses supporters in Belgrade tonight (Beta)

Leaders react to preliminary election results

He said that his coalition "will lead the country to the EU and fight to preserve Kosovo".

"These are the two goals that the new government and I as president will work for", Tadić told reporters at his party headquarters.

He said that the Serbian citizens have unequivocally confirmed Serbia's clear European path and that, "just as they did in the presidential elections, they clearly said they wanted to join the EU".

Tadić warned some parties, which he said were trying to bring Serbia back to the 1990s, "not to play with the will of the citizens because these attempts would be prevented by all democratic means".

"For a European Serbia" ticket is made up of the DS, G17 Plus, the League of Vojvodina Social Democrats (LSV), the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) and the Sandžak Democratic Party (SDP).

Meanwhile, the deputy leader of the Serb Radical Party (SRS) whose party came in second, also addressed journalists in Belgrade, to say that he will engage in coalition talks as soon as tomorrow morning, and that the first meeting will be with Vojislav Koštunica's Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS).

"We have demonstrated that on the ideological level we can be in a coalition," Nikolić said of the DSS.

He added that there were no contacts this evening with any of the parties, but that he believed the Radicals will be able to muster enough votes in the parliament to participate in the next government.

"Either we will have a SRS-DSS-SPS cabinet, and I suppose also some minority parties, or there will be no cabinet, and we'll be headed for new elections," Nikolić warned.

He was also strongly critical of the statement made by Tadić tonight, accusing the DS leader and Serbia's president of violating the constitution when he "warned against any attempt to form a government that is not in the interest of the citizens of Serbia".

"Tadić is trying to turn the majority of votes his ticket has won into an election victory," said Nikolić, whose party had won the most votes twice since 2000 but remained in opposition both times.

"The SRS has never glorified its victory by making conditions to Serbia or when much weaker parties than ours formed governments".

Nikolić added that his party has, according to the first results, won 1.5 percent more votes than in January 2007, which will still make it the strongest single party in the parliament.

He also appealed to Tadić "to keep his emotions in check, and await the negotiations on the next government".

The Democratic Party of Serbia – New Serbia (DSS-NS) coalition leader Vojislav Koštunica tonight ruled out any possibility of teaming up with the Democrats, and said that this pre-election coalition will not backtrack on any of the principles that it stood for in the campaign.

"We will not calculate with our policy, it will not change," Koštunica said at the party headquarters in reaction to the election results tonight.

He added it is "very important to form the next government quickly, since that will be the safest way for the country".

The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and the coalition of minor parties gathered around it has emerged as the apparent kingmaker for the post-election period.

Party leader Ivica Dačić said tonight that he will first talk with Koštunica's DSS in order to explore the possibilities of forming the next cabinet.

"There is no parliamentary majority without the DSS-NS and SPS-PUPS-JS coalitions," he said.

Dačić said it was "too early to talk about contacts with the Democrats", since his first partner for negotiations will be Koštunica.

He also said the question of whether the SPS was ready to support a minority government "is four years too late".

"Until now they have asked us who we'll join, and now, it is up to them to say who they will work with," Dačić said of the large parties and coalitions.

The leader of the Socialists told reporters he considered the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition the only true winner of the elections, and that the SPS will support only those who stand for the defense of the country's territorial integrity and social justice.

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