EULEX "has info on yellow house, torture camps"

EULEX spokeswoman Karin Limdal says the mission has information on the existence of the so-called “yellow house” and a torture camp in northern Albania.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 15.04.2009.


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EULEX spokeswoman Karin Limdal says the mission has information on the existence of the so-called “yellow house” and a torture camp in northern Albania. Limdal said that prosecutors were gathering new information in order to establish whether there was sufficient evidence to launch an investigation into the matter. EULEX "has info on yellow house, torture camps" Speaking to Deutsche Welle, Limdal said EULEX had still to open an official investigation, and that that decision would be taken once all the details had been collected. “This type of crime cannot be solved without regional cooperation,” she pointed out, adding that that was why EULEX Chief Yves de Kermabon was traveling around the region and initiating cooperation. The Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office maintains that war crimes were committed in the "yellow house" and other camps in northern Albania against Serbs and other non-Albanians previously abducted in Kosovo. It is believed that a large number of people were tortured and murdered in these camps, and that their organs were subsequently harvested and sold for transplant to the highest bidder.

EULEX "has info on yellow house, torture camps"

Speaking to Deutsche Welle, Limdal said EULEX had still to open an official investigation, and that that decision would be taken once all the details had been collected.

“This type of crime cannot be solved without regional cooperation,” she pointed out, adding that that was why EULEX Chief Yves de Kermabon was traveling around the region and initiating cooperation.

The Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office maintains that war crimes were committed in the "yellow house" and other camps in northern Albania against Serbs and other non-Albanians previously abducted in Kosovo.

It is believed that a large number of people were tortured and murdered in these camps, and that their organs were subsequently harvested and sold for transplant to the highest bidder.

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