KPS: Goraždevac killers still unknown

Kosovo police have no information on who killed two Serb children in Goraždevac five years ago.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 14.08.2008.


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Kosovo police have no information on who killed two Serb children in Gorazdevac five years ago. Kosovo Police Serbia (KPS) spokesman Veton Elshani denied claims by the families of the murdered boys that police knew the name of the killer but had done nothing to arrest the suspect. KPS: Gorazdevac killers still unknown , (Beta) – “We have looked into everything and worked on it, and it turns out that none of it was true,” Elshani said. “We checked all the leads, interviewed witnesses, conducted investigations and we didn’t find anything that could lead us to the culprit,” he told the Beta news agency, adding that he believed that the perpetrator wiould be found, because the police would never close the investigation. Milisav Dakin, the father of one of the children, said that he had personally told police the name of the person who had opened fire on the children, who had been swimming in the Bistrica river. His son Pantelije and another boy, Ivan Jovovic, were killed in the incident, while a further four children were wounded. Elshani said that the police had interrogated all the suspects and had checked on information given by the families and other locals, but had found nothing that could lead to uncovering the killer’s identity. He said that the KPS was approaching the case very seriously and that they had not found any evidence sufficient for an arrest. “We are interested in finding the perpetrators. We believe someone must have heard or seen something, so we are always calling on witnesses, to whom we are offering protection, to come forward,” said the spokesman. He pointed out that a new investigative group, comprising KPS and UNMIK officials, had been formed in response to the murders over a year ago. Elshani stated that 75 witnesses had been interviewed, including the victims of the attack, and that 100 homes had been searched in which seven firearms had been discovered, but that the police had been unable to link anyone directly to the crime. The fathers of the two murdered boys called on KFOR and the police yesterday to find the murderers, adding that the identity of the killers was common knowledge. According to witness statements after the incident, the shots were fired from the Albanian-populated village of Zahac on 50 Serbs, including 30 children, who had been swimming in the Bistrica river. UNMIK has offered a EUR 1mn reward for information leading to the arrest of the gunmen.

KPS: Goraždevac killers still unknown

, (Beta) –

“We have looked into everything and worked on it, and it turns out that none of it was true,” Elshani said.

“We checked all the leads, interviewed witnesses, conducted investigations and we didn’t find anything that could lead us to the culprit,” he told the Beta news agency, adding that he believed that the perpetrator wiould be found, because the police would never close the investigation.

Milisav Dakin, the father of one of the children, said that he had personally told police the name of the person who had opened fire on the children, who had been swimming in the Bistrica river. His son Pantelije and another boy, Ivan Jovović, were killed in the incident, while a further four children were wounded.

Elshani said that the police had interrogated all the suspects and had checked on information given by the families and other locals, but had found nothing that could lead to uncovering the killer’s identity.

He said that the KPS was approaching the case very seriously and that they had not found any evidence sufficient for an arrest.

“We are interested in finding the perpetrators. We believe someone must have heard or seen something, so we are always calling on witnesses, to whom we are offering protection, to come forward,” said the spokesman.

He pointed out that a new investigative group, comprising KPS and UNMIK officials, had been formed in response to the murders over a year ago.

Elshani stated that 75 witnesses had been interviewed, including the victims of the attack, and that 100 homes had been searched in which seven firearms had been discovered, but that the police had been unable to link anyone directly to the crime.

The fathers of the two murdered boys called on KFOR and the police yesterday to find the murderers, adding that the identity of the killers was common knowledge.

According to witness statements after the incident, the shots were fired from the Albanian-populated village of Zahać on 50 Serbs, including 30 children, who had been swimming in the Bistrica river.

UNMIK has offered a EUR 1mn reward for information leading to the arrest of the gunmen.

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