Biden ordered: Extend the state of emergency; The Balkans poses threat to the USA

U.S. President stated that in accordance with the National Law on Emergency Situations, Decree on emergency situation in the Western Balkans remains in force.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 21.06.2023.


Biden ordered: Extend the state of emergency; The Balkans poses threat to the USA
Tanjug/AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Biden ordered: Extend the state of emergency; The Balkans poses threat to the USA

Joseph Biden pointed out that for this reason it is necessary to continue the state of emergency declared by Executive Order 13219 for the Western Balkans.

"The acts of extremist violence and obstructionist activity, as well as the situation in the Western Balkans, which impedes progress toward effective and democratic governance and full integration into transatlantic institutions, set forth in these executive orders, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States", said Biden in a message to Congress, it was published on the website of the White House.

According to a statement published on the White House website, the executive order was originally signed on June 26, 2001, and was subsequently amended by the Executive Order dated May 28, 2003, which was expanded under Executive Order 14033 and remains in effect after June 26, 2023.

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