Confirmation from Germany: Trump is right

"We have to stop this killing," says the head of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, about the war in the Middle East.

Izvor: DW

Wednesday, 14.02.2024.


Confirmation from Germany: Trump is right
Foto: Profimedia

Confirmation from Germany: Trump is right

In an interview with DW, he also talked about Trump, the security of Europe, and Ukraine.

"So many thousands of children have already been killed and there is clearly no end in sight. I really hope that Netanyahu will reconsider the possibility of doing what 150-plus countries have requested at the United Nations and finally agree to a ceasefire," Heusgen said in an interview for DW on the eve of the Munich Security Conference.

He pointed out that it is up to the politicians to look at what instruments they have so that their appeal for a ceasefire is really heard. "We've seen President Biden, we've seen Antony Blinken asking Netanyahu to stop, to allow a cease-fire so that more aid can be delivered. We'll see soon when the Israeli government has to report to the International Court of Justice on what it's doing to prevent genocide. We have to stop this killing," Heusgen said, referring to South Africa's lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

When asked whether there is evidence of genocide, that is, whether there is a danger that genocide will be committed, Heusgen answers: "This is what the International Court of Justice said by accepting the South African request - it said that there is a danger of genocide. And in order to prevent it, it requested that certain measures are taken and it must now be submitted to the court. We will see what Israel will do to prevent the genocide."

European nuclear shield?

Heusgen also commented on former US President Donald Trump's recent statement about NATO, which upset European politicians: "Maybe this will surprise you, but Donald Trump is right," says Heusgen. "The European members of NATO, i.e. all the member states of the Alliance, committed themselves ten years ago to spend two percent of their GDP on defense, and many countries, including mine, have not fulfilled this. Only now, with a special effort, have these goals been achieved two percent and it will be crucial that Germany and other partners continue to do that - not to do President Trump a favor, but to ensure European defense, to strengthen the European part of NATO."

In addition, Heusgen believes that it would be good for Germany's security if "the other European partners in NATO accept what the French President has offered - to discuss the "Force de Frappe", i.e. the French nuclear forces. We should also include the Great Britain to see how ready we are to have, as a complementary shield, European protection against those Europeans who have their own nuclear forces at their disposal."

"Changing borders in Europe – a terrible precedent" ​

Heusgen also talked about possible negotiations on ending the war in Ukraine, stressing that there must be security guarantees for any agreement. "Vladimir Putin must know that he will pay the price if he violates the agreement again, and from my perspective the best thing would be for Ukraine to join NATO, the strongest military alliance," says Heusgen.

"I think it's a very bad idea to think about ceding territory. It means you are changing the borders in Europe by force and I don't think that can be part of any agreement... Changing the borders in Europe by force would be a terrible precedent," concluded Christoph Heusgen in interview for DW.

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