A vehicle with a dangerous level of radiation stopped at the Serbian-Croatian border

As reported, at the Serbian-Croatian border crossing, in the area of the town of Sombor, a dangerous level of radiation was detected in a passenger vehicle.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 07.03.2023.


A vehicle with a dangerous level of radiation stopped at the Serbian-Croatian border
Foto: Profimedia

A vehicle with a dangerous level of radiation stopped at the Serbian-Croatian border

As reported by the media, on Saturday at the border crossing between Serbia and Croatia, in the area of the town of Sombor, a dangerous level of radiation was detected in a passenger vehicle.

According to the media, the presence of radioactive materials was "reported" by sensors installed at the border crossing.

According to unofficial information, sensors sounded warning of a high level of radiation and the presence of a "serious amount" of radioactive material in a passenger vehicle with foreign license plates that was waiting to leave Serbia.

The driver and two passengers, all Croatian citizens, were arrested on the spot, the media reports.

As RTS learns, three Croatian citizens were arrested after they tried to bring in the head of the lightning rod. As it was unofficially confirmed to RTS, the head of the lightning rod was found during control at the Bezdan border crossing in the trunk of an "Audi" vehicle.

According to the first information, after reporting the incident, the "duty team from Vinča" arrived and confirmed the presence of radioactive elements in the vehicle.

Also, according to the media, a serious level of radiation was detected in the border zone.

The Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" told B92.net that members of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia registered increased radioactivity, that is, the presence of an object in the vicinity of which a high dose of radiation was measured.

"Members of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia stop the vehicle at the Bezdan border crossing and register elevated radioactivity, i.e. the presence of an object in the vicinity of which a high dose of radiation was measured. On March 5, 2023, the inspector of the Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security orders that the radioactive object be taken over and safely transported and stored, which was done by the experts of the 'Vinca' Institute", B92.net was told.

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