Danger sirens in Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic VIDEO

More than a dozen members of the special police arrived in jeeps to the local self-government buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvečan.

Izvor: RTS

Friday, 26.05.2023.


Danger sirens in Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic VIDEO

Danger sirens in Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic VIDEO

Dozens of Serbs, employed in the temporary authorities of those municipalities, gathered at the entrances to the buildings.

The arrival of special police officers was accompanied by the sound of sirens in Leposavic, Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, which the residents of those areas activate to warn of danger.

There are currently Kosovo police around the municipal buildings.

The Kosovo police tried to enter the Zubin Potok municipality building, but the people prevented them from doing so, Milija Biševac from the "Zubin Potok" Civic Initiative told Tanjug.

Kosovo police and EULEX are on the scene.

Sirens also sounded in Kosovska Mitrovica, and according to the Tanjug reporter, the reason is unknown.

A small group of citizens gathered in front of the building of the temporary authority of the municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica.

The mayor of Zubin Potok Izmir Zeqiri, who won 197 votes in the elections on April 23, was sworn in yesterday in the village of Čabra, the mayor of Zvečan ljir Peci in the majority Albanian village of Boljetin.

The mayor of Leposavic, Lulzim Hetemi, also took his oath in the local office in the Šaljska Bistrica settlement.

All three mayors took the oath in the Albanian language, and when addressing the media, they said that they will work in the interest of all communities.

The mayor of the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Erden Atić, was sworn in on May 19, and won 553 votes in the elections.

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