Meeting between Belgrade and Pristina scheduled

A technical meeting of representatives of Belgrade and Pristina will be held in Brussels on Thursday, October 21.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 19.10.2021.


Meeting between Belgrade and Pristina scheduled
Ilustracija: Profimedia

Meeting between Belgrade and Pristina scheduled

The meeting will discuss a permanent solution to the issue of license plates, writes Gazeta Express.

This was confirmed for T7 television by the government in Pristina.

The government's response to that television said that a solution to the issue would be considered based on three main principles - to be in line with European Union standards and practice, to be applicable to both sides, and the one part that blocks a joint solution or doesn't implement what has been agreed upon, is considered to be the party blocking the dialogue.

Decisions are not expected to be reached at this meeting.

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