Rama: Solidarity with Veseli; Without war, there would be no right for Kosovo

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama responds after news on The Hague Special Court summoning Kosovo Democratic Party's President Kadri Veseli for hearing

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 08.11.2019.


Rama: Solidarity with Veseli; Without war, there would be no right for Kosovo

Rama: Solidarity with Veseli; Without war, there would be no right for Kosovo

Rama posted on Twitter that no matter how unfair the Special Court Tribunal's invitation to the KLA members was, there is nothing left but to speak the truth based on the war of a nation.

Rama claims that without the Kosovo Liberation Army, the people of Kosovo would still be denied the right.

"No matter how unfair the calls made to the KLA fighters by the Special Court, there is nothing left to tell but the truth about the rights of a nation gained through war, which without the Liberation Army would still be denied its rights! Solidarity with Kadri Veseli", Rama said, as reported by Kosovo online portal last night.

Kosovo Democratic Party (DPK) leader and former Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, announced earlier today that he had received an invitation to appear for a hearing before Special Court, and would travel to The Hague on December 4.

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