Two Serbian ministers to attend Serb Republic Day events

Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin will head a Serbian MoD delegation at Tuesday's marking of January 9, the day of the Serb Republic (RS).

Izvor: B92

Monday, 08.01.2018.


Two Serbian ministers to attend Serb Republic Day events
(Tanjug, file)

Two Serbian ministers to attend Serb Republic Day events

According to the Serbian MoD, Vulin will first attend a gathering to award an RS decoration to former Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, who now heads the National Council for Cooperation with Russia and China.

Later, Vulin will watch a ceremonial march-past in Krajina Square.

The marking of RS Day will conclude with a formal gathering at Banja Luka's Borik sports venue.

In addition to Vulin, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic will be representing the Serbian government at RS Day celebrations, Tanjug reported later on Monday.

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