Petković: "Kurti delivered a fatal blow to the Brussels Agreement" VIDEO

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, addresses the public at an extraordinary press conference.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 04.11.2022.



Petković: "Kurti delivered a fatal blow to the Brussels Agreement" VIDEO

As previously announced by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petković addressed the media in the Press Room of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

"We inform the public that by declaring that he is not interested in the formation of the CSM (Community of Serbian Municipalities), Kurti delivered a fatal blow to the Brussels Agreement and a blow to every other cooperation in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina," said Petković.

"Because of all this, the reaction of the state of Serbia is expected, especially because of the brutal violation of rights and contracts. This behavior of Kurti is a drop in the bucket, this behavior of Pristina has crossed the red line," said Petković.

"To such behavior of Albin Kurti, our people responded in a unified manner. They are very upset and because of this, President Vučić spoke for more than seven hours with several of our people and representatives of Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. All of them are united and determined to defend the right to freedom of movement. Vučić told them that he understood them, but he also pointed out the consequences if the Brussels Agreement were to be dismantled," said Petković.

"Our people have clearly said that they will do everything to fight to defend the right to exist in Kosovo and Metohija. Our people will resist in a democratic way... Vučić said that pogrom nor the Storm will not happen again. Serbia will, in the end, win...", said Petković.

Kurti replaced Djurić because he stood up for the Serbian people, explained Petković and stated that the Serbian people do not want license plates that are trying to be imposed on them.

When asked whether the Serbs will leave the institutions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he pointed out that their meeting is planned for tomorrow and that they will decide then.

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