Thaci counting on Muslim recognitions

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci says that he believes many Muslim countries will soon recognize Kosovo.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 19.08.2008.


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Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci says that he believes many Muslim countries will soon recognize Kosovo. “Some countries have recognized Kosovo’s independence, some are in the process of recognition, there are countries who haven’t recognized Kosovo independence but have recognized the passports,“ said Thaci six months after the province’s unilateral independence declaration. Thaci counting on Muslim recognitions The Kosovo prime minister said that “Belgrade is on the defensive“ in spite of the big media campaign concerning the Kosovo recognition process. He termed the six-month period since the independence declaration as historic, stressing that there had been many successes. Opposition leaders have spoken of the same period as a time of a legal vacuum and great government irresponsibility in many areas, from social problems to lobbying for Kosovo independence. Thaci said that in the last six months Kosovo had successfully passed from “transition to state-building.“ “A month after the formation of the new institutions, Kosovo’s political spectrum, with the help of the U.S. and EU, declared Kosovo an independent and sovereign state. Later the symbols of state and Constitution were adopted, while the strongest democratic states recognized Kosovo,“ said the prime minister. He voiced his dissatisfaction with the situation in Kosovska Mitrovica, and declined to discuss with reporters social problems, the strike by health care workers or the power shortages. Opposition politician Ardian Gjini said that Thaci had big problems within the ruling coalition. Gjini said that Thaci had succeeded in becoming a “prime minister president” like the East European prime ministers of the Seventies. Hashim Thaci (FoNet, archive)

Thaci counting on Muslim recognitions

The Kosovo prime minister said that “Belgrade is on the defensive“ in spite of the big media campaign concerning the Kosovo recognition process.

He termed the six-month period since the independence declaration as historic, stressing that there had been many successes.

Opposition leaders have spoken of the same period as a time of a legal vacuum and great government irresponsibility in many areas, from social problems to lobbying for Kosovo independence.

Thaci said that in the last six months Kosovo had successfully passed from “transition to state-building.“

“A month after the formation of the new institutions, Kosovo’s political spectrum, with the help of the U.S. and EU, declared Kosovo an independent and sovereign state. Later the symbols of state and Constitution were adopted, while the strongest democratic states recognized Kosovo,“ said the prime minister.

He voiced his dissatisfaction with the situation in Kosovska Mitrovica, and declined to discuss with reporters social problems, the strike by health care workers or the power shortages.

Opposition politician Ardian Gjini said that Thaci had big problems within the ruling coalition.

Gjini said that Thaci had succeeded in becoming a “prime minister president” like the East European prime ministers of the Seventies.

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