“I will meet with Belgrade team head in Priština”

Head of Priština negotiating team Edita Tahiri says that she is willing to meet with her Belgrade counterpart Borislav Stefanović in Priština if he wishes so.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 08.05.2011.


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Head of Pristina negotiating team Edita Tahiri says that she is willing to meet with her Belgrade counterpart Borislav Stefanovic in Pristina if he wishes so. This is according to the media in Pristina. “I will meet with Belgrade team head in Pristina” Stefanovic announced a visit to Kosovo ahead of the next round of the talks in Brussels May 17-18. He said he would meet with representatives of the Kosovo Serbs and institutions in Pristina. Edita Tahiri (Beta, file)

“I will meet with Belgrade team head in Priština”

Stefanović announced a visit to Kosovo ahead of the next round of the talks in Brussels May 17-18. He said he would meet with representatives of the Kosovo Serbs and institutions in Priština.

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