Serb politician on hunger strike "denied visits in hospital"

Oliver Ivanovic's lawyer Nebojsa Vlajkovic has said that the health condition of his client is becoming "increasingly more serious."

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 17.08.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

Serb politician on hunger strike "denied visits in hospital"

Ivanovic, who was arrested in early 2014 and is standing trial on war crimes charges, is in this way protesting against an EULEX judge's decision to extend his custody

, and wants to be released pending the outcome of the trial.

His lawyer, who visited him late on Sunday, told the state broadcaster RTS that Ivanovic was exhausted, disoriented, suffering from insomnia and "unable to concentrate."

In addition, said Vlajic, the court's decision to prevent his client's family and defense counsel from visiting "violates his human rights."

Vlajic said Ivanovic was determined to continue his hunger strike, although his defense, family, friends, and his doctors are all trying to persuade him to "either end the strike or change its regime."

Vlajic said he would speak with Ivanovic again today and that his client will "most likely start eating soup served at the Kosovska Mitrovica Health Center, in other words, fluid foods."

Ivanovic will also "probably allow the administering of complete IV fluids."

"He is not ending his strike, he will not take solid foods, he is simply changing the regime of this strike," explained the lawyer.

Vlajic also said that due to the court's decision, Ivanovic's family was not allowed to visit on Saturday and Sunday, while on Sunday "even a priest who wished to convince him to end the hunger strike" was turned back.

The lawyer said that he, too, "had difficulties" two days earlier when he wanted to visit Ivanovic.

"The judge made a new decision in effect explaining the old one, and saying that his defense can now visit him, which, in my opinion, should not have been contentious at any point," said Vlajic, and announced he would ask the judge to also allow Ivanovic's family to visit him, "considering he has that right."

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