Media: Terrible question posed by K.K.

The killer boy shows no remorse even today, six days after the mass murder.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 09.05.2023.


Media: Terrible question posed by K.K.
Tanjug/AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic

Media: Terrible question posed by K.K.

The killer boy (13), who killed eight peers and a guard at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar" with his father's gun, shows no remorse even today, six days after the mass murder, the media report, citing sources close to the investigation. He is in isolation at the Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Youth in Dr. Subotić Street, he is said to be completely calm and has only two questions: "When do I get out of here?" and "What are the reactions to what I did?".

Describing the boy's current condition, the "Blic" source states that the boy killer thinks and behaves as if it is a question of the moment when he leaves the Clinic, that is, when he will be free. He is waiting for that moment and apparently he is convinced that it should be these days.

"The second question he asks is what kind of impact he has left, what are the reactions. What is happening outside and he expects to be popular. His expectations are literally that people will gather under his window and chant for him," the newspaper's interlocutor explains.

It is added that the seventh-grader does not even receive sedatives, because he is "completely calm".

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