National Assembly adopts Serbia's state budget for 2019

The Serbian National Assembly adopted on Friday the Budget Law for 2019, with 141 votes in favor, and none against or abstained.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 07.12.2018.


National Assembly adopts Serbia's state budget for 2019
The Serbian National Assembly in Belgrade (Tanjug, file)

National Assembly adopts Serbia's state budget for 2019

According to the Serbian government, the new budget envisages revenues of RSD 1,246.2 billion and expenditures of RSD 1,269.1 billion, so the deficit will be RSD 22.9 billion, which is 0.4 percent of the expected gross domestic product (GDP).

The budget is projected on the basis that the GDP growth will be 3.5 percent next year, and that inflation will amount to 2.3 percent.

The budget envisages funds to increase salaries in the public sector from seven to 12 percent, so that the total salary fund at all levels of government in 2019 will be higher by RSD 33 billion than this year, while allocations for pensions from the state budget and the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund (PIO) will be increased by RSD 35 billion.

RSD 165.5 billion is envisaged for capital investments, which is 30 percent more than this year.

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