Sreda, 06.06.2007.


Đoković: "Protiv Nadala još bolje"

Izvor: Aleksa Gutoviæ

Ðokoviæ: "Protiv Nadala još bolje" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

Svaka cast,Nole, ti si ponos nase zemlje!
Moje predvidjanje polufinala :

Djokovic: 6 4 6 7
Nadal: 4 6 3 5

Samo hrabro!!!
A i srpkinje ce navijati za njega, ne brinite... :)


pre 16 godina

Dobio on Nadala ili ne,ovo je sam po sebi fantastican rezultat,a mislim da ce mu mnogo biti lakse u ovom mecu posto konacno nije favorit,videlo se da se mnogo vise nervira nego inace jer je bio pod pritiskom.Sada ako pobedi Nadala bice senzacija broj 1 u svetu a ako izgubi svi ce mu cestitati jer polufinale sigurno nije mala stvar.Svaka cast NOLE!


pre 16 godina

Koliko se secam meca sa Nadalom na Rolan Garosu od prosle godine, pre povrede je Nole pristojno igrao. S obzirom da je od tada napredovao, mislim da ima sanse, pod uslovom da igra pametno, uporno i strpljivo od prvog do poslednjeg momenta meca. Kada Nole bude jos poboljsao fizicke karakteristike, a trebace mu jos godinu - dve, mislim da ce tada biti potpuno ravnopravan sa Nadalom i Federerom. U mnogim segmentima ih je dostigao ili im je sasvim blizu. Takodje, mnogo mi se svidelo Novakovo insistiranje da se sto pre napravi Nacionalni teniski centar u Srbiji. Svako takvo ulaganje, a to nije posebno skupa investicija, vratice nam se stostruko. Pa vise nam vredi ovaj pozitivan utisak sa Rolan Garosa nego da je nasa vlada ulozila sto miliona evra u reklame na svim velikim svetskim televizijama. Imamo toliko talentovane dece, a takodje ocigledno je da imamo i izvanredne trenere, koji znaju da rade sa tom decom. Pa Jelena Gencic je otkrila i usmerila Novaka Djokovica kada je bilo najvaznije, a tu je i plejada drugih trenera. Bitno je da deca posle 12te godine ne idu iz zemlje da treniraju kod drugih, vec da budu kod svoje kuce i da drugi dolaze kod nas. Koliko samo Spanci imaju dobrih igraca, nema razloga da tako ne bude i kod nas. S obzirom da je 2009.g. Univerzijada u Beogradu, eto sjajne prilike da se odmah realizuje izgradnja Nacionalnog teniskog centra, pa da u prvih sto uvek imamo po 5-6 tenisera, i da uvek neko konkurise za titulu na najvecim svetskim turnirima. A i deca iz trenaznog procesa koja ne uspeju da postanu vrhunski teniseri, bar ce izrasti u zdrave ljude, u svakom pogledu, i uspece da nadju svoje mesto u tenisu i sportu uopste na ovaj ili onaj nacin.

mali buda

pre 16 godina

Ako Vi mislite da americka vlada, drzava pomaze svoje individualne sportiste, tenisere.. onda ste Vi, dragi moj gospodine u VELIKOJ zabludi. Ovde je samo kesh, kesh i kesh! Nista osim komercijalnog ne postoji.
Radovanje Srba povodom uspeha svojih sunarodnika je NORMALNA stvar, NIJE nikakvo nacionalisticko ludilo, vec razumljivi izlivi patriotizma i podrske.
Nacionalisticko ludilo bi bilo kad bi ovde provejavale poruke mrznje prema igracima druge nacije, vere itd... a ja to ovde ne vidim.
Napred Nole, mozes ti to! Cuda se dogadjaju onima koji veruju u njih!


pre 16 godina

@Boziji poslusnik: da nisi slucajno promasio sajt? Nadji na google link od SPC (ja ga ne znam jer me ne zanima), mislim da su ovakvi komentari tamo na pravom mestu.
Ovde covece radi o tenisu. O jednom veoma dobrom i finom srpskom teniseru koji je ostvario svoj najveci uspeh u karijeri. I nije ga ostvario zato sto ne zna da igra i zato sto ga je sad odjednom Bog pogledao, nego je to sve ostvario jer je vredno trenirao hiljade i hiljade casova, jer je mnogo drugih stvari zrtvovao da bi to uspeo, i on i njegovi roditelji!
Religioznom fanatizmu, nacionalizmu, pricama o Kosovu, teorijama zavere itd. ovde ne bi trebala da se pruzi platforma. Zamolio bih urednike sajta da obrate paznju i da objavljuju iskljucivo komentare koji imaju veze sa temom, a da svesno ignorisu ili cenzurisu komentare o politici, Bogu, Kosovu itd. Totalno glupo je citati ovde takve nebuloze.
Unapred hvala.
Sto se Noleta tice, naravno da moze (i morace) jos jace protiv naduvanog spanca. Verujem u njega, isto kao sto verujem u Anu, Jelenu i Nenada danas!

Pih, kakva smo mi slaba teniska nacija: evo upravo sam video da u konkurenciji devojcica i decaka necemo imati nikog u polufinalu. Slabi smo mnogo :-))


pre 16 godina

I tako svi Srbi stadoše u red i krenuše da muzu Novakove pobede. I Anine. I Jelenine. Te, "mi" ovo , te "mi" ono. Iako ta Srbija nije uradila NIŠTA da toj deci omogući barem poštene terene, bez rupa i džombi, a kamoli nešto ozbiljnije; zato, iskulirajte sa tim nacionalističkim ludilom. Ništa ova deca ne duguju Srbiji, a još manje nama, Srbima.
Jedino što nas mogu stalno podsećati na to koliko smo bedni kao narod - dok treba saviti kičmu, nigde nas nema, a kad treba pobrati lovorove vence, slikati se za naslovne strane - eto nas, odmah! "Naravno, to smo MI!"

king of snake

pre 16 godina

Prvo ne mozemo mi da se uporedjujemo sa Amerikancima...Oni su nekada imali 3 od 10 najboljih tenisera svih vremena(Sampras,Mekinro,Agasi..)Mi smo sada u prednosti ali za razliku od njih mi nikada nismo imali velike sampione..Nadam se da ce se to popraviti...Cinjenica je da mi imamo extra talente u svakom sportu ali ne znamo da radimo na njima..Kod njih je sasvim obrnuto..Kod nas se bezi sa casova fizickog ali kod njih to ima posebnu tezinu...MISLITE O TOME!!!
Sto se tice meca,Novak mora da se krece kao nikada do sada i,ono sto moram da naglasim je,MORA DA IGRA RETERN SVOM SNAGOM!!!Pa onaj Rafica servira jedva 180 na sat a Venus 206!!!Ne sme da se gresi na zicerima...Mora da prostudira igru Federera kada je nedavno silovao Raficu 6:0...OD NAS ZAVISI!!

Predsjednik Kluba

pre 16 godina

Bravo za pobjedu, ali bravo i za izjavu. Svaka(rijec) ti je na mjestu. Samo tako. Srbija, Crna Gora i Republika Srpska su uz tebe, a i mnogi tvoji navijaci sirom Jugoslavije i svijeta. Ne mozes da izgubis u slijedecem mecu, mozes samo da dobijes jos vise.

Spic Vocara

pre 16 godina

Je li moguce zelja njegovih da dobije Nadala, nije svjestan svoje nesvjesti. Sve ostaje samo na zeljama IZRAZITIM NE OSTVARENIM.

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

sposlednjim vestima iz svog malog hipotalamusa
javio nam se zaovu preliku preimenovali iz dragan bgd u saša zr
asad eo i marija zbrojom 29
to vije onai koga love i dotorke ai šinteri pase stalno siroma krie
paon misli da mi nine znamo koi jeon toes ona
svetlana stamatović licno ai permsonalno
pa provokcira degod stigne
a ne
ne nie
omak seon toes ona prepoznaje
jar mu njemu isto koi njoj
jednako smrdi iz usta
štaćeš kad nevodi oralnu kigijenu

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava


pre 16 godina

Ne sumnjam da ce Novak dati sve od sebe i da ce to biti zanimljiv mec, ali sanse na pobedu su jednake sansi vrapca da preleti Atlantik. Ja nisam zensko i Nadal mi nije simpatican, ali on na sljaci igra sa tolikom snagom i brzinom da se ponekad najezim zbog toga. Srecno Novace i cekaj travu i beton.

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava


pre 16 godina

Mozda ce zvucati kao shala, ali verujte nije...

Chitam textove i mislim u sebi "Chovecheee... ko danas sve koristi kompjutere i internet"

poz Olfrud

svi (ni)su isti

pre 16 godina

Svaka mu cast! Postuje i sebe i protivnika. Ne samo da je veliki teniser, nego i covek.

Kad se setim jadnog Maradone, prosto me hvata tuga, sta od nekih taj sport napravi, ako se ne koristi kako treba.


pre 16 godina

Brate Srbine:
Prebio si ga k`o mati ludu `cerku!!!
Alal ti sprava!
Jos kad bi prebio onog, da izvinete, "buljasha", idem odmah da se pomirim sa devojkom, makar mi i ne da jos mesec dana!!!
Ziv mi bio.


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?


pre 16 godina

Samo opusteno, Nole! Igraj svoj najbolji tenis, pa sta bude. Vec si postigao istorijski uspjeh. Ako ga ne dobijes ove godine, sledece ces sigurno. Mada bi silo fino da se u direktnom okrsaju sa Davidenkom odluci ko ce biti trci na svijetu u sledecem periodu


pre 16 godina

e pa Braticu Sada je kljuc u tvojim rukama , ako ga sredis to znaci da si jedan od najvecih ikada jerje on to trenutno...
Ides matori pa sta budeeeeeeeeee


pre 16 godina

jel moze neko da mi odgovori ko je pisao ovo na engleskom, kapiram neki novinar, znachi umro sam od smeha posebno ovo perspirant....a i koje je ovaj prorok?! inace, hrabro Nole!

Bozji poslusnik i izvrsitelj-Trajan Krecu-Tigar

pre 16 godina

Bozji mir vama svima iz celog sveta koji citate ovaj tekst !!! Ja nisam uopste iznenaden sto su nasi teniseri tako uspesni u Parizu na Rolan Garosu..............jer vidite dragi moji srbi iz daljine..............ovo je ''tek pocetak procveta srpskog sporta '' ! Bog mi je rekao prosle nedelje , iduce godine na OI u Kini, novi selektor muske kosarkaske reprezentacije -- gosp. Zoran Slavnic ima da predvodi nasu reprezentaciju tako sto ce '' Himalaje da se tresu '' ! Bog je poceo da blagoslovi Srbiju............moja siromasno braco.......jer dosta su vas drugi ispljuvali dok vi ste im dali hleba, dosta su vas gazili cizmama dok ste vi trazili pravdu, dosta su vam se smejali da ste siromasni............ali Bog je rekao -- DOSTA,DOSTA,DOSTA!!! Bog kaze u Biblju da voli da uzme ljude sa '' razbijenim srcima '' , koji su patili, ......dosta je bilo patnje, sad ce doci .......suce od srece i osmeha !!! Bog je dao da ''Molitva '' pobedi na Evroviziju, pesma pevana Isusu......od strane Marije.....Serifovic !!! Alpinisti su osvoijli Mont Everest, a Bog je rekao hriscanima ovde u Americi -- '' onaj ko osvaja najvisi vrh, taj ce zavladati '' ! Za kraj, spremite se za OI , upamtit ce SRBIJU, kao nekad DDR i mnogi ce se zacuditi, kako, odakle i zasto...........odgovor je BOG je sa vama !!! Vise puta sam u proteklih 4 nedelje zvao srpsku ambasadu u Vasingtoni i 3 osobama sam dao poruku od Boga : '' Kosovo ostaje deo Srbije, nece Bog dozvoliti da ijedan cm hriscanskog naroda da muslimanima '' ! Sledeci su fudbaleri, vaterpolisti Partizana, nek neko ko cita ovaj tekst daje poruku Zoranu Slavnicu da ovo procita !!! Dat ce mu bog i pomocnika i '' hrabre momke '', kao sto je i on bio .......zato ga je Bog stavio za selektora.......nek mu se smeju.......ali vratit ce se sa paradom ispred skupstine i sa trubama...........inace mnogi od vas mozda vec znaju.........ja volim Partizan......ali svi su nasi !!!


pre 16 godina

Jeste li videli trenutak na kraju meča kad je pružio svoj znojnik mislim onom liku u invalidskim kolicima?!To je bilo nešto fenomenalno!I stvarno se osećam ponosnim zbog uspeha tenisera!!!Kad radimo ono što najbolje umemo tj. bijemo bitke na sportskom terenu svet može samo da nam zavidi i da nam se divi a mi možemo i da progutamo koji poraz-ipak nisu česti!!!


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?

Three 6 mafia

pre 16 godina

Sta ce Ameri kad svih DEVET igraca ispadne kao I prosle godine u prvom kolu !!Ipak je ovo planetarni sport,neka se tese hilbilskim sportovima tipa njihovog fudbala I bejzbola.

coa hamburg

pre 16 godina

pratio sam te u hamburgu,gde nisi igrao u najboljoj formi,ali sada tek vidim zasto...U petak uzimam pare na tebe,kvota je fenomenalna,na 100€ dobitak 540€.izvor bwin...pozzz iz hamburga


pre 16 godina

Vitches: Ova and Out!
Posted 06/05/2007 @ 12 :15 PM

Jelena I suppose this post should be about the Serena Williams-Justine Henin match, but a funny thing happened to me on the way to Armageddon, Part 3 (which was, from what I could tell, played under the influence of Prozac, or as Henin would more charitably describe it, "serenity"). I fell in love with Serbia. So my ongoing "to-do" list has now been modified:

1 - Run around Paris, trying to find a Serbian national soccer team jersey with a name on the back - and something without vowels, please; it's got to be as consonant-heavy as the name of Superman's Nemesis (Mr. Mxplyx. . . oh hail, I don't remember, help!).

2 - Call the Super Bowl network and tell the meatheads in the suits that when the next MVP walks off the field and a microphone gets shoved in his face, he should say, "I'm going to Zrenjanin!"

3 - Text message whichever Ramone is still alive and have him change the name of the song to "I Wanna Be Serbiated."

Yeah, I've got it that bad. But we had an extraordinary moment in tennis here today, and it had nothing to do with the Henin family reunion or a Richard Williams rant; at 1:37, Jelena Jankovic punched her ticket to the semifinals with a win over Nicole Vaidisova, and exactly one minute later, Ana Ivanovic closed out Svetlana Kuznetsova to advance to the semis on the other side of the draw. Is it possible that in two days time, we'll be talking about Roland Garros, aka The Serbian Open?

There was a fitting symmetry to putting JankIvanovic on different courts with the same start time (Ivanovic on Chartrier, Jankovic on Lenglen), although that presented me with certain problems. My tactical decision was to sit at my press desk with the headphones, a TV sets on either side tuned to one of the matches. An added benefit here was that I got reverse-Esperanto commentary: a Babel of in English, Spanish, French, Serbian, Russian and some other languages that I can't speak and therefore in which I can't say anything stupid.

The match on Lenglen was a battle between the all-star infielder (Jankovic) and the home-run hitter (Vaidisova), and the perky retriever executed her game plan to perfection. She ran down Vaidisova's aggressive, forcing shots and continually made her hit one more ball, giving her the opportunity to hit one more error, until the last one ended it in Jankovic's favor, 6-3,7-5. Afterward, Jankovic would say: "I was moving really well today, and I tried to defend her balls. And that's mainly what the key of the match was. I was just retrieving well, and now I'm happy to be in the semifinal for the first time here in Paris."

Charlie Bricker, my spy on Lenglen, slipped down to the player's exit from the court immediately after the match and reports that as soon as Jelena walked into the corridor, she fell into the arms of her mother, Snezana (putting that one on your short list for baby names?). Jelena said, "Oh mother, my heart was beating so fast at the end that I was afraid . . " And here she used her hand to simulate the beating against her breast. "But it was inside and it couldn't get out!" Snezana, in case you don't know, is one of the 11 million "economists" churned out in a part of the world that, at the time, had no economy.

The match on the Centrale might have been the Hundred-Acre Wood Open, as it featured Pooh Bear (Ivanovic) vs. Eyeore (Kuznetsova) in an uneven, flawed clash. Ivanovic won 6-0,3-6,6-1.She played flawless, aggressive, tennis in the first set, hiccuped in the second, but pulled her game back in a tight pony tail again in the third.

Oh, Kuznetsova pulled a stomach muscle somewhere along the way, but who cares? Apparently Ivanovic woke up this morning to discover that she is not really Ana Ivanovic but. . Jennifer Capriati! I'm not kidding about that. The big difference I see between the two is that Ivanovic appears to be as sunny as Capriati was surly.

In a way, you had to feel bad for Eyeore. For one thing, that plum-trying-to-be-pink dress Kuznetsova wore had people wondering, "what color would you call that?" It had other interesting features as well, like the effective way it showed and emphasized perspiration. But Kuznetsova's inadequacies as a fashionista are only slightly more glaring than her profile as a dissident champion.

When Kuznetsova won the US Open in 2004, she found herself staring at a big window to establish her self as a top player, what with Maria Sharapova still green, Henin virally afflicted, Kim Clijsters willing to step down - instead of up - on nearly every big occasion, and Venus and Serena holding aloft the skull of Yoric, deep in a conversation that would last some years. Now, it appears that the window may be closed. The aforementioned women are all (with the possible exception of Venus) on an even keel, and a handful of new contenders, including the Vitches, are on the radar. Nobody can say Sveta didn't have the kind of shot Jim Courier made the most of, under similar circumstances, a decade or so ago. She shut the window instead of jumping through it.Ana

The presser conducted by each of the Vitches was a love-in, and if it didn't exactly start that way, I was hellbent on turning it into one. Jankovic appeared with her hair pulled back, lip gloss flickering in the intense indoor lights. She was beaming. I observed that with the Vitches winning simultaneously and Novak Djokivic also doing well, there seemed to be some kind of Serbian magic at work. Jelena giggled her way through the reply:

A Serbian power or something, that wherever you go you see just Serbians (laughing). Wherever you go, it's just Serbians all over the place, winning all these matches. It's just incredible. I'm just proud of that, and just, hopefully, we can keep going.

"Do you see any of that in the street? Do Serbian people see you and recognize you in the streets in Paris?

In Paris, I haven't had the chance to walk around on the street so people can recognize me. I'm always mainly locked up, trying to concentrate and do my own things.

Bricker had the nerve to turn the conversation back to tennis, asking Jankovic if she needed to get her serve a little quicker and a little more accurate for the final stages of the tournament. Her reply was vintage Jankovic:

Me and my serve, it's just unbelievable. I have to really work on my serve. But at the moment, who knows? I am now four or three in the world with this serve. Can you imagine if I had a bigger serve, so what I would do to these girls, but...(laughing). No, I am just kidding. I am just trying to work on this serve. But everybody has their weaknesses, their weapons in their games. So nothing -- you cannot have all weapons. You cannot have all so good shots. But I am trying to improve this, and some things cannot happen overnight.

I ripped the mike out of deadbeat Charlie's hand and got back to the topic at hand: "You have a great fighting spirit on the court, and in here you have a great spirit. . . a humorous spirit. Isn't there a contradiction in there somewhere?"

I really don't know. I'm a girl, I like to win, for sure. I always give my best, and I fight until the end. I never want to let the opponent get on top of me. I'm just there to fight and really give my all on the court. Off the court, I am an outgoing, fun person, and that's my personality, for sure.

Someone observed that the Player Lounge has been packed with Serbs these past few days, and Jelena revealed that some of the most well-known Serbs are gathered in Paris, relishing some kid of Serbian breakout. These personages include the winner of a recent Eurovision singing contest (think, Serbian Idol, sans Paula Abdul), a few of the obligatory soccer stars, whatever. It's all good; who said this is Justine's House?

Somebody else wondered if Jelena had bumped into Ana in the locker room, enabling them to exchange congratulations. Her reply was animated:

No, she (Ana) was in Chatrier and I was in Lenglen, which is a long way. And the woman from the media kept going after me, "Hurry up, hurry up, you have to be on time." You can see, I didn't brush my hair. She's like, "You need to be there 1:30." I'm like, "Okay, I will try my best."

And when Jelena was asked to reflect on her chances going forward, she said:

Now I'm in the semifinal. I still have -- everybody in the beginning of the week when I play my first round, you're favorite to win the French Open, you are this, you are that. So many expectations. But I said to myself, when I would be holding the trophy, then I am the favorite. Then I won the tournament, and for sure, I did this.

It was an interview brimming with charm and bonhomie - such a marked difference from some of the tense and even unpleasant debriefings to which we've grown accustomed. Oh, sure, the Vitches haven't felt the pressure of success nor heat of close scrutiny, but I almost forgot how much fun it is to play with the kittens before they grow the claws of the Big Cats.

In her own presser, Ivanovic was equally willing to show - and share - the glee she felt, and she still was a little shell-shocked by what she had achieved. When I asked if a match that ragged was good preparation for a tough semi (she will play Sharapova, while Jankovic plays Henin), she was still a little dazed:

Yeah, sure it was. It was a very tough match. Everything was happening quite fast. First set was, I would say, a little bit strange. I played some really good tennis. I was aggressive. And, I guess, she was a little bit nervous. . .Everything was happening very fast, so I didn't think much about it. I just tried to move forward and be aggressive, and stay low. And I didn't make -- I hadn't made any errors, so I would say I was pretty good.

Ivanovic conceded that the prospect of an all-Serbian final was "very exciting" and, rather amusingly, reminded us that we had never witnessed such thing before. That was my cue to ask if something "supernatural" was going on here for Serbia. She said:

Yeah, it's very exciting to see all of us doing so well. Especially we are all very young, so we all have many years in front of us and many possibilities. So it's very exciting, and I'm sure people back home are very proud of us, and that makes us feel very good.

I asked if she talked to Novak Djokovic much, and she said:

Yeah, we speak and we catch up. It's nice to see, because I've known him for a very long time, so it's nice to catch up . . I can learn also from watching him play, because men's game is different than women's, so I can learn watching him. And he is a great player. He can achieve a lot.

Of course, Ana can't be expected to huddle with Jelena quite as freely as with the Djoker, and she confessed that what conversations she has with Jelena tread lightly around the subject of tennis. But she stressed that all the Serbs still feel they can learn from each other. And this led Bricker to cut to the chase and ask Ana about her relationship with Jelena. She described it like this:Novak

Well, when we start playing tennis, she was -- she's two years older than me, so we never played many tournaments together back home, and we lived in different parts of the city. So we never practiced with each other. And then she went to America and I went to Switzerland.

So we kind of we had different ways, different roads, so we never really had a chance to practice with each other. And even now, we both have our own teams and our own things we like to do. And it's a little bit different. But we are both a bit -- we both found our way, and we are both doing well, so that's the most important thing.

I observed, "Both you and Jelena both come in here and you kind of light up the room. You have great humor. You're happy and bubbly. Is this a national characteristic?

Yeah, we are happy people. Yeah, people back home, they're very friendly and open. And, yeah, we like to have fun. And that's something, yeah, I guess we are just born like that and we bring that from home. So it's -- I think it's important to be positive and to have a smile.

Okay, this has been fun. But there's a serious dimension to all of this as well. This has been a historic Roland Garros, and Italian journalist and blogger extraordinare Ubaldo Scanagatta helped me put it into perspective in a conversation we had shortly after the Vitches made the semis. Ubaldo pointed out that when Lleyton Hewitt lost to Rafael Nadal yesterday, "it was the story of 75 years of tennis history, disappearing."

What he meant was that the three towering tennis powers - Great Britain (who invented the game), the Australians (who brought it to its apex at the dawn of the Open era) and the US (who dominated the game in the subsequent, commercially-driven era), were clearly - if not necessarily permanently - in ruins.Oh, there was Serena Williams on the women's side - for another 45 minutes, anyway - but Serbia and Russia accounted for half of the entire quarterfinal line-up at Roland Garros.

And about that fourth tennis power, France, home of the legendary Musketeers (LaCoste, Cochet, Borotra and Brugnon) had started 36 players in Paris this year - their bodies lay strewn all over the red clay, like so many poppies on a graveyard.

So much for the old world, let's celebrate the new. It's always better to live in the light than the dark.


pre 16 godina

Pa ne znam bas da ga svi u Srbiji podrzavaju. Podrzavaju ga Srbi, al' Srpkinje vole Nadala. Tako je i kod nas u manastiru: monahinje su sve za Nadala, a Ratko Mladic i monasi svi odredda navijaju za Novaka i sve se nesto ljute, bas su se uvredili.
Ako, ako, s Bozjom pomocu i, naravno:
Vamos RAFA!

tvoja obozavateljka

pre 16 godina

bravo nole,KRALJU!!!ma kakav nadal,o cemu ti pricas,pitanje je da li ce biti 3:o ili 3:1,naravno za tebe!!!;)...pusti ga malo,ipak je to kao navodno njegova podloga,bice sramota da tako ubedljivo izgubi.pozz veliki za tebe,pa se vidimo u bg,da slavimo titulu,i naravno sa jednom od ove dve devojke,posto ipak ne mogu obe,jer kad se budu sastale u finalu jedna protiv druge,jedna ce da slavi,ja se nadam ana,posto je ti vise volis!kiss


pre 16 godina

Sa verom u BOGA , za SEBE , za SRBE , za OTADZBINU !!! Samo hrabro pa sta BOG da . Sto se mene tice a smatram i velikog dela MAJKE SRBIJE ti si NAJVECI SAMPION

Gustavo Kuerten

pre 16 godina

Ima slabosti I spanijard na sljaci inace ne bi bio dva metra iza osnovne linije na protivnicki servis. Kad-tad on mora I na Roland Garrosu da izgubi. Mislim da Nole ima mnogo vece sanse da ga pobedi od Federera. Teniski SPEKTAKL ,finale pre finala!!


pre 16 godina

Vitches: Ova and Out!
Posted 06/05/2007 @ 12 :15 PM

Jelena I suppose this post should be about the Serena Williams-Justine Henin match, but a funny thing happened to me on the way to Armageddon, Part 3 (which was, from what I could tell, played under the influence of Prozac, or as Henin would more charitably describe it, "serenity"). I fell in love with Serbia. So my ongoing "to-do" list has now been modified:

1 - Run around Paris, trying to find a Serbian national soccer team jersey with a name on the back - and something without vowels, please; it's got to be as consonant-heavy as the name of Superman's Nemesis (Mr. Mxplyx. . . oh hail, I don't remember, help!).

2 - Call the Super Bowl network and tell the meatheads in the suits that when the next MVP walks off the field and a microphone gets shoved in his face, he should say, "I'm going to Zrenjanin!"

3 - Text message whichever Ramone is still alive and have him change the name of the song to "I Wanna Be Serbiated."

Yeah, I've got it that bad. But we had an extraordinary moment in tennis here today, and it had nothing to do with the Henin family reunion or a Richard Williams rant; at 1:37, Jelena Jankovic punched her ticket to the semifinals with a win over Nicole Vaidisova, and exactly one minute later, Ana Ivanovic closed out Svetlana Kuznetsova to advance to the semis on the other side of the draw. Is it possible that in two days time, we'll be talking about Roland Garros, aka The Serbian Open?

There was a fitting symmetry to putting JankIvanovic on different courts with the same start time (Ivanovic on Chartrier, Jankovic on Lenglen), although that presented me with certain problems. My tactical decision was to sit at my press desk with the headphones, a TV sets on either side tuned to one of the matches. An added benefit here was that I got reverse-Esperanto commentary: a Babel of in English, Spanish, French, Serbian, Russian and some other languages that I can't speak and therefore in which I can't say anything stupid.

The match on Lenglen was a battle between the all-star infielder (Jankovic) and the home-run hitter (Vaidisova), and the perky retriever executed her game plan to perfection. She ran down Vaidisova's aggressive, forcing shots and continually made her hit one more ball, giving her the opportunity to hit one more error, until the last one ended it in Jankovic's favor, 6-3,7-5. Afterward, Jankovic would say: "I was moving really well today, and I tried to defend her balls. And that's mainly what the key of the match was. I was just retrieving well, and now I'm happy to be in the semifinal for the first time here in Paris."

Charlie Bricker, my spy on Lenglen, slipped down to the player's exit from the court immediately after the match and reports that as soon as Jelena walked into the corridor, she fell into the arms of her mother, Snezana (putting that one on your short list for baby names?). Jelena said, "Oh mother, my heart was beating so fast at the end that I was afraid . . " And here she used her hand to simulate the beating against her breast. "But it was inside and it couldn't get out!" Snezana, in case you don't know, is one of the 11 million "economists" churned out in a part of the world that, at the time, had no economy.

The match on the Centrale might have been the Hundred-Acre Wood Open, as it featured Pooh Bear (Ivanovic) vs. Eyeore (Kuznetsova) in an uneven, flawed clash. Ivanovic won 6-0,3-6,6-1.She played flawless, aggressive, tennis in the first set, hiccuped in the second, but pulled her game back in a tight pony tail again in the third.

Oh, Kuznetsova pulled a stomach muscle somewhere along the way, but who cares? Apparently Ivanovic woke up this morning to discover that she is not really Ana Ivanovic but. . Jennifer Capriati! I'm not kidding about that. The big difference I see between the two is that Ivanovic appears to be as sunny as Capriati was surly.

In a way, you had to feel bad for Eyeore. For one thing, that plum-trying-to-be-pink dress Kuznetsova wore had people wondering, "what color would you call that?" It had other interesting features as well, like the effective way it showed and emphasized perspiration. But Kuznetsova's inadequacies as a fashionista are only slightly more glaring than her profile as a dissident champion.

When Kuznetsova won the US Open in 2004, she found herself staring at a big window to establish her self as a top player, what with Maria Sharapova still green, Henin virally afflicted, Kim Clijsters willing to step down - instead of up - on nearly every big occasion, and Venus and Serena holding aloft the skull of Yoric, deep in a conversation that would last some years. Now, it appears that the window may be closed. The aforementioned women are all (with the possible exception of Venus) on an even keel, and a handful of new contenders, including the Vitches, are on the radar. Nobody can say Sveta didn't have the kind of shot Jim Courier made the most of, under similar circumstances, a decade or so ago. She shut the window instead of jumping through it.Ana

The presser conducted by each of the Vitches was a love-in, and if it didn't exactly start that way, I was hellbent on turning it into one. Jankovic appeared with her hair pulled back, lip gloss flickering in the intense indoor lights. She was beaming. I observed that with the Vitches winning simultaneously and Novak Djokivic also doing well, there seemed to be some kind of Serbian magic at work. Jelena giggled her way through the reply:

A Serbian power or something, that wherever you go you see just Serbians (laughing). Wherever you go, it's just Serbians all over the place, winning all these matches. It's just incredible. I'm just proud of that, and just, hopefully, we can keep going.

"Do you see any of that in the street? Do Serbian people see you and recognize you in the streets in Paris?

In Paris, I haven't had the chance to walk around on the street so people can recognize me. I'm always mainly locked up, trying to concentrate and do my own things.

Bricker had the nerve to turn the conversation back to tennis, asking Jankovic if she needed to get her serve a little quicker and a little more accurate for the final stages of the tournament. Her reply was vintage Jankovic:

Me and my serve, it's just unbelievable. I have to really work on my serve. But at the moment, who knows? I am now four or three in the world with this serve. Can you imagine if I had a bigger serve, so what I would do to these girls, but...(laughing). No, I am just kidding. I am just trying to work on this serve. But everybody has their weaknesses, their weapons in their games. So nothing -- you cannot have all weapons. You cannot have all so good shots. But I am trying to improve this, and some things cannot happen overnight.

I ripped the mike out of deadbeat Charlie's hand and got back to the topic at hand: "You have a great fighting spirit on the court, and in here you have a great spirit. . . a humorous spirit. Isn't there a contradiction in there somewhere?"

I really don't know. I'm a girl, I like to win, for sure. I always give my best, and I fight until the end. I never want to let the opponent get on top of me. I'm just there to fight and really give my all on the court. Off the court, I am an outgoing, fun person, and that's my personality, for sure.

Someone observed that the Player Lounge has been packed with Serbs these past few days, and Jelena revealed that some of the most well-known Serbs are gathered in Paris, relishing some kid of Serbian breakout. These personages include the winner of a recent Eurovision singing contest (think, Serbian Idol, sans Paula Abdul), a few of the obligatory soccer stars, whatever. It's all good; who said this is Justine's House?

Somebody else wondered if Jelena had bumped into Ana in the locker room, enabling them to exchange congratulations. Her reply was animated:

No, she (Ana) was in Chatrier and I was in Lenglen, which is a long way. And the woman from the media kept going after me, "Hurry up, hurry up, you have to be on time." You can see, I didn't brush my hair. She's like, "You need to be there 1:30." I'm like, "Okay, I will try my best."

And when Jelena was asked to reflect on her chances going forward, she said:

Now I'm in the semifinal. I still have -- everybody in the beginning of the week when I play my first round, you're favorite to win the French Open, you are this, you are that. So many expectations. But I said to myself, when I would be holding the trophy, then I am the favorite. Then I won the tournament, and for sure, I did this.

It was an interview brimming with charm and bonhomie - such a marked difference from some of the tense and even unpleasant debriefings to which we've grown accustomed. Oh, sure, the Vitches haven't felt the pressure of success nor heat of close scrutiny, but I almost forgot how much fun it is to play with the kittens before they grow the claws of the Big Cats.

In her own presser, Ivanovic was equally willing to show - and share - the glee she felt, and she still was a little shell-shocked by what she had achieved. When I asked if a match that ragged was good preparation for a tough semi (she will play Sharapova, while Jankovic plays Henin), she was still a little dazed:

Yeah, sure it was. It was a very tough match. Everything was happening quite fast. First set was, I would say, a little bit strange. I played some really good tennis. I was aggressive. And, I guess, she was a little bit nervous. . .Everything was happening very fast, so I didn't think much about it. I just tried to move forward and be aggressive, and stay low. And I didn't make -- I hadn't made any errors, so I would say I was pretty good.

Ivanovic conceded that the prospect of an all-Serbian final was "very exciting" and, rather amusingly, reminded us that we had never witnessed such thing before. That was my cue to ask if something "supernatural" was going on here for Serbia. She said:

Yeah, it's very exciting to see all of us doing so well. Especially we are all very young, so we all have many years in front of us and many possibilities. So it's very exciting, and I'm sure people back home are very proud of us, and that makes us feel very good.

I asked if she talked to Novak Djokovic much, and she said:

Yeah, we speak and we catch up. It's nice to see, because I've known him for a very long time, so it's nice to catch up . . I can learn also from watching him play, because men's game is different than women's, so I can learn watching him. And he is a great player. He can achieve a lot.

Of course, Ana can't be expected to huddle with Jelena quite as freely as with the Djoker, and she confessed that what conversations she has with Jelena tread lightly around the subject of tennis. But she stressed that all the Serbs still feel they can learn from each other. And this led Bricker to cut to the chase and ask Ana about her relationship with Jelena. She described it like this:Novak

Well, when we start playing tennis, she was -- she's two years older than me, so we never played many tournaments together back home, and we lived in different parts of the city. So we never practiced with each other. And then she went to America and I went to Switzerland.

So we kind of we had different ways, different roads, so we never really had a chance to practice with each other. And even now, we both have our own teams and our own things we like to do. And it's a little bit different. But we are both a bit -- we both found our way, and we are both doing well, so that's the most important thing.

I observed, "Both you and Jelena both come in here and you kind of light up the room. You have great humor. You're happy and bubbly. Is this a national characteristic?

Yeah, we are happy people. Yeah, people back home, they're very friendly and open. And, yeah, we like to have fun. And that's something, yeah, I guess we are just born like that and we bring that from home. So it's -- I think it's important to be positive and to have a smile.

Okay, this has been fun. But there's a serious dimension to all of this as well. This has been a historic Roland Garros, and Italian journalist and blogger extraordinare Ubaldo Scanagatta helped me put it into perspective in a conversation we had shortly after the Vitches made the semis. Ubaldo pointed out that when Lleyton Hewitt lost to Rafael Nadal yesterday, "it was the story of 75 years of tennis history, disappearing."

What he meant was that the three towering tennis powers - Great Britain (who invented the game), the Australians (who brought it to its apex at the dawn of the Open era) and the US (who dominated the game in the subsequent, commercially-driven era), were clearly - if not necessarily permanently - in ruins.Oh, there was Serena Williams on the women's side - for another 45 minutes, anyway - but Serbia and Russia accounted for half of the entire quarterfinal line-up at Roland Garros.

And about that fourth tennis power, France, home of the legendary Musketeers (LaCoste, Cochet, Borotra and Brugnon) had started 36 players in Paris this year - their bodies lay strewn all over the red clay, like so many poppies on a graveyard.

So much for the old world, let's celebrate the new. It's always better to live in the light than the dark.

Bozji poslusnik i izvrsitelj-Trajan Krecu-Tigar

pre 16 godina

Bozji mir vama svima iz celog sveta koji citate ovaj tekst !!! Ja nisam uopste iznenaden sto su nasi teniseri tako uspesni u Parizu na Rolan Garosu..............jer vidite dragi moji srbi iz daljine..............ovo je ''tek pocetak procveta srpskog sporta '' ! Bog mi je rekao prosle nedelje , iduce godine na OI u Kini, novi selektor muske kosarkaske reprezentacije -- gosp. Zoran Slavnic ima da predvodi nasu reprezentaciju tako sto ce '' Himalaje da se tresu '' ! Bog je poceo da blagoslovi Srbiju............moja siromasno braco.......jer dosta su vas drugi ispljuvali dok vi ste im dali hleba, dosta su vas gazili cizmama dok ste vi trazili pravdu, dosta su vam se smejali da ste siromasni............ali Bog je rekao -- DOSTA,DOSTA,DOSTA!!! Bog kaze u Biblju da voli da uzme ljude sa '' razbijenim srcima '' , koji su patili, ......dosta je bilo patnje, sad ce doci .......suce od srece i osmeha !!! Bog je dao da ''Molitva '' pobedi na Evroviziju, pesma pevana Isusu......od strane Marije.....Serifovic !!! Alpinisti su osvoijli Mont Everest, a Bog je rekao hriscanima ovde u Americi -- '' onaj ko osvaja najvisi vrh, taj ce zavladati '' ! Za kraj, spremite se za OI , upamtit ce SRBIJU, kao nekad DDR i mnogi ce se zacuditi, kako, odakle i zasto...........odgovor je BOG je sa vama !!! Vise puta sam u proteklih 4 nedelje zvao srpsku ambasadu u Vasingtoni i 3 osobama sam dao poruku od Boga : '' Kosovo ostaje deo Srbije, nece Bog dozvoliti da ijedan cm hriscanskog naroda da muslimanima '' ! Sledeci su fudbaleri, vaterpolisti Partizana, nek neko ko cita ovaj tekst daje poruku Zoranu Slavnicu da ovo procita !!! Dat ce mu bog i pomocnika i '' hrabre momke '', kao sto je i on bio .......zato ga je Bog stavio za selektora.......nek mu se smeju.......ali vratit ce se sa paradom ispred skupstine i sa trubama...........inace mnogi od vas mozda vec znaju.........ja volim Partizan......ali svi su nasi !!!


pre 16 godina

Pa ne znam bas da ga svi u Srbiji podrzavaju. Podrzavaju ga Srbi, al' Srpkinje vole Nadala. Tako je i kod nas u manastiru: monahinje su sve za Nadala, a Ratko Mladic i monasi svi odredda navijaju za Novaka i sve se nesto ljute, bas su se uvredili.
Ako, ako, s Bozjom pomocu i, naravno:
Vamos RAFA!


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?


pre 16 godina

Sa verom u BOGA , za SEBE , za SRBE , za OTADZBINU !!! Samo hrabro pa sta BOG da . Sto se mene tice a smatram i velikog dela MAJKE SRBIJE ti si NAJVECI SAMPION


pre 16 godina

Mozda ce zvucati kao shala, ali verujte nije...

Chitam textove i mislim u sebi "Chovecheee... ko danas sve koristi kompjutere i internet"

poz Olfrud

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

sposlednjim vestima iz svog malog hipotalamusa
javio nam se zaovu preliku preimenovali iz dragan bgd u saša zr
asad eo i marija zbrojom 29
to vije onai koga love i dotorke ai šinteri pase stalno siroma krie
paon misli da mi nine znamo koi jeon toes ona
svetlana stamatović licno ai permsonalno
pa provokcira degod stigne
a ne
ne nie
omak seon toes ona prepoznaje
jar mu njemu isto koi njoj
jednako smrdi iz usta
štaćeš kad nevodi oralnu kigijenu

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava

Gustavo Kuerten

pre 16 godina

Ima slabosti I spanijard na sljaci inace ne bi bio dva metra iza osnovne linije na protivnicki servis. Kad-tad on mora I na Roland Garrosu da izgubi. Mislim da Nole ima mnogo vece sanse da ga pobedi od Federera. Teniski SPEKTAKL ,finale pre finala!!


pre 16 godina

Samo opusteno, Nole! Igraj svoj najbolji tenis, pa sta bude. Vec si postigao istorijski uspjeh. Ako ga ne dobijes ove godine, sledece ces sigurno. Mada bi silo fino da se u direktnom okrsaju sa Davidenkom odluci ko ce biti trci na svijetu u sledecem periodu


pre 16 godina

Jeste li videli trenutak na kraju meča kad je pružio svoj znojnik mislim onom liku u invalidskim kolicima?!To je bilo nešto fenomenalno!I stvarno se osećam ponosnim zbog uspeha tenisera!!!Kad radimo ono što najbolje umemo tj. bijemo bitke na sportskom terenu svet može samo da nam zavidi i da nam se divi a mi možemo i da progutamo koji poraz-ipak nisu česti!!!

coa hamburg

pre 16 godina

pratio sam te u hamburgu,gde nisi igrao u najboljoj formi,ali sada tek vidim zasto...U petak uzimam pare na tebe,kvota je fenomenalna,na 100€ dobitak 540€.izvor bwin...pozzz iz hamburga


pre 16 godina

Brate Srbine:
Prebio si ga k`o mati ludu `cerku!!!
Alal ti sprava!
Jos kad bi prebio onog, da izvinete, "buljasha", idem odmah da se pomirim sa devojkom, makar mi i ne da jos mesec dana!!!
Ziv mi bio.

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava

Three 6 mafia

pre 16 godina

Sta ce Ameri kad svih DEVET igraca ispadne kao I prosle godine u prvom kolu !!Ipak je ovo planetarni sport,neka se tese hilbilskim sportovima tipa njihovog fudbala I bejzbola.


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?

tvoja obozavateljka

pre 16 godina

bravo nole,KRALJU!!!ma kakav nadal,o cemu ti pricas,pitanje je da li ce biti 3:o ili 3:1,naravno za tebe!!!;)...pusti ga malo,ipak je to kao navodno njegova podloga,bice sramota da tako ubedljivo izgubi.pozz veliki za tebe,pa se vidimo u bg,da slavimo titulu,i naravno sa jednom od ove dve devojke,posto ipak ne mogu obe,jer kad se budu sastale u finalu jedna protiv druge,jedna ce da slavi,ja se nadam ana,posto je ti vise volis!kiss


pre 16 godina

jel moze neko da mi odgovori ko je pisao ovo na engleskom, kapiram neki novinar, znachi umro sam od smeha posebno ovo perspirant....a i koje je ovaj prorok?! inace, hrabro Nole!


pre 16 godina

Ne sumnjam da ce Novak dati sve od sebe i da ce to biti zanimljiv mec, ali sanse na pobedu su jednake sansi vrapca da preleti Atlantik. Ja nisam zensko i Nadal mi nije simpatican, ali on na sljaci igra sa tolikom snagom i brzinom da se ponekad najezim zbog toga. Srecno Novace i cekaj travu i beton.


pre 16 godina

I tako svi Srbi stadoše u red i krenuše da muzu Novakove pobede. I Anine. I Jelenine. Te, "mi" ovo , te "mi" ono. Iako ta Srbija nije uradila NIŠTA da toj deci omogući barem poštene terene, bez rupa i džombi, a kamoli nešto ozbiljnije; zato, iskulirajte sa tim nacionalističkim ludilom. Ništa ova deca ne duguju Srbiji, a još manje nama, Srbima.
Jedino što nas mogu stalno podsećati na to koliko smo bedni kao narod - dok treba saviti kičmu, nigde nas nema, a kad treba pobrati lovorove vence, slikati se za naslovne strane - eto nas, odmah! "Naravno, to smo MI!"


pre 16 godina

Koliko se secam meca sa Nadalom na Rolan Garosu od prosle godine, pre povrede je Nole pristojno igrao. S obzirom da je od tada napredovao, mislim da ima sanse, pod uslovom da igra pametno, uporno i strpljivo od prvog do poslednjeg momenta meca. Kada Nole bude jos poboljsao fizicke karakteristike, a trebace mu jos godinu - dve, mislim da ce tada biti potpuno ravnopravan sa Nadalom i Federerom. U mnogim segmentima ih je dostigao ili im je sasvim blizu. Takodje, mnogo mi se svidelo Novakovo insistiranje da se sto pre napravi Nacionalni teniski centar u Srbiji. Svako takvo ulaganje, a to nije posebno skupa investicija, vratice nam se stostruko. Pa vise nam vredi ovaj pozitivan utisak sa Rolan Garosa nego da je nasa vlada ulozila sto miliona evra u reklame na svim velikim svetskim televizijama. Imamo toliko talentovane dece, a takodje ocigledno je da imamo i izvanredne trenere, koji znaju da rade sa tom decom. Pa Jelena Gencic je otkrila i usmerila Novaka Djokovica kada je bilo najvaznije, a tu je i plejada drugih trenera. Bitno je da deca posle 12te godine ne idu iz zemlje da treniraju kod drugih, vec da budu kod svoje kuce i da drugi dolaze kod nas. Koliko samo Spanci imaju dobrih igraca, nema razloga da tako ne bude i kod nas. S obzirom da je 2009.g. Univerzijada u Beogradu, eto sjajne prilike da se odmah realizuje izgradnja Nacionalnog teniskog centra, pa da u prvih sto uvek imamo po 5-6 tenisera, i da uvek neko konkurise za titulu na najvecim svetskim turnirima. A i deca iz trenaznog procesa koja ne uspeju da postanu vrhunski teniseri, bar ce izrasti u zdrave ljude, u svakom pogledu, i uspece da nadju svoje mesto u tenisu i sportu uopste na ovaj ili onaj nacin.

svi (ni)su isti

pre 16 godina

Svaka mu cast! Postuje i sebe i protivnika. Ne samo da je veliki teniser, nego i covek.

Kad se setim jadnog Maradone, prosto me hvata tuga, sta od nekih taj sport napravi, ako se ne koristi kako treba.

king of snake

pre 16 godina

Prvo ne mozemo mi da se uporedjujemo sa Amerikancima...Oni su nekada imali 3 od 10 najboljih tenisera svih vremena(Sampras,Mekinro,Agasi..)Mi smo sada u prednosti ali za razliku od njih mi nikada nismo imali velike sampione..Nadam se da ce se to popraviti...Cinjenica je da mi imamo extra talente u svakom sportu ali ne znamo da radimo na njima..Kod njih je sasvim obrnuto..Kod nas se bezi sa casova fizickog ali kod njih to ima posebnu tezinu...MISLITE O TOME!!!
Sto se tice meca,Novak mora da se krece kao nikada do sada i,ono sto moram da naglasim je,MORA DA IGRA RETERN SVOM SNAGOM!!!Pa onaj Rafica servira jedva 180 na sat a Venus 206!!!Ne sme da se gresi na zicerima...Mora da prostudira igru Federera kada je nedavno silovao Raficu 6:0...OD NAS ZAVISI!!

mali buda

pre 16 godina

Ako Vi mislite da americka vlada, drzava pomaze svoje individualne sportiste, tenisere.. onda ste Vi, dragi moj gospodine u VELIKOJ zabludi. Ovde je samo kesh, kesh i kesh! Nista osim komercijalnog ne postoji.
Radovanje Srba povodom uspeha svojih sunarodnika je NORMALNA stvar, NIJE nikakvo nacionalisticko ludilo, vec razumljivi izlivi patriotizma i podrske.
Nacionalisticko ludilo bi bilo kad bi ovde provejavale poruke mrznje prema igracima druge nacije, vere itd... a ja to ovde ne vidim.
Napred Nole, mozes ti to! Cuda se dogadjaju onima koji veruju u njih!


pre 16 godina

@Boziji poslusnik: da nisi slucajno promasio sajt? Nadji na google link od SPC (ja ga ne znam jer me ne zanima), mislim da su ovakvi komentari tamo na pravom mestu.
Ovde covece radi o tenisu. O jednom veoma dobrom i finom srpskom teniseru koji je ostvario svoj najveci uspeh u karijeri. I nije ga ostvario zato sto ne zna da igra i zato sto ga je sad odjednom Bog pogledao, nego je to sve ostvario jer je vredno trenirao hiljade i hiljade casova, jer je mnogo drugih stvari zrtvovao da bi to uspeo, i on i njegovi roditelji!
Religioznom fanatizmu, nacionalizmu, pricama o Kosovu, teorijama zavere itd. ovde ne bi trebala da se pruzi platforma. Zamolio bih urednike sajta da obrate paznju i da objavljuju iskljucivo komentare koji imaju veze sa temom, a da svesno ignorisu ili cenzurisu komentare o politici, Bogu, Kosovu itd. Totalno glupo je citati ovde takve nebuloze.
Unapred hvala.
Sto se Noleta tice, naravno da moze (i morace) jos jace protiv naduvanog spanca. Verujem u njega, isto kao sto verujem u Anu, Jelenu i Nenada danas!

Pih, kakva smo mi slaba teniska nacija: evo upravo sam video da u konkurenciji devojcica i decaka necemo imati nikog u polufinalu. Slabi smo mnogo :-))

Predsjednik Kluba

pre 16 godina

Bravo za pobjedu, ali bravo i za izjavu. Svaka(rijec) ti je na mjestu. Samo tako. Srbija, Crna Gora i Republika Srpska su uz tebe, a i mnogi tvoji navijaci sirom Jugoslavije i svijeta. Ne mozes da izgubis u slijedecem mecu, mozes samo da dobijes jos vise.


pre 16 godina

e pa Braticu Sada je kljuc u tvojim rukama , ako ga sredis to znaci da si jedan od najvecih ikada jerje on to trenutno...
Ides matori pa sta budeeeeeeeeee

Spic Vocara

pre 16 godina

Je li moguce zelja njegovih da dobije Nadala, nije svjestan svoje nesvjesti. Sve ostaje samo na zeljama IZRAZITIM NE OSTVARENIM.


pre 16 godina

Dobio on Nadala ili ne,ovo je sam po sebi fantastican rezultat,a mislim da ce mu mnogo biti lakse u ovom mecu posto konacno nije favorit,videlo se da se mnogo vise nervira nego inace jer je bio pod pritiskom.Sada ako pobedi Nadala bice senzacija broj 1 u svetu a ako izgubi svi ce mu cestitati jer polufinale sigurno nije mala stvar.Svaka cast NOLE!


pre 16 godina

Svaka cast,Nole, ti si ponos nase zemlje!
Moje predvidjanje polufinala :

Djokovic: 6 4 6 7
Nadal: 4 6 3 5

Samo hrabro!!!
A i srpkinje ce navijati za njega, ne brinite... :)


pre 16 godina

Pa ne znam bas da ga svi u Srbiji podrzavaju. Podrzavaju ga Srbi, al' Srpkinje vole Nadala. Tako je i kod nas u manastiru: monahinje su sve za Nadala, a Ratko Mladic i monasi svi odredda navijaju za Novaka i sve se nesto ljute, bas su se uvredili.
Ako, ako, s Bozjom pomocu i, naravno:
Vamos RAFA!

Bozji poslusnik i izvrsitelj-Trajan Krecu-Tigar

pre 16 godina

Bozji mir vama svima iz celog sveta koji citate ovaj tekst !!! Ja nisam uopste iznenaden sto su nasi teniseri tako uspesni u Parizu na Rolan Garosu..............jer vidite dragi moji srbi iz daljine..............ovo je ''tek pocetak procveta srpskog sporta '' ! Bog mi je rekao prosle nedelje , iduce godine na OI u Kini, novi selektor muske kosarkaske reprezentacije -- gosp. Zoran Slavnic ima da predvodi nasu reprezentaciju tako sto ce '' Himalaje da se tresu '' ! Bog je poceo da blagoslovi Srbiju............moja siromasno braco.......jer dosta su vas drugi ispljuvali dok vi ste im dali hleba, dosta su vas gazili cizmama dok ste vi trazili pravdu, dosta su vam se smejali da ste siromasni............ali Bog je rekao -- DOSTA,DOSTA,DOSTA!!! Bog kaze u Biblju da voli da uzme ljude sa '' razbijenim srcima '' , koji su patili, ......dosta je bilo patnje, sad ce doci .......suce od srece i osmeha !!! Bog je dao da ''Molitva '' pobedi na Evroviziju, pesma pevana Isusu......od strane Marije.....Serifovic !!! Alpinisti su osvoijli Mont Everest, a Bog je rekao hriscanima ovde u Americi -- '' onaj ko osvaja najvisi vrh, taj ce zavladati '' ! Za kraj, spremite se za OI , upamtit ce SRBIJU, kao nekad DDR i mnogi ce se zacuditi, kako, odakle i zasto...........odgovor je BOG je sa vama !!! Vise puta sam u proteklih 4 nedelje zvao srpsku ambasadu u Vasingtoni i 3 osobama sam dao poruku od Boga : '' Kosovo ostaje deo Srbije, nece Bog dozvoliti da ijedan cm hriscanskog naroda da muslimanima '' ! Sledeci su fudbaleri, vaterpolisti Partizana, nek neko ko cita ovaj tekst daje poruku Zoranu Slavnicu da ovo procita !!! Dat ce mu bog i pomocnika i '' hrabre momke '', kao sto je i on bio .......zato ga je Bog stavio za selektora.......nek mu se smeju.......ali vratit ce se sa paradom ispred skupstine i sa trubama...........inace mnogi od vas mozda vec znaju.........ja volim Partizan......ali svi su nasi !!!


pre 16 godina

Vitches: Ova and Out!
Posted 06/05/2007 @ 12 :15 PM

Jelena I suppose this post should be about the Serena Williams-Justine Henin match, but a funny thing happened to me on the way to Armageddon, Part 3 (which was, from what I could tell, played under the influence of Prozac, or as Henin would more charitably describe it, "serenity"). I fell in love with Serbia. So my ongoing "to-do" list has now been modified:

1 - Run around Paris, trying to find a Serbian national soccer team jersey with a name on the back - and something without vowels, please; it's got to be as consonant-heavy as the name of Superman's Nemesis (Mr. Mxplyx. . . oh hail, I don't remember, help!).

2 - Call the Super Bowl network and tell the meatheads in the suits that when the next MVP walks off the field and a microphone gets shoved in his face, he should say, "I'm going to Zrenjanin!"

3 - Text message whichever Ramone is still alive and have him change the name of the song to "I Wanna Be Serbiated."

Yeah, I've got it that bad. But we had an extraordinary moment in tennis here today, and it had nothing to do with the Henin family reunion or a Richard Williams rant; at 1:37, Jelena Jankovic punched her ticket to the semifinals with a win over Nicole Vaidisova, and exactly one minute later, Ana Ivanovic closed out Svetlana Kuznetsova to advance to the semis on the other side of the draw. Is it possible that in two days time, we'll be talking about Roland Garros, aka The Serbian Open?

There was a fitting symmetry to putting JankIvanovic on different courts with the same start time (Ivanovic on Chartrier, Jankovic on Lenglen), although that presented me with certain problems. My tactical decision was to sit at my press desk with the headphones, a TV sets on either side tuned to one of the matches. An added benefit here was that I got reverse-Esperanto commentary: a Babel of in English, Spanish, French, Serbian, Russian and some other languages that I can't speak and therefore in which I can't say anything stupid.

The match on Lenglen was a battle between the all-star infielder (Jankovic) and the home-run hitter (Vaidisova), and the perky retriever executed her game plan to perfection. She ran down Vaidisova's aggressive, forcing shots and continually made her hit one more ball, giving her the opportunity to hit one more error, until the last one ended it in Jankovic's favor, 6-3,7-5. Afterward, Jankovic would say: "I was moving really well today, and I tried to defend her balls. And that's mainly what the key of the match was. I was just retrieving well, and now I'm happy to be in the semifinal for the first time here in Paris."

Charlie Bricker, my spy on Lenglen, slipped down to the player's exit from the court immediately after the match and reports that as soon as Jelena walked into the corridor, she fell into the arms of her mother, Snezana (putting that one on your short list for baby names?). Jelena said, "Oh mother, my heart was beating so fast at the end that I was afraid . . " And here she used her hand to simulate the beating against her breast. "But it was inside and it couldn't get out!" Snezana, in case you don't know, is one of the 11 million "economists" churned out in a part of the world that, at the time, had no economy.

The match on the Centrale might have been the Hundred-Acre Wood Open, as it featured Pooh Bear (Ivanovic) vs. Eyeore (Kuznetsova) in an uneven, flawed clash. Ivanovic won 6-0,3-6,6-1.She played flawless, aggressive, tennis in the first set, hiccuped in the second, but pulled her game back in a tight pony tail again in the third.

Oh, Kuznetsova pulled a stomach muscle somewhere along the way, but who cares? Apparently Ivanovic woke up this morning to discover that she is not really Ana Ivanovic but. . Jennifer Capriati! I'm not kidding about that. The big difference I see between the two is that Ivanovic appears to be as sunny as Capriati was surly.

In a way, you had to feel bad for Eyeore. For one thing, that plum-trying-to-be-pink dress Kuznetsova wore had people wondering, "what color would you call that?" It had other interesting features as well, like the effective way it showed and emphasized perspiration. But Kuznetsova's inadequacies as a fashionista are only slightly more glaring than her profile as a dissident champion.

When Kuznetsova won the US Open in 2004, she found herself staring at a big window to establish her self as a top player, what with Maria Sharapova still green, Henin virally afflicted, Kim Clijsters willing to step down - instead of up - on nearly every big occasion, and Venus and Serena holding aloft the skull of Yoric, deep in a conversation that would last some years. Now, it appears that the window may be closed. The aforementioned women are all (with the possible exception of Venus) on an even keel, and a handful of new contenders, including the Vitches, are on the radar. Nobody can say Sveta didn't have the kind of shot Jim Courier made the most of, under similar circumstances, a decade or so ago. She shut the window instead of jumping through it.Ana

The presser conducted by each of the Vitches was a love-in, and if it didn't exactly start that way, I was hellbent on turning it into one. Jankovic appeared with her hair pulled back, lip gloss flickering in the intense indoor lights. She was beaming. I observed that with the Vitches winning simultaneously and Novak Djokivic also doing well, there seemed to be some kind of Serbian magic at work. Jelena giggled her way through the reply:

A Serbian power or something, that wherever you go you see just Serbians (laughing). Wherever you go, it's just Serbians all over the place, winning all these matches. It's just incredible. I'm just proud of that, and just, hopefully, we can keep going.

"Do you see any of that in the street? Do Serbian people see you and recognize you in the streets in Paris?

In Paris, I haven't had the chance to walk around on the street so people can recognize me. I'm always mainly locked up, trying to concentrate and do my own things.

Bricker had the nerve to turn the conversation back to tennis, asking Jankovic if she needed to get her serve a little quicker and a little more accurate for the final stages of the tournament. Her reply was vintage Jankovic:

Me and my serve, it's just unbelievable. I have to really work on my serve. But at the moment, who knows? I am now four or three in the world with this serve. Can you imagine if I had a bigger serve, so what I would do to these girls, but...(laughing). No, I am just kidding. I am just trying to work on this serve. But everybody has their weaknesses, their weapons in their games. So nothing -- you cannot have all weapons. You cannot have all so good shots. But I am trying to improve this, and some things cannot happen overnight.

I ripped the mike out of deadbeat Charlie's hand and got back to the topic at hand: "You have a great fighting spirit on the court, and in here you have a great spirit. . . a humorous spirit. Isn't there a contradiction in there somewhere?"

I really don't know. I'm a girl, I like to win, for sure. I always give my best, and I fight until the end. I never want to let the opponent get on top of me. I'm just there to fight and really give my all on the court. Off the court, I am an outgoing, fun person, and that's my personality, for sure.

Someone observed that the Player Lounge has been packed with Serbs these past few days, and Jelena revealed that some of the most well-known Serbs are gathered in Paris, relishing some kid of Serbian breakout. These personages include the winner of a recent Eurovision singing contest (think, Serbian Idol, sans Paula Abdul), a few of the obligatory soccer stars, whatever. It's all good; who said this is Justine's House?

Somebody else wondered if Jelena had bumped into Ana in the locker room, enabling them to exchange congratulations. Her reply was animated:

No, she (Ana) was in Chatrier and I was in Lenglen, which is a long way. And the woman from the media kept going after me, "Hurry up, hurry up, you have to be on time." You can see, I didn't brush my hair. She's like, "You need to be there 1:30." I'm like, "Okay, I will try my best."

And when Jelena was asked to reflect on her chances going forward, she said:

Now I'm in the semifinal. I still have -- everybody in the beginning of the week when I play my first round, you're favorite to win the French Open, you are this, you are that. So many expectations. But I said to myself, when I would be holding the trophy, then I am the favorite. Then I won the tournament, and for sure, I did this.

It was an interview brimming with charm and bonhomie - such a marked difference from some of the tense and even unpleasant debriefings to which we've grown accustomed. Oh, sure, the Vitches haven't felt the pressure of success nor heat of close scrutiny, but I almost forgot how much fun it is to play with the kittens before they grow the claws of the Big Cats.

In her own presser, Ivanovic was equally willing to show - and share - the glee she felt, and she still was a little shell-shocked by what she had achieved. When I asked if a match that ragged was good preparation for a tough semi (she will play Sharapova, while Jankovic plays Henin), she was still a little dazed:

Yeah, sure it was. It was a very tough match. Everything was happening quite fast. First set was, I would say, a little bit strange. I played some really good tennis. I was aggressive. And, I guess, she was a little bit nervous. . .Everything was happening very fast, so I didn't think much about it. I just tried to move forward and be aggressive, and stay low. And I didn't make -- I hadn't made any errors, so I would say I was pretty good.

Ivanovic conceded that the prospect of an all-Serbian final was "very exciting" and, rather amusingly, reminded us that we had never witnessed such thing before. That was my cue to ask if something "supernatural" was going on here for Serbia. She said:

Yeah, it's very exciting to see all of us doing so well. Especially we are all very young, so we all have many years in front of us and many possibilities. So it's very exciting, and I'm sure people back home are very proud of us, and that makes us feel very good.

I asked if she talked to Novak Djokovic much, and she said:

Yeah, we speak and we catch up. It's nice to see, because I've known him for a very long time, so it's nice to catch up . . I can learn also from watching him play, because men's game is different than women's, so I can learn watching him. And he is a great player. He can achieve a lot.

Of course, Ana can't be expected to huddle with Jelena quite as freely as with the Djoker, and she confessed that what conversations she has with Jelena tread lightly around the subject of tennis. But she stressed that all the Serbs still feel they can learn from each other. And this led Bricker to cut to the chase and ask Ana about her relationship with Jelena. She described it like this:Novak

Well, when we start playing tennis, she was -- she's two years older than me, so we never played many tournaments together back home, and we lived in different parts of the city. So we never practiced with each other. And then she went to America and I went to Switzerland.

So we kind of we had different ways, different roads, so we never really had a chance to practice with each other. And even now, we both have our own teams and our own things we like to do. And it's a little bit different. But we are both a bit -- we both found our way, and we are both doing well, so that's the most important thing.

I observed, "Both you and Jelena both come in here and you kind of light up the room. You have great humor. You're happy and bubbly. Is this a national characteristic?

Yeah, we are happy people. Yeah, people back home, they're very friendly and open. And, yeah, we like to have fun. And that's something, yeah, I guess we are just born like that and we bring that from home. So it's -- I think it's important to be positive and to have a smile.

Okay, this has been fun. But there's a serious dimension to all of this as well. This has been a historic Roland Garros, and Italian journalist and blogger extraordinare Ubaldo Scanagatta helped me put it into perspective in a conversation we had shortly after the Vitches made the semis. Ubaldo pointed out that when Lleyton Hewitt lost to Rafael Nadal yesterday, "it was the story of 75 years of tennis history, disappearing."

What he meant was that the three towering tennis powers - Great Britain (who invented the game), the Australians (who brought it to its apex at the dawn of the Open era) and the US (who dominated the game in the subsequent, commercially-driven era), were clearly - if not necessarily permanently - in ruins.Oh, there was Serena Williams on the women's side - for another 45 minutes, anyway - but Serbia and Russia accounted for half of the entire quarterfinal line-up at Roland Garros.

And about that fourth tennis power, France, home of the legendary Musketeers (LaCoste, Cochet, Borotra and Brugnon) had started 36 players in Paris this year - their bodies lay strewn all over the red clay, like so many poppies on a graveyard.

So much for the old world, let's celebrate the new. It's always better to live in the light than the dark.


pre 16 godina

Sa verom u BOGA , za SEBE , za SRBE , za OTADZBINU !!! Samo hrabro pa sta BOG da . Sto se mene tice a smatram i velikog dela MAJKE SRBIJE ti si NAJVECI SAMPION

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

sposlednjim vestima iz svog malog hipotalamusa
javio nam se zaovu preliku preimenovali iz dragan bgd u saša zr
asad eo i marija zbrojom 29
to vije onai koga love i dotorke ai šinteri pase stalno siroma krie
paon misli da mi nine znamo koi jeon toes ona
svetlana stamatović licno ai permsonalno
pa provokcira degod stigne
a ne
ne nie
omak seon toes ona prepoznaje
jar mu njemu isto koi njoj
jednako smrdi iz usta
štaćeš kad nevodi oralnu kigijenu

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?


pre 16 godina

Srbija je na prvom mestu po odnosu pobeda i poraza na ovom Roland Gasosu. Ko ne veruje
evo mu link
pa neka pogleda. Alo bre Ameri, gde ste? Jel vidite kako se bombarduje teniskim lopticama?

tuta bugarin

pre 16 godina

lutajući reporter tuta bugarin
eskluzivno za rumbliku štose diskusuje od tenisu iod teniskim utaknicama
izveštava slokacije
zadnja pošta
repetitor zekova glava

king of snake

pre 16 godina

Prvo ne mozemo mi da se uporedjujemo sa Amerikancima...Oni su nekada imali 3 od 10 najboljih tenisera svih vremena(Sampras,Mekinro,Agasi..)Mi smo sada u prednosti ali za razliku od njih mi nikada nismo imali velike sampione..Nadam se da ce se to popraviti...Cinjenica je da mi imamo extra talente u svakom sportu ali ne znamo da radimo na njima..Kod njih je sasvim obrnuto..Kod nas se bezi sa casova fizickog ali kod njih to ima posebnu tezinu...MISLITE O TOME!!!
Sto se tice meca,Novak mora da se krece kao nikada do sada i,ono sto moram da naglasim je,MORA DA IGRA RETERN SVOM SNAGOM!!!Pa onaj Rafica servira jedva 180 na sat a Venus 206!!!Ne sme da se gresi na zicerima...Mora da prostudira igru Federera kada je nedavno silovao Raficu 6:0...OD NAS ZAVISI!!

tvoja obozavateljka

pre 16 godina

bravo nole,KRALJU!!!ma kakav nadal,o cemu ti pricas,pitanje je da li ce biti 3:o ili 3:1,naravno za tebe!!!;)...pusti ga malo,ipak je to kao navodno njegova podloga,bice sramota da tako ubedljivo izgubi.pozz veliki za tebe,pa se vidimo u bg,da slavimo titulu,i naravno sa jednom od ove dve devojke,posto ipak ne mogu obe,jer kad se budu sastale u finalu jedna protiv druge,jedna ce da slavi,ja se nadam ana,posto je ti vise volis!kiss

Spic Vocara

pre 16 godina

Je li moguce zelja njegovih da dobije Nadala, nije svjestan svoje nesvjesti. Sve ostaje samo na zeljama IZRAZITIM NE OSTVARENIM.

Gustavo Kuerten

pre 16 godina

Ima slabosti I spanijard na sljaci inace ne bi bio dva metra iza osnovne linije na protivnicki servis. Kad-tad on mora I na Roland Garrosu da izgubi. Mislim da Nole ima mnogo vece sanse da ga pobedi od Federera. Teniski SPEKTAKL ,finale pre finala!!

coa hamburg

pre 16 godina

pratio sam te u hamburgu,gde nisi igrao u najboljoj formi,ali sada tek vidim zasto...U petak uzimam pare na tebe,kvota je fenomenalna,na 100€ dobitak 540€.izvor bwin...pozzz iz hamburga

Three 6 mafia

pre 16 godina

Sta ce Ameri kad svih DEVET igraca ispadne kao I prosle godine u prvom kolu !!Ipak je ovo planetarni sport,neka se tese hilbilskim sportovima tipa njihovog fudbala I bejzbola.


pre 16 godina

Samo opusteno, Nole! Igraj svoj najbolji tenis, pa sta bude. Vec si postigao istorijski uspjeh. Ako ga ne dobijes ove godine, sledece ces sigurno. Mada bi silo fino da se u direktnom okrsaju sa Davidenkom odluci ko ce biti trci na svijetu u sledecem periodu


pre 16 godina

e pa Braticu Sada je kljuc u tvojim rukama , ako ga sredis to znaci da si jedan od najvecih ikada jerje on to trenutno...
Ides matori pa sta budeeeeeeeeee


pre 16 godina

Jeste li videli trenutak na kraju meča kad je pružio svoj znojnik mislim onom liku u invalidskim kolicima?!To je bilo nešto fenomenalno!I stvarno se osećam ponosnim zbog uspeha tenisera!!!Kad radimo ono što najbolje umemo tj. bijemo bitke na sportskom terenu svet može samo da nam zavidi i da nam se divi a mi možemo i da progutamo koji poraz-ipak nisu česti!!!


pre 16 godina

jel moze neko da mi odgovori ko je pisao ovo na engleskom, kapiram neki novinar, znachi umro sam od smeha posebno ovo perspirant....a i koje je ovaj prorok?! inace, hrabro Nole!

svi (ni)su isti

pre 16 godina

Svaka mu cast! Postuje i sebe i protivnika. Ne samo da je veliki teniser, nego i covek.

Kad se setim jadnog Maradone, prosto me hvata tuga, sta od nekih taj sport napravi, ako se ne koristi kako treba.


pre 16 godina

Brate Srbine:
Prebio si ga k`o mati ludu `cerku!!!
Alal ti sprava!
Jos kad bi prebio onog, da izvinete, "buljasha", idem odmah da se pomirim sa devojkom, makar mi i ne da jos mesec dana!!!
Ziv mi bio.


pre 16 godina

Mozda ce zvucati kao shala, ali verujte nije...

Chitam textove i mislim u sebi "Chovecheee... ko danas sve koristi kompjutere i internet"

poz Olfrud


pre 16 godina

Ne sumnjam da ce Novak dati sve od sebe i da ce to biti zanimljiv mec, ali sanse na pobedu su jednake sansi vrapca da preleti Atlantik. Ja nisam zensko i Nadal mi nije simpatican, ali on na sljaci igra sa tolikom snagom i brzinom da se ponekad najezim zbog toga. Srecno Novace i cekaj travu i beton.

Predsjednik Kluba

pre 16 godina

Bravo za pobjedu, ali bravo i za izjavu. Svaka(rijec) ti je na mjestu. Samo tako. Srbija, Crna Gora i Republika Srpska su uz tebe, a i mnogi tvoji navijaci sirom Jugoslavije i svijeta. Ne mozes da izgubis u slijedecem mecu, mozes samo da dobijes jos vise.


pre 16 godina

I tako svi Srbi stadoše u red i krenuše da muzu Novakove pobede. I Anine. I Jelenine. Te, "mi" ovo , te "mi" ono. Iako ta Srbija nije uradila NIŠTA da toj deci omogući barem poštene terene, bez rupa i džombi, a kamoli nešto ozbiljnije; zato, iskulirajte sa tim nacionalističkim ludilom. Ništa ova deca ne duguju Srbiji, a još manje nama, Srbima.
Jedino što nas mogu stalno podsećati na to koliko smo bedni kao narod - dok treba saviti kičmu, nigde nas nema, a kad treba pobrati lovorove vence, slikati se za naslovne strane - eto nas, odmah! "Naravno, to smo MI!"

mali buda

pre 16 godina

Ako Vi mislite da americka vlada, drzava pomaze svoje individualne sportiste, tenisere.. onda ste Vi, dragi moj gospodine u VELIKOJ zabludi. Ovde je samo kesh, kesh i kesh! Nista osim komercijalnog ne postoji.
Radovanje Srba povodom uspeha svojih sunarodnika je NORMALNA stvar, NIJE nikakvo nacionalisticko ludilo, vec razumljivi izlivi patriotizma i podrske.
Nacionalisticko ludilo bi bilo kad bi ovde provejavale poruke mrznje prema igracima druge nacije, vere itd... a ja to ovde ne vidim.
Napred Nole, mozes ti to! Cuda se dogadjaju onima koji veruju u njih!


pre 16 godina

@Boziji poslusnik: da nisi slucajno promasio sajt? Nadji na google link od SPC (ja ga ne znam jer me ne zanima), mislim da su ovakvi komentari tamo na pravom mestu.
Ovde covece radi o tenisu. O jednom veoma dobrom i finom srpskom teniseru koji je ostvario svoj najveci uspeh u karijeri. I nije ga ostvario zato sto ne zna da igra i zato sto ga je sad odjednom Bog pogledao, nego je to sve ostvario jer je vredno trenirao hiljade i hiljade casova, jer je mnogo drugih stvari zrtvovao da bi to uspeo, i on i njegovi roditelji!
Religioznom fanatizmu, nacionalizmu, pricama o Kosovu, teorijama zavere itd. ovde ne bi trebala da se pruzi platforma. Zamolio bih urednike sajta da obrate paznju i da objavljuju iskljucivo komentare koji imaju veze sa temom, a da svesno ignorisu ili cenzurisu komentare o politici, Bogu, Kosovu itd. Totalno glupo je citati ovde takve nebuloze.
Unapred hvala.
Sto se Noleta tice, naravno da moze (i morace) jos jace protiv naduvanog spanca. Verujem u njega, isto kao sto verujem u Anu, Jelenu i Nenada danas!

Pih, kakva smo mi slaba teniska nacija: evo upravo sam video da u konkurenciji devojcica i decaka necemo imati nikog u polufinalu. Slabi smo mnogo :-))


pre 16 godina

Koliko se secam meca sa Nadalom na Rolan Garosu od prosle godine, pre povrede je Nole pristojno igrao. S obzirom da je od tada napredovao, mislim da ima sanse, pod uslovom da igra pametno, uporno i strpljivo od prvog do poslednjeg momenta meca. Kada Nole bude jos poboljsao fizicke karakteristike, a trebace mu jos godinu - dve, mislim da ce tada biti potpuno ravnopravan sa Nadalom i Federerom. U mnogim segmentima ih je dostigao ili im je sasvim blizu. Takodje, mnogo mi se svidelo Novakovo insistiranje da se sto pre napravi Nacionalni teniski centar u Srbiji. Svako takvo ulaganje, a to nije posebno skupa investicija, vratice nam se stostruko. Pa vise nam vredi ovaj pozitivan utisak sa Rolan Garosa nego da je nasa vlada ulozila sto miliona evra u reklame na svim velikim svetskim televizijama. Imamo toliko talentovane dece, a takodje ocigledno je da imamo i izvanredne trenere, koji znaju da rade sa tom decom. Pa Jelena Gencic je otkrila i usmerila Novaka Djokovica kada je bilo najvaznije, a tu je i plejada drugih trenera. Bitno je da deca posle 12te godine ne idu iz zemlje da treniraju kod drugih, vec da budu kod svoje kuce i da drugi dolaze kod nas. Koliko samo Spanci imaju dobrih igraca, nema razloga da tako ne bude i kod nas. S obzirom da je 2009.g. Univerzijada u Beogradu, eto sjajne prilike da se odmah realizuje izgradnja Nacionalnog teniskog centra, pa da u prvih sto uvek imamo po 5-6 tenisera, i da uvek neko konkurise za titulu na najvecim svetskim turnirima. A i deca iz trenaznog procesa koja ne uspeju da postanu vrhunski teniseri, bar ce izrasti u zdrave ljude, u svakom pogledu, i uspece da nadju svoje mesto u tenisu i sportu uopste na ovaj ili onaj nacin.


pre 16 godina

Dobio on Nadala ili ne,ovo je sam po sebi fantastican rezultat,a mislim da ce mu mnogo biti lakse u ovom mecu posto konacno nije favorit,videlo se da se mnogo vise nervira nego inace jer je bio pod pritiskom.Sada ako pobedi Nadala bice senzacija broj 1 u svetu a ako izgubi svi ce mu cestitati jer polufinale sigurno nije mala stvar.Svaka cast NOLE!


pre 16 godina

Svaka cast,Nole, ti si ponos nase zemlje!
Moje predvidjanje polufinala :

Djokovic: 6 4 6 7
Nadal: 4 6 3 5

Samo hrabro!!!
A i srpkinje ce navijati za njega, ne brinite... :)