"Aliens may be bypassing Earth to avoid idiot humans"

Recent reports of alleged UFO sightings in Russia have prompted some scientists to offer their theories on why alien species "persistently avoid our planet".

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 01.05.2012.


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Recent reports of alleged UFO sightings in Russia have prompted some scientists to offer their theories on why alien species "persistently avoid our planet". Astronomer Sergei Smirnov, of the prestigious Russian Academy of Sciences' Pulkovo Observatory, says that aliens are not making contact because they see humans as being "too dangerous". "Aliens may be bypassing Earth to avoid idiot humans" Distrustful aliens, he continued, see humans treat their own homeworld "like wolves, destroying it systematically". "Aliens see us as underdeveloped idiots," this scientist believes. "Perhaps they have us isolated with some sort of a screen from the rest of the galaxy. Perhaps they have been sending out warnings to hundreds of millions of stars, claiming that the civilization located in the vicinity of a dwarf star that we call the Sun, is very dangerous." According to Smirnov, alien species fear that their knowledge might be misused by humans, and for that reason choose to stay away from Earth. Shunned by the rest of the galaxy? (sxc.hu) Tanjug

"Aliens may be bypassing Earth to avoid idiot humans"

Distrustful aliens, he continued, see humans treat their own homeworld "like wolves, destroying it systematically".

"Aliens see us as underdeveloped idiots," this scientist believes. "Perhaps they have us isolated with some sort of a screen from the rest of the galaxy. Perhaps they have been sending out warnings to hundreds of millions of stars, claiming that the civilization located in the vicinity of a dwarf star that we call the Sun, is very dangerous."

According to Smirnov, alien species fear that their knowledge might be misused by humans, and for that reason choose to stay away from Earth.

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