Cuba backs Serbia on Kosovo, Nikolic invited to visit Havana

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Wednesday received Cuban Ambassador in Belgrade Adela Mayra Ruiz Garcia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 25.02.2015.


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Cuba backs Serbia on Kosovo, Nikolic invited to visit Havana

"That is the matter of principle, and in relation to that, nothing will change in Cuba's policy," Ruiz Garcia said, thanking Nikolic for Serbia's support in the UN General Assembly, the president's press office stated.

Speaking about a thaw in Cuba-U.S. relations, Nikolic and Ruiz Garcia "agreed that this is the process that is good for Latin American countries, which could also facilitate the development of the economic cooperation between Cuba and Serbia."

Nikolic voiced the hope that conditions would soon be created for the cooperation between Cuban and Serbian companies to improve considerably, to the benefit of both countries.

The Cuban ambassador "once again invited President Nikolic to visit Cuba soon," the statement said.

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