Friday, 02.09.2016.


Kosovo: Memorial to massacre and NATO victims desecrated

Unknown persons overnight desecrated and damaged a memorial plaque dedicated to Serb victims from the village of Staro Gracko in Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: Tanjug

Kosovo: Memorial to massacre and NATO victims desecrated IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 8 godina

More proof that Albanians came from the Asian world.

A graffiti reading "hakmarrja" (Albanian for "revenge")

PASHTO: (gẖcẖ) غچ

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

"Ugly mother Theresa"??? Wow that's a record low, Nobel peace prize winner, Who is about to join the sainthood, and you are going to attack on her. Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are a serb after all. You have done worse things, so this is like nothing Today is a big day for the Catholics . Our beloved church it's celebrating Love and Pease

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders
(icj1, 2 September 2016 15:10)


Unfortunately, icj1, the CB of B92, uses warped criteria to define "not as bad",
In the warped, factually incorrect world of icj1, an entire ethnic group is associated with a neurological disorder. Icj1 considers this Mengele based medicine "not as bad" as using EEG and MRI scans for proper diagnoses.

P.S. CB= Chief Bigot


pre 8 godina

Yes, J.
It must have been a fairy tale and fabrication.
And that is why you can find at least 30 articles about it in a western press (Oh, that is just Serbian propaganda).
Here is a good one from NY Times in 1987. It's good as it pinpoints Milosevic's rise to power in response to peaceful policies of Albanians.


And as if it's not enough, that they have fabricated these lies, but the (whole world's political and military might was on our side) they have also bombed you, and gave us a full support in preservation of integrity of our country.
Are you insane?

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us
(True Croat, 2 September 2016 23:45)

Really? 90% of all murders are committed by family members. But you're right, we're not the same since *you* are stupid enough to blame Serbs for what they did you us while forgetting what we did to them. A "true Croat"? Yeah ok, which one of your grandparents came from Croatia? Odjebi.


pre 8 godina

Keep it up. Civilized societies find this behavior to be primitive. Muslims acting out against Christians, once again. Then you come here and support it. Yes, keep it up.

Raisin Scone

pre 8 godina

What a bunch of disgusting comments. I guess you all like war and killing each other. Thankfully none of the people commenting speak for Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians, and Americans. You sound like a bunch of mentally ill patients allowed to use computers for a couple of hours each day while at the hospital. Have you ever considered not speaking your mind? Speak your mind when you learn to discipline yourselves better. You are contributing absolutely nothing to the human race, and I am embarrassed to consider you all part of the same human race I'm a member of. Grow up please.


pre 8 godina

I cannot remember the last time a Serb Killed an Albanian or Vice Versa anywhere in the Balkans. We have made massive progress. Vandalism as bad as it is at least we are not murdering one another and in my eyes that is fantastic.
We have stopped bloodshed. The rest we can solve with time...

True Croat

pre 8 godina

To Croatia and Bosnia : True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

First of all turd, you don't speak for Croats and Bosnians, many of whom have friends, family, or other acquaintances in Serbia. Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians may be a dysfunctional family, but it's a family nonetheless, Borat so the only Croats and Bosnians who would even think of sharing the same space as some barely literate Albanian are Croats and Bosnians no one in Croatia or Bosnian would want to be with. If you want to be a racist Albanian, that's your business, and if you know anything about the region, you'll know you're the one who's hated in every country. Stop trying to put your xenophobia, ignorance, and racism on par with two countries and two peoples who have more in common with Serbs than we ever will have with you Turkish mutants. You don't speak for us, you're not welcome among us, and you'll never be one of us. Whatever issues we have with Serbs are part of a larger story of being one Slavic family.


pre 8 godina

You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country...

Streten - This is a fairy tale and total fabrication and you know it. You are using some made up tabloid justification for a crazed and effed up adventure into starting a war. You had the army (tanks, airplanes), police, secret services, finances, and all the military and political might(the world was on your side)and you want the world to believe in the nonsense that all that power and might was worth nothing. Give this old hallucination a rest already. It's offensive to anyone who is able to think rationally. Serbs left because of the same reason everyone left. Life was much easier in Serbia and elsewhere. Why do you think Albanians left in huge numbers in the 80's?

Now for the topic. This should never be allowed to happen. Yet I have yet to hear Vucic ask forgiveness in an official way for the Albanian civilians Serbia killed. At the very least Thaci made an attempt. Unless Serbia shows that you are humans and as humans you can ask forgiveness for the wrongs you've committed things like this will happen. Until then Serbia's inhumanity will breed more hate and things like this will continue to happen.

Sam D

pre 8 godina

You Albanians are overplaying your hand.! This is not 1999 any longer
You identify yourselves as Muslim. As you are certainly aware public opinion in the west turning rapidly against Muslims good or bad
You are making a miscalculation if you think the west will come to your aid again in the event of a Serbian reaction to your provocations. You have made yourself into a liability to costly to protect. In other words you are of no value to anyone


pre 8 godina

@Mother Teresa,
Serbs out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, of 'Kosova*' Croatia and Bosnia!!!!!! We hate you!!!!
I somehow doubt mother Teresa would have shared your delightful sentiments.


pre 8 godina


"Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo. "

Then you are justifying everything that happened to Albanians in 1999. You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country.
And you are justifying Srebrenica in Bosnia, because Muslim commander Naser Oric killed so many Serb civilians in the area at the beginning of the war.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

Stop taking yourself seriously, Azir. Do the gene pool a favor and go play in oncoming traffic.


pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders


pre 8 godina

Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo.

Revenge is taken because someone has suffered at the hands of Serbian terrorist savages.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Once again WHERE is KFOR when this vandalism is taking place???
Clearly they are buying the poor Albanians the spray paint to do the graffiti???
Injustice for Serbs again. Europe is waiting and waiting for Serbs to react then can blame them and call them aggressors.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Once again WHERE is KFOR when this vandalism is taking place???
Clearly they are buying the poor Albanians the spray paint to do the graffiti???
Injustice for Serbs again. Europe is waiting and waiting for Serbs to react then can blame them and call them aggressors.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

Stop taking yourself seriously, Azir. Do the gene pool a favor and go play in oncoming traffic.


pre 8 godina

@Mother Teresa,
Serbs out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, of 'Kosova*' Croatia and Bosnia!!!!!! We hate you!!!!
I somehow doubt mother Teresa would have shared your delightful sentiments.

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

First of all turd, you don't speak for Croats and Bosnians, many of whom have friends, family, or other acquaintances in Serbia. Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians may be a dysfunctional family, but it's a family nonetheless, Borat so the only Croats and Bosnians who would even think of sharing the same space as some barely literate Albanian are Croats and Bosnians no one in Croatia or Bosnian would want to be with. If you want to be a racist Albanian, that's your business, and if you know anything about the region, you'll know you're the one who's hated in every country. Stop trying to put your xenophobia, ignorance, and racism on par with two countries and two peoples who have more in common with Serbs than we ever will have with you Turkish mutants. You don't speak for us, you're not welcome among us, and you'll never be one of us. Whatever issues we have with Serbs are part of a larger story of being one Slavic family.


pre 8 godina


"Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo. "

Then you are justifying everything that happened to Albanians in 1999. You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country.
And you are justifying Srebrenica in Bosnia, because Muslim commander Naser Oric killed so many Serb civilians in the area at the beginning of the war.

Sam D

pre 8 godina

You Albanians are overplaying your hand.! This is not 1999 any longer
You identify yourselves as Muslim. As you are certainly aware public opinion in the west turning rapidly against Muslims good or bad
You are making a miscalculation if you think the west will come to your aid again in the event of a Serbian reaction to your provocations. You have made yourself into a liability to costly to protect. In other words you are of no value to anyone


pre 8 godina

I cannot remember the last time a Serb Killed an Albanian or Vice Versa anywhere in the Balkans. We have made massive progress. Vandalism as bad as it is at least we are not murdering one another and in my eyes that is fantastic.
We have stopped bloodshed. The rest we can solve with time...


pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders


pre 8 godina

You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country...

Streten - This is a fairy tale and total fabrication and you know it. You are using some made up tabloid justification for a crazed and effed up adventure into starting a war. You had the army (tanks, airplanes), police, secret services, finances, and all the military and political might(the world was on your side)and you want the world to believe in the nonsense that all that power and might was worth nothing. Give this old hallucination a rest already. It's offensive to anyone who is able to think rationally. Serbs left because of the same reason everyone left. Life was much easier in Serbia and elsewhere. Why do you think Albanians left in huge numbers in the 80's?

Now for the topic. This should never be allowed to happen. Yet I have yet to hear Vucic ask forgiveness in an official way for the Albanian civilians Serbia killed. At the very least Thaci made an attempt. Unless Serbia shows that you are humans and as humans you can ask forgiveness for the wrongs you've committed things like this will happen. Until then Serbia's inhumanity will breed more hate and things like this will continue to happen.

True Croat

pre 8 godina

To Croatia and Bosnia : True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us


pre 8 godina

Keep it up. Civilized societies find this behavior to be primitive. Muslims acting out against Christians, once again. Then you come here and support it. Yes, keep it up.


pre 8 godina

Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo.

Revenge is taken because someone has suffered at the hands of Serbian terrorist savages.

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders
(icj1, 2 September 2016 15:10)


Unfortunately, icj1, the CB of B92, uses warped criteria to define "not as bad",
In the warped, factually incorrect world of icj1, an entire ethnic group is associated with a neurological disorder. Icj1 considers this Mengele based medicine "not as bad" as using EEG and MRI scans for proper diagnoses.

P.S. CB= Chief Bigot

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us
(True Croat, 2 September 2016 23:45)

Really? 90% of all murders are committed by family members. But you're right, we're not the same since *you* are stupid enough to blame Serbs for what they did you us while forgetting what we did to them. A "true Croat"? Yeah ok, which one of your grandparents came from Croatia? Odjebi.


pre 8 godina

Yes, J.
It must have been a fairy tale and fabrication.
And that is why you can find at least 30 articles about it in a western press (Oh, that is just Serbian propaganda).
Here is a good one from NY Times in 1987. It's good as it pinpoints Milosevic's rise to power in response to peaceful policies of Albanians.


And as if it's not enough, that they have fabricated these lies, but the (whole world's political and military might was on our side) they have also bombed you, and gave us a full support in preservation of integrity of our country.
Are you insane?

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

"Ugly mother Theresa"??? Wow that's a record low, Nobel peace prize winner, Who is about to join the sainthood, and you are going to attack on her. Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are a serb after all. You have done worse things, so this is like nothing Today is a big day for the Catholics . Our beloved church it's celebrating Love and Pease

Raisin Scone

pre 8 godina

What a bunch of disgusting comments. I guess you all like war and killing each other. Thankfully none of the people commenting speak for Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians, and Americans. You sound like a bunch of mentally ill patients allowed to use computers for a couple of hours each day while at the hospital. Have you ever considered not speaking your mind? Speak your mind when you learn to discipline yourselves better. You are contributing absolutely nothing to the human race, and I am embarrassed to consider you all part of the same human race I'm a member of. Grow up please.


pre 8 godina

More proof that Albanians came from the Asian world.

A graffiti reading "hakmarrja" (Albanian for "revenge")

PASHTO: (gẖcẖ) غچ


pre 8 godina

Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo.

Revenge is taken because someone has suffered at the hands of Serbian terrorist savages.

True Croat

pre 8 godina

To Croatia and Bosnia : True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us


pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders


pre 8 godina

You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country...

Streten - This is a fairy tale and total fabrication and you know it. You are using some made up tabloid justification for a crazed and effed up adventure into starting a war. You had the army (tanks, airplanes), police, secret services, finances, and all the military and political might(the world was on your side)and you want the world to believe in the nonsense that all that power and might was worth nothing. Give this old hallucination a rest already. It's offensive to anyone who is able to think rationally. Serbs left because of the same reason everyone left. Life was much easier in Serbia and elsewhere. Why do you think Albanians left in huge numbers in the 80's?

Now for the topic. This should never be allowed to happen. Yet I have yet to hear Vucic ask forgiveness in an official way for the Albanian civilians Serbia killed. At the very least Thaci made an attempt. Unless Serbia shows that you are humans and as humans you can ask forgiveness for the wrongs you've committed things like this will happen. Until then Serbia's inhumanity will breed more hate and things like this will continue to happen.

Smart Serb

pre 8 godina

Once again WHERE is KFOR when this vandalism is taking place???
Clearly they are buying the poor Albanians the spray paint to do the graffiti???
Injustice for Serbs again. Europe is waiting and waiting for Serbs to react then can blame them and call them aggressors.

Sam D

pre 8 godina

You Albanians are overplaying your hand.! This is not 1999 any longer
You identify yourselves as Muslim. As you are certainly aware public opinion in the west turning rapidly against Muslims good or bad
You are making a miscalculation if you think the west will come to your aid again in the event of a Serbian reaction to your provocations. You have made yourself into a liability to costly to protect. In other words you are of no value to anyone

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

First of all turd, you don't speak for Croats and Bosnians, many of whom have friends, family, or other acquaintances in Serbia. Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians may be a dysfunctional family, but it's a family nonetheless, Borat so the only Croats and Bosnians who would even think of sharing the same space as some barely literate Albanian are Croats and Bosnians no one in Croatia or Bosnian would want to be with. If you want to be a racist Albanian, that's your business, and if you know anything about the region, you'll know you're the one who's hated in every country. Stop trying to put your xenophobia, ignorance, and racism on par with two countries and two peoples who have more in common with Serbs than we ever will have with you Turkish mutants. You don't speak for us, you're not welcome among us, and you'll never be one of us. Whatever issues we have with Serbs are part of a larger story of being one Slavic family.

Croatia and Bosnia

pre 8 godina

True family don't kill each other , I hate you I despise you and we are not the same . Serbs are not to be trusted, and never speak for us
(True Croat, 2 September 2016 23:45)

Really? 90% of all murders are committed by family members. But you're right, we're not the same since *you* are stupid enough to blame Serbs for what they did you us while forgetting what we did to them. A "true Croat"? Yeah ok, which one of your grandparents came from Croatia? Odjebi.


pre 8 godina


"Revenge is justifiable in any society. I don't agree with their actions, but I will not pretend to be ignorant like Serbs do and act like as if this never happened to Albanians in Kosovo. "

Then you are justifying everything that happened to Albanians in 1999. You are not ignorant as those Albanians who act as if there was no ethnic cleansing against Serbs in 1980's, and as if they didn't start the war that lead to bombing of the country.
And you are justifying Srebrenica in Bosnia, because Muslim commander Naser Oric killed so many Serb civilians in the area at the beginning of the war.


pre 8 godina

Yes, J.
It must have been a fairy tale and fabrication.
And that is why you can find at least 30 articles about it in a western press (Oh, that is just Serbian propaganda).
Here is a good one from NY Times in 1987. It's good as it pinpoints Milosevic's rise to power in response to peaceful policies of Albanians.


And as if it's not enough, that they have fabricated these lies, but the (whole world's political and military might was on our side) they have also bombed you, and gave us a full support in preservation of integrity of our country.
Are you insane?

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 8 godina

We hate you.
(Mother Theresa, 2 September 2016 13:31)

Stop taking yourself seriously, Azir. Do the gene pool a favor and go play in oncoming traffic.

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by criminally corrupt individuals
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 2 September 2016 13:56)

Well, still not as bad as being a dysfunctional fenced-in ghetto led by Serbia's criminally corrupt leaders
(icj1, 2 September 2016 15:10)


Unfortunately, icj1, the CB of B92, uses warped criteria to define "not as bad",
In the warped, factually incorrect world of icj1, an entire ethnic group is associated with a neurological disorder. Icj1 considers this Mengele based medicine "not as bad" as using EEG and MRI scans for proper diagnoses.

P.S. CB= Chief Bigot

Tony Pocesta

pre 8 godina

"Ugly mother Theresa"??? Wow that's a record low, Nobel peace prize winner, Who is about to join the sainthood, and you are going to attack on her. Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you are a serb after all. You have done worse things, so this is like nothing Today is a big day for the Catholics . Our beloved church it's celebrating Love and Pease


pre 8 godina

@Mother Teresa,
Serbs out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, of 'Kosova*' Croatia and Bosnia!!!!!! We hate you!!!!
I somehow doubt mother Teresa would have shared your delightful sentiments.


pre 8 godina

Keep it up. Civilized societies find this behavior to be primitive. Muslims acting out against Christians, once again. Then you come here and support it. Yes, keep it up.


pre 8 godina

More proof that Albanians came from the Asian world.

A graffiti reading "hakmarrja" (Albanian for "revenge")

PASHTO: (gẖcẖ) غچ


pre 8 godina

I cannot remember the last time a Serb Killed an Albanian or Vice Versa anywhere in the Balkans. We have made massive progress. Vandalism as bad as it is at least we are not murdering one another and in my eyes that is fantastic.
We have stopped bloodshed. The rest we can solve with time...

Raisin Scone

pre 8 godina

What a bunch of disgusting comments. I guess you all like war and killing each other. Thankfully none of the people commenting speak for Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians, and Americans. You sound like a bunch of mentally ill patients allowed to use computers for a couple of hours each day while at the hospital. Have you ever considered not speaking your mind? Speak your mind when you learn to discipline yourselves better. You are contributing absolutely nothing to the human race, and I am embarrassed to consider you all part of the same human race I'm a member of. Grow up please.