Wednesday, 29.06.2016.


"Leave campaign was run without serious planning"

No one in the UK knows what steps will follow the country's referendum decision to leave the EU, says James Ker-Lindsay, a Balkans expert.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Leave campaign was run without serious planning" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 8 godina

I'm with William UK on this.

It's worth waiting a few years before making judgments about the economic effects. The EU has not been overly successful on its economic management, and there are many reasons to believe the UK will do better when freed of the shackles.

For that reason, I would suggest that the Scots should hold fire for a while. Better to be part of a stronger Britain than go through the trauma of change just to find that being in the EU is not good for a small country with a small economy.

William UK

pre 8 godina

Yes, project fear still continues. This "Balkan expert" really should keep his opinions to his specific expertise instead of talking bollocks. This is the first time any member is leaving the EU so it is new to everyone. How does one provide a plan when they are not even in power?

Wait until negotiations start otherwise what we get is pure speculation. The leave campaign were quite reasonable I think, it was the remain camp that made remarkable claims, like WWIII would start and the world would fall apart. The FTSE has recovered and the pound is on its way.

The decision to leave is final and there won't be another referendum. Everyone knows the consequences if they try.


pre 8 godina

The rest of them will learn from Britain's example (severe economic ramifications are already obvious). So the next time there is a choice between nationalism and prosperity, I'm confident people will choose the latter.


pre 8 godina

It is for the incumbent government to have a plan for Brexit, not the leave campaign. The govt have failed on that score too.
The elites will be flabbergasted they didn't win and will want to make an example of Britain to some degree, even if those elites and bankers are actually British themselves. Shocking that project fear still carries on.


pre 8 godina

It is for the incumbent government to have a plan for Brexit, not the leave campaign. The govt have failed on that score too.
The elites will be flabbergasted they didn't win and will want to make an example of Britain to some degree, even if those elites and bankers are actually British themselves. Shocking that project fear still carries on.


pre 8 godina

The rest of them will learn from Britain's example (severe economic ramifications are already obvious). So the next time there is a choice between nationalism and prosperity, I'm confident people will choose the latter.

William UK

pre 8 godina

Yes, project fear still continues. This "Balkan expert" really should keep his opinions to his specific expertise instead of talking bollocks. This is the first time any member is leaving the EU so it is new to everyone. How does one provide a plan when they are not even in power?

Wait until negotiations start otherwise what we get is pure speculation. The leave campaign were quite reasonable I think, it was the remain camp that made remarkable claims, like WWIII would start and the world would fall apart. The FTSE has recovered and the pound is on its way.

The decision to leave is final and there won't be another referendum. Everyone knows the consequences if they try.


pre 8 godina

I'm with William UK on this.

It's worth waiting a few years before making judgments about the economic effects. The EU has not been overly successful on its economic management, and there are many reasons to believe the UK will do better when freed of the shackles.

For that reason, I would suggest that the Scots should hold fire for a while. Better to be part of a stronger Britain than go through the trauma of change just to find that being in the EU is not good for a small country with a small economy.


pre 8 godina

It is for the incumbent government to have a plan for Brexit, not the leave campaign. The govt have failed on that score too.
The elites will be flabbergasted they didn't win and will want to make an example of Britain to some degree, even if those elites and bankers are actually British themselves. Shocking that project fear still carries on.


pre 8 godina

The rest of them will learn from Britain's example (severe economic ramifications are already obvious). So the next time there is a choice between nationalism and prosperity, I'm confident people will choose the latter.

William UK

pre 8 godina

Yes, project fear still continues. This "Balkan expert" really should keep his opinions to his specific expertise instead of talking bollocks. This is the first time any member is leaving the EU so it is new to everyone. How does one provide a plan when they are not even in power?

Wait until negotiations start otherwise what we get is pure speculation. The leave campaign were quite reasonable I think, it was the remain camp that made remarkable claims, like WWIII would start and the world would fall apart. The FTSE has recovered and the pound is on its way.

The decision to leave is final and there won't be another referendum. Everyone knows the consequences if they try.


pre 8 godina

I'm with William UK on this.

It's worth waiting a few years before making judgments about the economic effects. The EU has not been overly successful on its economic management, and there are many reasons to believe the UK will do better when freed of the shackles.

For that reason, I would suggest that the Scots should hold fire for a while. Better to be part of a stronger Britain than go through the trauma of change just to find that being in the EU is not good for a small country with a small economy.