Thursday, 17.03.2016.


12 years since wave of anti-Serb violence in Kosovo

Thursday marks 12 years since the violence in Kosovo and Metohija when 4,012 Serbs were driven out, most of whom are yet to return to their homes.

Izvor: Beta

12 years since wave of anti-Serb violence in Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 8 godina


Cyril and Methodius were Moravian Slavs and they said that when they started the job Slavs already had some alphabet. At least I know two such including the famous Glagolitsa. Initially Cyrillic had 42 letters. In the times we are talking about there were no Russians or other current Slavs but were many Slav tribes described in details by Mauro Orbini whose great encyclopedia of the Slavs was forbidden soon after it was edited in 1601. All because the Great Horde aka Mongol-Tatar aka Great Tartaria was in disaster and German lead Europeans started to write their new history later imposed on the whole word. If you stop to think that rote is insane I can open your eyes at many interesting things. For instance initially Vladimir was name of the city in Russia and it's function was inside the name. Also when the Brits or the French were coming to their colonies they always found great buildings in the Greek style and you can see it if you seek for old buildings in every old city in Japan, China, Africa, both Americas, Europe, Russia, India ect. If you fail I’ll help you. Same were the Pyramids all over the world from Bosnia , France, China, Latin America or Antarctica. So were the Star Forts (звездные города) all over the world that once was already globalized by the Slavs.



pre 8 godina

Yugoslavia : “This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav” …

Find «Грамота Александра Македонского славянам» :

«Мы, Александр, сын верховного бога Юпитера на небе и Филиппа, короля Македонского на земле, повелитель мира от восхода до захода Солнца и от полудня до полночи, покоритель Мидийского и Персидского королевств, Греческих, Сирийских и Вавилонских и т.д. Просвещённому роду Славянскому и его языку милость, мир, уважение и приветствие от нас и наших преемников в управлении миром после нас. Так как вы всегда были с нами, в верности, в бою надёжны и храбры и всегда безустанны, были, мы жалуем и свободно даём вам навечно все земли от полнощного моря великого Ледовитого океана до Итальянского южного скалистого моря, дабы в этих землях никто не смел поселяться или обосновываться, но только род ваш, и если бы кто-нибудь из посторонних был здесь обнаружен, то станет вашим крепостным или прислужником со своим потомством навеки. Дано в городе Александрии, основанной нами на славной реке Нил в 12 году нашего правления с соизволения великих богов Марса, Юпитера и богини Минервы. Свидетели этого – благородный Алтера, наш казначей, и другие 11 князей, каковых в случае нашей смерти без сыновей мы оставляем наследниками нашими и всего мира».



pre 8 godina

Can a Serb say a word in favor of Vuk Karadjic and his language reforms? Please I am eager to know what positive effect did they have for the Serbs? Does it help you to learn English or to make friends with the Croats? In return I'll tell you how things could develop without the treason of Karadjic continued by Tito and now by the "democrats". What other nation has two alphabets? Even traitor Bulgarians stick to the Cyrillic! Before late 19 century Russia obeyed the Oldenburgs and it served you bad service but now it's time to do something about it.


pre 8 godina

Your theory does not make sense, Cyril and Methodosius introduced the `Cyrillic ‘alphabet to Serbia, Bulgaria and Russia as they were part of the Byzantine Empire. This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav ‘which predisposes that somehow the Byzantine Empire was not Greek and that Constantinople was not Greek as well. Pure nonsense and the archeological evidence does not support your views.


pre 8 godina


Everybody knows that I am not a Serbophobe and my alibi is stronger that of some of the Serbs. So I can afford writing what I think no matter what other people would think about it. The Oldenburgs seized Europe in 19 century and they in Russia they were Romanovs in Britain the Windsor in Austria the Habsburgs ect. Slavs were the biggest problem of the Oldenburgs who to my mind still rule the world. See how many articles on b92 were devoted to the empty visit of Prince Charles who formally is nobody in the world politics.

Vuk Karadjic was one of the Trojan Horses the Oldenburgs had inside the Slavic World. Because language is the main tool of self-identification of a nation. Meanwhile Cyrillic has been developed specially for the Slavs while Latin is the base of the Roman languages and the tool of their expansion. You can see it in Poland, Slovenia and Croatia. Cyrillica is used by the Serbs for almost 1000 years now and it helped them to survive in the Ottoman empire. But when it came to the Austrians Cyrillic was questioned in Galitsia and Serbia. Headquoters of their army stood behind it. Oral Russian is different from the written one.You say ШТО but you write ЧТО, you write ЗАЯЦ but read it ЗАЕЦ ect. This effect was used to tear apart western Russians of Byelorussia and Ukraine. Karadjic then Grushevski and the Bolsheviks used the so called phonetic principle of orthography (against the morphological used in the Russian)to tear the 3 languages away.


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?

But you killed me by mentioning the name Vuk Karadjic as one of the biggest traitors of the Serbian, the Russian and all other Slavic peoples. Why do you think Russia payed him the enormous 5000 rubles plus lifetime pension? For the New Testament interpretation? Doesn’t it remind you the USD 250 000 Hillary Clinton is receiving for her lections? Those were his 30 silver coins for the treason. Below I give you two links where you can read what Serbian and Russian patriots think about this damned westernizater of the Slavs. If you loved Zoran Djindjic then Vuk Karadjic is your hero while I am upset that nobody has stopped this terrorist too. Anyway the method «пиши као што говориш, а читај као што је написано» wasn’t invented by Karadjic but was used by the Oldenburgs to split the Russian nation. As a result in late 19 century artificial Byelorussians and Ukrainians appeared. Read about Grushevski who invented Ukrainian language to see that he acted the same way as Karadjic. Both bastards were paid by the Austrians. Grushevski was one of the richest men in Ukraine and he even made a career during the Bolshevicks sponsored by the Brits and the USA.



pre 8 godina

@Giuseppe/Italian Serbophile

Why on earth did you suddenly change your nickname?

"You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you."
First off, I'm not a woman. Why you think I am one, I have no idea. Second, rape isn't anything to boast about, its something to be ashamed of. That you think raping is something to take pride in says a lot abut your moral compass.
"Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly."

Oh dear, getting desperate. Who on earth says I want to do anything about it? You can like the Serbs as much as you want, you can rhapsodise about them, write poetry to them, whatever, your joke of a country (your words not mine) still saw fit to recognise Kosova as a separate entity from Serbia, that alone goes a longer way to altering reality on the ground than your feelings for the heavenly people ever will. Let that eat at you, sting at you and whatever.


pre 8 godina

Agnese, ancora qua stai? You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you. What are you doing here then? On a scale of 1 to 15, how do you like it here Agnese? 17? 25? Wow, that’s huge Agnese!!

Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly.


pre 8 godina

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. (rote, 17 March 2016 20:04)

Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

Italy should be thanked only for the Kater i Rades sinking.
Anyway, belonging you to the parasitarian way of life I described, I guess you thanked Italy too for the subsidy of colonialism ("be Italians and we give you money!") and to accept the sea of criminals - I know that there's not a lot of difference between "legal" and "illegal" in the albanian way of living - moving from Albania to Italy following the dream of showing Raffaella Carrà their awesome Roberto Baggio's hairstyle. Or to smuggle drugs, to steal in private houses, to rob people, etc.
Italy, unfortunately, is a joke. And it's interesting to know this country accepted so many albanians asking for asylum or international protection (maybe because Albania was and is a 3rd world country?).


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

You can write even more derogatory things than that, it does not bother me one iota. It does bother you thought that your own joke of a country (your words) took part in NATO's bombing of state you're so fond of. Tell me, does it also kill you that Italy has extended recognition to Kosova as well? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does that hurt?


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

After rote, you definitely write the dumbest things. p.s. thanks be to Italy for allowing their air bases to be used by Nato in the bombing of Serbia in 1999

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

This is not only a crime committed by lawless "people" like albanians, but also by Western "democracies". We have a historical land, place, site that is not just Serbia but the heart of Serbia. The heart of a country that meanwhile the entire Balkans - except of Greece - were allies of the Axis, was fighting against the nazi-fascist evil. At that time honourless albanians refused their own King and accepted as King of Albania the King of Italy because they appreciated the Italian subsidy. What is this? People without soul. Coward people without honour. People on sale. This is what Albania and albanians are. Liars on sale. And West was at their side, against one of the oldest and greatest civilizations that Europe has ever had: the Serbian one.
Standing with Serbia and Serbs means standing with humanity.


pre 8 godina

@ Donkey
I don’t know how you call yourself after the troubles and wars you have created in Balkan countries. Because for your neighbors you are the real savages and the “butchers of the Balkan”.
But, at whom I’m talking.. – for a serb the human life is less important than myths. And “accidentally” those myths are in middle of Albanians and you all know why are there... but you don’t like it... and it’s not convenient to you.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.
(Avni, 17 March 2016 20:32)

These are strong words coming from an uneducated, unemployed, cowardly keyword warrior. With blood feuds, brutal gang-land activity and continuing mass emigration out from Albania, the Albanian inhabited parts of southern Kosovo and Metohija and Western Macedonia, it is the Tosk's and Gheg's whose numbers are decreasing.

And just like the Pyramid Scheme crisis in 1997, the Tosk's and the Gheg's will wipe themselves out before they threaten any other nation.


pre 8 godina

@Donkey Hoxha

I cant help but notice that in your reply you failed to raise to your own challenge. You're waiting for Albanins to apparently remember their, well, do you remember yours? If so, name 3.


pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.
(glen, 17 March 2016 13:31
You people are never satisfied. B92 allows you to come here and spew your hatred and nasty comments all the time and you still want to dictate what content this site should have. If you're not satisfied with the content why don't you move to a site where you will get to read all about Serb crimes and none of your own. Then you can remind your Albanian site that they are not writing about Albanian crimes and they should fix it. What's that? You don't like reading about Albanian crimes? Then stay away from this site and you won't have to suffer any longer.


pre 8 godina

i'm not sure I understand your position. presumably you are at a news site to ingest new news. if you wanted to hear the same old news repeated over and over again, there is a magical device that was created a good many years ago, a device so powerful that it allows you to step back in time and relive the moments that you once captured. i implore you to go to you local library and request such a device - i'm sure they have one, and the dig up those pieces of old news so you can relive that moment in your nicely insulated bubble.
is there anything new that might come out of "start talking about crimes against albanians"? there has been a great deal of news in the past about that topic, i'm sure you can find all the relevant information 'till your heart's content.
you can also read some news about the american moon landing -- in case you're tired of news about the international space station.
you can read some riveting news about pele's 3rd world cup victory, or you can read the recent results where bayern made a miraculous come-from death win over juve.
these are all viable and legitimate options, but don't expect to find old news and many news site's cover page -- you have to dig. b92 has offered you over 6000 pages containing about 10 articles per page -- that's the past 60000+ articles. go find what you're looking for there. i'm sure you'll find it. the whole puppet show is there. if you want it, you may have to work for it.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. The greatest man of the time the Great Kniaz Dmitri I Ivanovic (Donskoy) aka Constantine I The Great aka Sultan Murat I was killed there. His father Ivan Danilovic (Kalita=Khalifa) had established Vatican called so in his honour because his other name was Bati Khan. Elder brother of Ivan Georgy Danilovic was the symbol of the Great Horde and it remained on the coat of arms of Moscow.

Thus the Kosovska Bitka was one of the several big battles of the civil war (Smuta times) inside the Horde. It lasted since 1370 and this date is on many Serbian icons inside the nimb of the Savior till 1415 when two Russian armies stood on Ugra River (стояние на Угре). This is why Tamerlane who fought on the Golden Horde’s side (Royal Christianity) didn’t even tried to seize the lands of the Ottomans in 1402 when Serbs saved the empire from disintegration. Because for 15 years there was no other rule in the Empire but the Serbs while Tamerlane needed only the head of Bayased I ( Vasili I) because he was the son of Dmitry Donskoy and since 1369 headed the White Horde = the main of the hordes.

Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

Out of curiosity, do you remember yours? If so, can you mention 3 of them?
(Nikolle, 17 March 2016 16:32)

Sure. Depending on my nationality (which may or may not be Serb), I'm more than happy to acknowledge the dark stains committed in the name of my country and my people.

I certainly don't go out of my way to obfuscate the past whenever its brought up or, like so many thin-skinned Albanians, try to shift focus and cast blame elsewhere whenever something inconvenient about their allegedly beautiful people and glorious history comes up. At the absolute least I remain quiet. I certainly don't act like an ass and find excuses and/or justifications, if that's what you want to know.


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57) #

Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.

Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57)

The rest of us are wondering when you savages will start remembering yours.


pre 8 godina


If it bothers you that a SERBIAN news organization writes about crimes against Serbs, I suggest you stop reading the aforementioned SERBIAN news site and try reading Koha Ditroe.


pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.


pre 8 godina

"The reason or the excuse" for the pogrom, Tanjug is reporting, was a campaign in Albanian language media blaming local Serbs and their dogs of chasing a group of Albanian boys across the Ibar River in the village of Cabar near Zubin Potok, during which one of them drown. However, it transpired this was not true.

As usual, media propaganda spreading lies and biased and unfounded 'facts', inciting people to hate and to use violence. Why should it in Kosovo be different than it has been (and partially still is) in Serbia?


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.


pre 8 godina


If it bothers you that a SERBIAN news organization writes about crimes against Serbs, I suggest you stop reading the aforementioned SERBIAN news site and try reading Koha Ditroe.


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

After rote, you definitely write the dumbest things. p.s. thanks be to Italy for allowing their air bases to be used by Nato in the bombing of Serbia in 1999


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

You can write even more derogatory things than that, it does not bother me one iota. It does bother you thought that your own joke of a country (your words) took part in NATO's bombing of state you're so fond of. Tell me, does it also kill you that Italy has extended recognition to Kosova as well? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does that hurt?

Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57)

The rest of us are wondering when you savages will start remembering yours.


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57) #

Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.


pre 8 godina

@Giuseppe/Italian Serbophile

Why on earth did you suddenly change your nickname?

"You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you."
First off, I'm not a woman. Why you think I am one, I have no idea. Second, rape isn't anything to boast about, its something to be ashamed of. That you think raping is something to take pride in says a lot abut your moral compass.
"Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly."

Oh dear, getting desperate. Who on earth says I want to do anything about it? You can like the Serbs as much as you want, you can rhapsodise about them, write poetry to them, whatever, your joke of a country (your words not mine) still saw fit to recognise Kosova as a separate entity from Serbia, that alone goes a longer way to altering reality on the ground than your feelings for the heavenly people ever will. Let that eat at you, sting at you and whatever.


pre 8 godina

@ Donkey
I don’t know how you call yourself after the troubles and wars you have created in Balkan countries. Because for your neighbors you are the real savages and the “butchers of the Balkan”.
But, at whom I’m talking.. – for a serb the human life is less important than myths. And “accidentally” those myths are in middle of Albanians and you all know why are there... but you don’t like it... and it’s not convenient to you.


pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.
(glen, 17 March 2016 13:31
You people are never satisfied. B92 allows you to come here and spew your hatred and nasty comments all the time and you still want to dictate what content this site should have. If you're not satisfied with the content why don't you move to a site where you will get to read all about Serb crimes and none of your own. Then you can remind your Albanian site that they are not writing about Albanian crimes and they should fix it. What's that? You don't like reading about Albanian crimes? Then stay away from this site and you won't have to suffer any longer.

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

This is not only a crime committed by lawless "people" like albanians, but also by Western "democracies". We have a historical land, place, site that is not just Serbia but the heart of Serbia. The heart of a country that meanwhile the entire Balkans - except of Greece - were allies of the Axis, was fighting against the nazi-fascist evil. At that time honourless albanians refused their own King and accepted as King of Albania the King of Italy because they appreciated the Italian subsidy. What is this? People without soul. Coward people without honour. People on sale. This is what Albania and albanians are. Liars on sale. And West was at their side, against one of the oldest and greatest civilizations that Europe has ever had: the Serbian one.
Standing with Serbia and Serbs means standing with humanity.


pre 8 godina

Agnese, ancora qua stai? You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you. What are you doing here then? On a scale of 1 to 15, how do you like it here Agnese? 17? 25? Wow, that’s huge Agnese!!

Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly.


pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.
(Avni, 17 March 2016 20:32)

These are strong words coming from an uneducated, unemployed, cowardly keyword warrior. With blood feuds, brutal gang-land activity and continuing mass emigration out from Albania, the Albanian inhabited parts of southern Kosovo and Metohija and Western Macedonia, it is the Tosk's and Gheg's whose numbers are decreasing.

And just like the Pyramid Scheme crisis in 1997, the Tosk's and the Gheg's will wipe themselves out before they threaten any other nation.

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

Italy should be thanked only for the Kater i Rades sinking.
Anyway, belonging you to the parasitarian way of life I described, I guess you thanked Italy too for the subsidy of colonialism ("be Italians and we give you money!") and to accept the sea of criminals - I know that there's not a lot of difference between "legal" and "illegal" in the albanian way of living - moving from Albania to Italy following the dream of showing Raffaella Carrà their awesome Roberto Baggio's hairstyle. Or to smuggle drugs, to steal in private houses, to rob people, etc.
Italy, unfortunately, is a joke. And it's interesting to know this country accepted so many albanians asking for asylum or international protection (maybe because Albania was and is a 3rd world country?).


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.


pre 8 godina

i'm not sure I understand your position. presumably you are at a news site to ingest new news. if you wanted to hear the same old news repeated over and over again, there is a magical device that was created a good many years ago, a device so powerful that it allows you to step back in time and relive the moments that you once captured. i implore you to go to you local library and request such a device - i'm sure they have one, and the dig up those pieces of old news so you can relive that moment in your nicely insulated bubble.
is there anything new that might come out of "start talking about crimes against albanians"? there has been a great deal of news in the past about that topic, i'm sure you can find all the relevant information 'till your heart's content.
you can also read some news about the american moon landing -- in case you're tired of news about the international space station.
you can read some riveting news about pele's 3rd world cup victory, or you can read the recent results where bayern made a miraculous come-from death win over juve.
these are all viable and legitimate options, but don't expect to find old news and many news site's cover page -- you have to dig. b92 has offered you over 6000 pages containing about 10 articles per page -- that's the past 60000+ articles. go find what you're looking for there. i'm sure you'll find it. the whole puppet show is there. if you want it, you may have to work for it.


pre 8 godina

"The reason or the excuse" for the pogrom, Tanjug is reporting, was a campaign in Albanian language media blaming local Serbs and their dogs of chasing a group of Albanian boys across the Ibar River in the village of Cabar near Zubin Potok, during which one of them drown. However, it transpired this was not true.

As usual, media propaganda spreading lies and biased and unfounded 'facts', inciting people to hate and to use violence. Why should it in Kosovo be different than it has been (and partially still is) in Serbia?


pre 8 godina

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. (rote, 17 March 2016 20:04)

Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?

Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

Out of curiosity, do you remember yours? If so, can you mention 3 of them?
(Nikolle, 17 March 2016 16:32)

Sure. Depending on my nationality (which may or may not be Serb), I'm more than happy to acknowledge the dark stains committed in the name of my country and my people.

I certainly don't go out of my way to obfuscate the past whenever its brought up or, like so many thin-skinned Albanians, try to shift focus and cast blame elsewhere whenever something inconvenient about their allegedly beautiful people and glorious history comes up. At the absolute least I remain quiet. I certainly don't act like an ass and find excuses and/or justifications, if that's what you want to know.


pre 8 godina

@Donkey Hoxha

I cant help but notice that in your reply you failed to raise to your own challenge. You're waiting for Albanins to apparently remember their, well, do you remember yours? If so, name 3.


pre 8 godina

Your theory does not make sense, Cyril and Methodosius introduced the `Cyrillic ‘alphabet to Serbia, Bulgaria and Russia as they were part of the Byzantine Empire. This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav ‘which predisposes that somehow the Byzantine Empire was not Greek and that Constantinople was not Greek as well. Pure nonsense and the archeological evidence does not support your views.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. The greatest man of the time the Great Kniaz Dmitri I Ivanovic (Donskoy) aka Constantine I The Great aka Sultan Murat I was killed there. His father Ivan Danilovic (Kalita=Khalifa) had established Vatican called so in his honour because his other name was Bati Khan. Elder brother of Ivan Georgy Danilovic was the symbol of the Great Horde and it remained on the coat of arms of Moscow.

Thus the Kosovska Bitka was one of the several big battles of the civil war (Smuta times) inside the Horde. It lasted since 1370 and this date is on many Serbian icons inside the nimb of the Savior till 1415 when two Russian armies stood on Ugra River (стояние на Угре). This is why Tamerlane who fought on the Golden Horde’s side (Royal Christianity) didn’t even tried to seize the lands of the Ottomans in 1402 when Serbs saved the empire from disintegration. Because for 15 years there was no other rule in the Empire but the Serbs while Tamerlane needed only the head of Bayased I ( Vasili I) because he was the son of Dmitry Donskoy and since 1369 headed the White Horde = the main of the hordes.


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?

But you killed me by mentioning the name Vuk Karadjic as one of the biggest traitors of the Serbian, the Russian and all other Slavic peoples. Why do you think Russia payed him the enormous 5000 rubles plus lifetime pension? For the New Testament interpretation? Doesn’t it remind you the USD 250 000 Hillary Clinton is receiving for her lections? Those were his 30 silver coins for the treason. Below I give you two links where you can read what Serbian and Russian patriots think about this damned westernizater of the Slavs. If you loved Zoran Djindjic then Vuk Karadjic is your hero while I am upset that nobody has stopped this terrorist too. Anyway the method «пиши као што говориш, а читај као што је написано» wasn’t invented by Karadjic but was used by the Oldenburgs to split the Russian nation. As a result in late 19 century artificial Byelorussians and Ukrainians appeared. Read about Grushevski who invented Ukrainian language to see that he acted the same way as Karadjic. Both bastards were paid by the Austrians. Grushevski was one of the richest men in Ukraine and he even made a career during the Bolshevicks sponsored by the Brits and the USA.



pre 8 godina

Can a Serb say a word in favor of Vuk Karadjic and his language reforms? Please I am eager to know what positive effect did they have for the Serbs? Does it help you to learn English or to make friends with the Croats? In return I'll tell you how things could develop without the treason of Karadjic continued by Tito and now by the "democrats". What other nation has two alphabets? Even traitor Bulgarians stick to the Cyrillic! Before late 19 century Russia obeyed the Oldenburgs and it served you bad service but now it's time to do something about it.


pre 8 godina

Yugoslavia : “This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav” …

Find «Грамота Александра Македонского славянам» :

«Мы, Александр, сын верховного бога Юпитера на небе и Филиппа, короля Македонского на земле, повелитель мира от восхода до захода Солнца и от полудня до полночи, покоритель Мидийского и Персидского королевств, Греческих, Сирийских и Вавилонских и т.д. Просвещённому роду Славянскому и его языку милость, мир, уважение и приветствие от нас и наших преемников в управлении миром после нас. Так как вы всегда были с нами, в верности, в бою надёжны и храбры и всегда безустанны, были, мы жалуем и свободно даём вам навечно все земли от полнощного моря великого Ледовитого океана до Итальянского южного скалистого моря, дабы в этих землях никто не смел поселяться или обосновываться, но только род ваш, и если бы кто-нибудь из посторонних был здесь обнаружен, то станет вашим крепостным или прислужником со своим потомством навеки. Дано в городе Александрии, основанной нами на славной реке Нил в 12 году нашего правления с соизволения великих богов Марса, Юпитера и богини Минервы. Свидетели этого – благородный Алтера, наш казначей, и другие 11 князей, каковых в случае нашей смерти без сыновей мы оставляем наследниками нашими и всего мира».



pre 8 godina


Everybody knows that I am not a Serbophobe and my alibi is stronger that of some of the Serbs. So I can afford writing what I think no matter what other people would think about it. The Oldenburgs seized Europe in 19 century and they in Russia they were Romanovs in Britain the Windsor in Austria the Habsburgs ect. Slavs were the biggest problem of the Oldenburgs who to my mind still rule the world. See how many articles on b92 were devoted to the empty visit of Prince Charles who formally is nobody in the world politics.

Vuk Karadjic was one of the Trojan Horses the Oldenburgs had inside the Slavic World. Because language is the main tool of self-identification of a nation. Meanwhile Cyrillic has been developed specially for the Slavs while Latin is the base of the Roman languages and the tool of their expansion. You can see it in Poland, Slovenia and Croatia. Cyrillica is used by the Serbs for almost 1000 years now and it helped them to survive in the Ottoman empire. But when it came to the Austrians Cyrillic was questioned in Galitsia and Serbia. Headquoters of their army stood behind it. Oral Russian is different from the written one.You say ШТО but you write ЧТО, you write ЗАЯЦ but read it ЗАЕЦ ect. This effect was used to tear apart western Russians of Byelorussia and Ukraine. Karadjic then Grushevski and the Bolsheviks used the so called phonetic principle of orthography (against the morphological used in the Russian)to tear the 3 languages away.


pre 8 godina


Cyril and Methodius were Moravian Slavs and they said that when they started the job Slavs already had some alphabet. At least I know two such including the famous Glagolitsa. Initially Cyrillic had 42 letters. In the times we are talking about there were no Russians or other current Slavs but were many Slav tribes described in details by Mauro Orbini whose great encyclopedia of the Slavs was forbidden soon after it was edited in 1601. All because the Great Horde aka Mongol-Tatar aka Great Tartaria was in disaster and German lead Europeans started to write their new history later imposed on the whole word. If you stop to think that rote is insane I can open your eyes at many interesting things. For instance initially Vladimir was name of the city in Russia and it's function was inside the name. Also when the Brits or the French were coming to their colonies they always found great buildings in the Greek style and you can see it if you seek for old buildings in every old city in Japan, China, Africa, both Americas, Europe, Russia, India ect. If you fail I’ll help you. Same were the Pyramids all over the world from Bosnia , France, China, Latin America or Antarctica. So were the Star Forts (звездные города) all over the world that once was already globalized by the Slavs.



pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

Italy should be thanked only for the Kater i Rades sinking.
Anyway, belonging you to the parasitarian way of life I described, I guess you thanked Italy too for the subsidy of colonialism ("be Italians and we give you money!") and to accept the sea of criminals - I know that there's not a lot of difference between "legal" and "illegal" in the albanian way of living - moving from Albania to Italy following the dream of showing Raffaella Carrà their awesome Roberto Baggio's hairstyle. Or to smuggle drugs, to steal in private houses, to rob people, etc.
Italy, unfortunately, is a joke. And it's interesting to know this country accepted so many albanians asking for asylum or international protection (maybe because Albania was and is a 3rd world country?).


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.


pre 8 godina

Agnese, ancora qua stai? You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you. What are you doing here then? On a scale of 1 to 15, how do you like it here Agnese? 17? 25? Wow, that’s huge Agnese!!

Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly.

Italian Serbophile

pre 8 godina

This is not only a crime committed by lawless "people" like albanians, but also by Western "democracies". We have a historical land, place, site that is not just Serbia but the heart of Serbia. The heart of a country that meanwhile the entire Balkans - except of Greece - were allies of the Axis, was fighting against the nazi-fascist evil. At that time honourless albanians refused their own King and accepted as King of Albania the King of Italy because they appreciated the Italian subsidy. What is this? People without soul. Coward people without honour. People on sale. This is what Albania and albanians are. Liars on sale. And West was at their side, against one of the oldest and greatest civilizations that Europe has ever had: the Serbian one.
Standing with Serbia and Serbs means standing with humanity.


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

You can write even more derogatory things than that, it does not bother me one iota. It does bother you thought that your own joke of a country (your words) took part in NATO's bombing of state you're so fond of. Tell me, does it also kill you that Italy has extended recognition to Kosova as well? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does that hurt?


pre 8 godina

@Giuseppe/Italian Serbophile

Why on earth did you suddenly change your nickname?

"You know what Serbian guys did to Albanian women Agnese? They raped you Agnese, they raped innocent Albanian women like you."
First off, I'm not a woman. Why you think I am one, I have no idea. Second, rape isn't anything to boast about, its something to be ashamed of. That you think raping is something to take pride in says a lot abut your moral compass.
"Europe’s balls’ experts, we don’t give a shit about Kosova and Albania. You’ve always been and will always be our colonial quasi humans. We are here because we love the Serbian people. It has always been and will always be like that and there's nothing you can do. Venture a guess why exactly."

Oh dear, getting desperate. Who on earth says I want to do anything about it? You can like the Serbs as much as you want, you can rhapsodise about them, write poetry to them, whatever, your joke of a country (your words not mine) still saw fit to recognise Kosova as a separate entity from Serbia, that alone goes a longer way to altering reality on the ground than your feelings for the heavenly people ever will. Let that eat at you, sting at you and whatever.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.


pre 8 godina

awe poor Serbs. Now lets talk about the massacres that serbs committed not only in Kosovo but in bosnia as well :) You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57) #

Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.


pre 8 godina

When you get a chance B92 start talking about crimes against albanians! Start with chubrillovic and finish it with seselj, milosevic and all their little puppies.
(glen, 17 March 2016 13:31
You people are never satisfied. B92 allows you to come here and spew your hatred and nasty comments all the time and you still want to dictate what content this site should have. If you're not satisfied with the content why don't you move to a site where you will get to read all about Serb crimes and none of your own. Then you can remind your Albanian site that they are not writing about Albanian crimes and they should fix it. What's that? You don't like reading about Albanian crimes? Then stay away from this site and you won't have to suffer any longer.


pre 8 godina

@Donkey Hoxha

I cant help but notice that in your reply you failed to raise to your own challenge. You're waiting for Albanins to apparently remember their, well, do you remember yours? If so, name 3.


pre 8 godina

@ Donkey
I don’t know how you call yourself after the troubles and wars you have created in Balkan countries. Because for your neighbors you are the real savages and the “butchers of the Balkan”.
But, at whom I’m talking.. – for a serb the human life is less important than myths. And “accidentally” those myths are in middle of Albanians and you all know why are there... but you don’t like it... and it’s not convenient to you.


pre 8 godina

@Italian Serbophile

After rote, you definitely write the dumbest things. p.s. thanks be to Italy for allowing their air bases to be used by Nato in the bombing of Serbia in 1999


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?

But you killed me by mentioning the name Vuk Karadjic as one of the biggest traitors of the Serbian, the Russian and all other Slavic peoples. Why do you think Russia payed him the enormous 5000 rubles plus lifetime pension? For the New Testament interpretation? Doesn’t it remind you the USD 250 000 Hillary Clinton is receiving for her lections? Those were his 30 silver coins for the treason. Below I give you two links where you can read what Serbian and Russian patriots think about this damned westernizater of the Slavs. If you loved Zoran Djindjic then Vuk Karadjic is your hero while I am upset that nobody has stopped this terrorist too. Anyway the method «пиши као што говориш, а читај као што је написано» wasn’t invented by Karadjic but was used by the Oldenburgs to split the Russian nation. As a result in late 19 century artificial Byelorussians and Ukrainians appeared. Read about Grushevski who invented Ukrainian language to see that he acted the same way as Karadjic. Both bastards were paid by the Austrians. Grushevski was one of the richest men in Ukraine and he even made a career during the Bolshevicks sponsored by the Brits and the USA.


Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

You think we will forget your crimes, never.
(eric, 17 March 2016 13:57)

The rest of us are wondering when you savages will start remembering yours.

Donkey Hoxha

pre 8 godina

Out of curiosity, do you remember yours? If so, can you mention 3 of them?
(Nikolle, 17 March 2016 16:32)

Sure. Depending on my nationality (which may or may not be Serb), I'm more than happy to acknowledge the dark stains committed in the name of my country and my people.

I certainly don't go out of my way to obfuscate the past whenever its brought up or, like so many thin-skinned Albanians, try to shift focus and cast blame elsewhere whenever something inconvenient about their allegedly beautiful people and glorious history comes up. At the absolute least I remain quiet. I certainly don't act like an ass and find excuses and/or justifications, if that's what you want to know.


pre 8 godina


Everybody knows that I am not a Serbophobe and my alibi is stronger that of some of the Serbs. So I can afford writing what I think no matter what other people would think about it. The Oldenburgs seized Europe in 19 century and they in Russia they were Romanovs in Britain the Windsor in Austria the Habsburgs ect. Slavs were the biggest problem of the Oldenburgs who to my mind still rule the world. See how many articles on b92 were devoted to the empty visit of Prince Charles who formally is nobody in the world politics.

Vuk Karadjic was one of the Trojan Horses the Oldenburgs had inside the Slavic World. Because language is the main tool of self-identification of a nation. Meanwhile Cyrillic has been developed specially for the Slavs while Latin is the base of the Roman languages and the tool of their expansion. You can see it in Poland, Slovenia and Croatia. Cyrillica is used by the Serbs for almost 1000 years now and it helped them to survive in the Ottoman empire. But when it came to the Austrians Cyrillic was questioned in Galitsia and Serbia. Headquoters of their army stood behind it. Oral Russian is different from the written one.You say ШТО but you write ЧТО, you write ЗАЯЦ but read it ЗАЕЦ ect. This effect was used to tear apart western Russians of Byelorussia and Ukraine. Karadjic then Grushevski and the Bolsheviks used the so called phonetic principle of orthography (against the morphological used in the Russian)to tear the 3 languages away.


pre 8 godina

Jugoslavija : Don't worry Albo Turk, we have never forgotten you since 1389.

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. The greatest man of the time the Great Kniaz Dmitri I Ivanovic (Donskoy) aka Constantine I The Great aka Sultan Murat I was killed there. His father Ivan Danilovic (Kalita=Khalifa) had established Vatican called so in his honour because his other name was Bati Khan. Elder brother of Ivan Georgy Danilovic was the symbol of the Great Horde and it remained on the coat of arms of Moscow.

Thus the Kosovska Bitka was one of the several big battles of the civil war (Smuta times) inside the Horde. It lasted since 1370 and this date is on many Serbian icons inside the nimb of the Savior till 1415 when two Russian armies stood on Ugra River (стояние на Угре). This is why Tamerlane who fought on the Golden Horde’s side (Royal Christianity) didn’t even tried to seize the lands of the Ottomans in 1402 when Serbs saved the empire from disintegration. Because for 15 years there was no other rule in the Empire but the Serbs while Tamerlane needed only the head of Bayased I ( Vasili I) because he was the son of Dmitry Donskoy and since 1369 headed the White Horde = the main of the hordes.


pre 8 godina

Serbian propaganda. You can lie to yourselves as much as you want, but you will never be safe. Our day will come and you'll be wiped out. In some ways God is punishing you by decreasing your numbers.
(Avni, 17 March 2016 20:32)

These are strong words coming from an uneducated, unemployed, cowardly keyword warrior. With blood feuds, brutal gang-land activity and continuing mass emigration out from Albania, the Albanian inhabited parts of southern Kosovo and Metohija and Western Macedonia, it is the Tosk's and Gheg's whose numbers are decreasing.

And just like the Pyramid Scheme crisis in 1997, the Tosk's and the Gheg's will wipe themselves out before they threaten any other nation.


pre 8 godina

Can a Serb say a word in favor of Vuk Karadjic and his language reforms? Please I am eager to know what positive effect did they have for the Serbs? Does it help you to learn English or to make friends with the Croats? In return I'll tell you how things could develop without the treason of Karadjic continued by Tito and now by the "democrats". What other nation has two alphabets? Even traitor Bulgarians stick to the Cyrillic! Before late 19 century Russia obeyed the Oldenburgs and it served you bad service but now it's time to do something about it.


pre 8 godina


If it bothers you that a SERBIAN news organization writes about crimes against Serbs, I suggest you stop reading the aforementioned SERBIAN news site and try reading Koha Ditroe.


pre 8 godina

Yugoslavia : “This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav” …

Find «Грамота Александра Македонского славянам» :

«Мы, Александр, сын верховного бога Юпитера на небе и Филиппа, короля Македонского на земле, повелитель мира от восхода до захода Солнца и от полудня до полночи, покоритель Мидийского и Персидского королевств, Греческих, Сирийских и Вавилонских и т.д. Просвещённому роду Славянскому и его языку милость, мир, уважение и приветствие от нас и наших преемников в управлении миром после нас. Так как вы всегда были с нами, в верности, в бою надёжны и храбры и всегда безустанны, были, мы жалуем и свободно даём вам навечно все земли от полнощного моря великого Ледовитого океана до Итальянского южного скалистого моря, дабы в этих землях никто не смел поселяться или обосновываться, но только род ваш, и если бы кто-нибудь из посторонних был здесь обнаружен, то станет вашим крепостным или прислужником со своим потомством навеки. Дано в городе Александрии, основанной нами на славной реке Нил в 12 году нашего правления с соизволения великих богов Марса, Юпитера и богини Минервы. Свидетели этого – благородный Алтера, наш казначей, и другие 11 князей, каковых в случае нашей смерти без сыновей мы оставляем наследниками нашими и всего мира».



pre 8 godina

"The reason or the excuse" for the pogrom, Tanjug is reporting, was a campaign in Albanian language media blaming local Serbs and their dogs of chasing a group of Albanian boys across the Ibar River in the village of Cabar near Zubin Potok, during which one of them drown. However, it transpired this was not true.

As usual, media propaganda spreading lies and biased and unfounded 'facts', inciting people to hate and to use violence. Why should it in Kosovo be different than it has been (and partially still is) in Serbia?


pre 8 godina

i'm not sure I understand your position. presumably you are at a news site to ingest new news. if you wanted to hear the same old news repeated over and over again, there is a magical device that was created a good many years ago, a device so powerful that it allows you to step back in time and relive the moments that you once captured. i implore you to go to you local library and request such a device - i'm sure they have one, and the dig up those pieces of old news so you can relive that moment in your nicely insulated bubble.
is there anything new that might come out of "start talking about crimes against albanians"? there has been a great deal of news in the past about that topic, i'm sure you can find all the relevant information 'till your heart's content.
you can also read some news about the american moon landing -- in case you're tired of news about the international space station.
you can read some riveting news about pele's 3rd world cup victory, or you can read the recent results where bayern made a miraculous come-from death win over juve.
these are all viable and legitimate options, but don't expect to find old news and many news site's cover page -- you have to dig. b92 has offered you over 6000 pages containing about 10 articles per page -- that's the past 60000+ articles. go find what you're looking for there. i'm sure you'll find it. the whole puppet show is there. if you want it, you may have to work for it.


pre 8 godina

Please stop it ! Why all of you stick to that slavery version of the history that the Oldenburgs wrote for you and me in 19 century. Tell me a single song or a legend about the battle that was known since 17-18 century! On Kulikove and Kosovo fields Royal Christianity Slavs and Apostolic Christianity Slavs killed one another. (rote, 17 March 2016 20:04)

Read some Vuk Karadzic or as he an Oldenburg?


pre 8 godina


Cyril and Methodius were Moravian Slavs and they said that when they started the job Slavs already had some alphabet. At least I know two such including the famous Glagolitsa. Initially Cyrillic had 42 letters. In the times we are talking about there were no Russians or other current Slavs but were many Slav tribes described in details by Mauro Orbini whose great encyclopedia of the Slavs was forbidden soon after it was edited in 1601. All because the Great Horde aka Mongol-Tatar aka Great Tartaria was in disaster and German lead Europeans started to write their new history later imposed on the whole word. If you stop to think that rote is insane I can open your eyes at many interesting things. For instance initially Vladimir was name of the city in Russia and it's function was inside the name. Also when the Brits or the French were coming to their colonies they always found great buildings in the Greek style and you can see it if you seek for old buildings in every old city in Japan, China, Africa, both Americas, Europe, Russia, India ect. If you fail I’ll help you. Same were the Pyramids all over the world from Bosnia , France, China, Latin America or Antarctica. So were the Star Forts (звездные города) all over the world that once was already globalized by the Slavs.



pre 8 godina

Your theory does not make sense, Cyril and Methodosius introduced the `Cyrillic ‘alphabet to Serbia, Bulgaria and Russia as they were part of the Byzantine Empire. This completely discounts your theory that Alexander the Great was `Slav ‘which predisposes that somehow the Byzantine Empire was not Greek and that Constantinople was not Greek as well. Pure nonsense and the archeological evidence does not support your views.