Wednesday, 25.11.2015.


Russian, Turkish foreign ministers "could meet in Belgrade"

Turkish and Russian foreign minister "could meet next week in Belgrade," Beta is reporting, quoting foreign news agencies.

Izvor: Beta

Russian, Turkish foreign ministers "could meet in Belgrade" IMAGE SOURCE

24 Komentari

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pre 8 godina

The dialog between Zoran and Cry Me a River needs to be amended.
Today is Thankgiving and it's the only day when I have no objection to Turkey.

Accordingly, the heart of Turkey is today 60 Cent less in that Russian store. They warned me yesterday - but I am not every day in Germany, so had to fork out 2.83 for a 1 kg instead of 2.23. But given the right recipe the Turkey is yummy. Heart needs some barbecue sauce.

Turkey can be easily turned into Albania or Kosovo, all you need is a Greek Ouzo to soak the liver or the heart. If there is no Ouzo, the very spicy and crazy-tasting local Gewürztraminer will do it. There are so many spices, Turkey can't withstand the attack.

I first turned Turkey into Albania, than Albania into Russian Caucasus and Thailand. No one complained, Erdogan was not invited.


pre 8 godina

Thank God for the Irish! Bosnian Islamic Muslim Terrorists failing to respect minute of silence for Paris victims.

"Republic of Ireland fans hit back at Bosnia supporters for failing to respect minute’s silence for Paris victims"

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/11/16/republic-of-ireland-fans-hit-back-at-bosnia-supporters-for-failing-to-respect-minutes-silence-for-paris-victims-5506475/#ixzz3saCNOSaA


pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.
(Zoran, 25 November 2015 17:10)
Thanksgiving comes before Christmas and this turkey isn't getting pardoned.


pre 8 godina

Something more about that MixMarkt (and the horse-problem, since it was mentioned). The clients of that particular store are largely from Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova (and an other country).

The funniest is, they (from Moldova) speak the same language. You can determine, someone is from Moldova or from Ro**** because:

- the Moldovan would speak Russian
- the Moldovan has a body smell like Russians, Poles, Germans
- the Moldovan has a car which looks like a car.
- the Moldovan speaks in low voice, politely and does not forces himself through the line.

The rest is up your imagination. The "rest of us" usually take a strange look and laugh behind the R*** back: "They claim to be Europeans from EU???"

Ah yes, they buy the worst quality of meat / pork and can't calculate that what they buy is usually bones and is not economical at all. Anyone heard about a good Romanian mathematician?

But if it is about the cheap beer, they surpass anyone. Guess, that's the only fun they can allow at home. Welcome to the most retarded country of EU. Cross the border with Ukraina, you will think Ukraina is Lichtenstein.


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

Go to the Turkish or Albanian terrorist sites if you can't read Cyrillic. Why are you posting Romanian sites>? Nobody has the inclination to learn to read or write Romanian vagabond.

cry me a river

pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.

Yes, unless Putin is a vegetarian.
Anyway, your comment made me chuckle.

It was just a matter of time before this was going to happen to Russia.
What is the difference between Putin and Erdogan, anyway?
They can go at it if they want. Everyone else should step aside.


pre 8 godina

The very popular Russian grocery store chain in Germany (Mix Markt) seem to silently remove most Turkish products. I was there today in Rastatt - the tomatoes are from NL, B, IL, FR - but nothing from Turkey. It seems, I will miss the Locum, too.

The seedless grape was from Turkey, the country origin was removed. I bought it like that.

The price of the Turkish feta is usually the same as the Bryndza. Now it's 2x, with two cans remaining, no more are expected to come. So either feta from RU or HU or GR.

Just FYI (and it's from Germany, next to French border).

"Mix Markt" is near every larger German town worth to mention. And it's only a begin.
Sorry, Erdogan, it will be quite widespread and painful.



pre 8 godina

Since these Thracians (OK, let them call Illyrians if they want) are there since a while, so are the Slavs and Huns - let me tell a little joke than.

There is a UNESCO session. The topic is Illyrian settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Tirana.

"When the Illyrians arrived to Romania, the next day they discovered, their horses are stolen, so they are still there".

The Russian and Hungarian delegation nodded, the Romanian got furious.

The next day the topic is about Slavonic settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Moscow.

"The next day the Slavs arrived to Romania they discovered that their horses are stolen - and the Slavs are still there".

Same story (this time nod from Tirana and BP, the Romanians are even more furious).

The third day is about Erdély / Erdelj.

The Hungarian delegation: "The next day Huns arrived to Romania, they discovered that their horses are stolen, so Huns are still there"

Romanian delegation objects:

"How come they accuse us - but we weren't even there!"

The other three:

"Please for record: Romanians say, they did not steal the horses. They just admitted, weren't there when we came"


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

At last there’s something the insane cannot comment !


pre 8 godina

Bravo QUEST for your message ,you are inteligent
(adrian_bucharest, 25 November 2015 18:25)
Yep, I think he is as "inteligent" as you and your analysis.

Why would Russia go to war with Turkey for downing one jet? Even though Putin could flatten Turkey within a few hours, he is not stupid.

Just a little patience and wait for some measured responses. I doubt Turkey will be violating Syrian airspace for a very long time. It would be a graveyard for Turkish jets.


pre 8 godina

Here is the mighty Pepe Escobar, Sasha. Check it out when you have a chance: http://sputniknews.com/columnists/20151125/1030730838/turkey-erdogan-war-russia.html


pre 8 godina

Законопроект об ответственности за непризнание геноцида армян Турцией в 1915 году внесен в Госдуму России, сообщил в среду лидер фракции партии «Справедливая Россия» Сергей Миронов.


pre 8 godina

бывший глава Роспотребнадзора Геннадий Онищенко, сообщает РИА Новости.

«Все понимают, что каждый купленный в "Ашане" или на рынке турецкий помидор — это вклад в очередную ракету, которая будет стрелять по нашим ребятам.


pre 8 godina

I think it was a stupid mistake by Turkish military!
Turkish government will smooth thing's over with Russia. Alot of business is at stack ,with Turkey losing out.Tourism, Gas ,agricultural and mineral's,a big lost for Turkey.
So alot of opion's on B92 by idiot's, that are wrong.


pre 8 godina

Депутаты Госдумы поддержали идею вернуть собор Святой Софии в турецком Стамбуле Православной церкви.

Joe A

pre 8 godina

Since Turkish Stream will be off the table now, South Stream might get a second life. So Russia can sign the agreement when they are in Belgrade. I assume Bulgaria will also be there so they can also sign.


pre 8 godina

Russia has tucked her tail between her legs, and has been put in her place. If this was any other country, Russia would have declared war immediately. For some reason that's not the case here.
We all know Mr. Putin is a tough guy against smaller countries, weaker, but when it came to Turkey, Mr. Putin has shown that he fears too, he is not that invisible lol. This is the best Christmas gift given to Ukraine, and Georgia by Turks.

Are you serious Russia? Relations wil be reconsidered?

That's it? No war? No balls? This is the real Russia we all have known to be.

Now for you Serbs this is a lesson, don't ever think Russia will go to war for you, if they won't go to war for their own plane, and pilots that were shot down.


pre 8 godina

So what did you know - ? - I Quote -

"Erdogan: We didn't know warplane was Russian" !

You are a lier and The FMs meting will avail to nothing.



pre 8 godina

Russia has tucked her tail between her legs, and has been put in her place. If this was any other country, Russia would have declared war immediately. For some reason that's not the case here.
We all know Mr. Putin is a tough guy against smaller countries, weaker, but when it came to Turkey, Mr. Putin has shown that he fears too, he is not that invisible lol. This is the best Christmas gift given to Ukraine, and Georgia by Turks.

Are you serious Russia? Relations wil be reconsidered?

That's it? No war? No balls? This is the real Russia we all have known to be.

Now for you Serbs this is a lesson, don't ever think Russia will go to war for you, if they won't go to war for their own plane, and pilots that were shot down.


pre 8 godina

I think it was a stupid mistake by Turkish military!
Turkish government will smooth thing's over with Russia. Alot of business is at stack ,with Turkey losing out.Tourism, Gas ,agricultural and mineral's,a big lost for Turkey.
So alot of opion's on B92 by idiot's, that are wrong.

Joe A

pre 8 godina

Since Turkish Stream will be off the table now, South Stream might get a second life. So Russia can sign the agreement when they are in Belgrade. I assume Bulgaria will also be there so they can also sign.


pre 8 godina

So what did you know - ? - I Quote -

"Erdogan: We didn't know warplane was Russian" !

You are a lier and The FMs meting will avail to nothing.



pre 8 godina

Bravo QUEST for your message ,you are inteligent
(adrian_bucharest, 25 November 2015 18:25)
Yep, I think he is as "inteligent" as you and your analysis.

Why would Russia go to war with Turkey for downing one jet? Even though Putin could flatten Turkey within a few hours, he is not stupid.

Just a little patience and wait for some measured responses. I doubt Turkey will be violating Syrian airspace for a very long time. It would be a graveyard for Turkish jets.


pre 8 godina

Законопроект об ответственности за непризнание геноцида армян Турцией в 1915 году внесен в Госдуму России, сообщил в среду лидер фракции партии «Справедливая Россия» Сергей Миронов.


pre 8 godina

Депутаты Госдумы поддержали идею вернуть собор Святой Софии в турецком Стамбуле Православной церкви.


pre 8 godina

бывший глава Роспотребнадзора Геннадий Онищенко, сообщает РИА Новости.

«Все понимают, что каждый купленный в "Ашане" или на рынке турецкий помидор — это вклад в очередную ракету, которая будет стрелять по нашим ребятам.


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

At last there’s something the insane cannot comment !


pre 8 godina

The very popular Russian grocery store chain in Germany (Mix Markt) seem to silently remove most Turkish products. I was there today in Rastatt - the tomatoes are from NL, B, IL, FR - but nothing from Turkey. It seems, I will miss the Locum, too.

The seedless grape was from Turkey, the country origin was removed. I bought it like that.

The price of the Turkish feta is usually the same as the Bryndza. Now it's 2x, with two cans remaining, no more are expected to come. So either feta from RU or HU or GR.

Just FYI (and it's from Germany, next to French border).

"Mix Markt" is near every larger German town worth to mention. And it's only a begin.
Sorry, Erdogan, it will be quite widespread and painful.



pre 8 godina

Since these Thracians (OK, let them call Illyrians if they want) are there since a while, so are the Slavs and Huns - let me tell a little joke than.

There is a UNESCO session. The topic is Illyrian settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Tirana.

"When the Illyrians arrived to Romania, the next day they discovered, their horses are stolen, so they are still there".

The Russian and Hungarian delegation nodded, the Romanian got furious.

The next day the topic is about Slavonic settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Moscow.

"The next day the Slavs arrived to Romania they discovered that their horses are stolen - and the Slavs are still there".

Same story (this time nod from Tirana and BP, the Romanians are even more furious).

The third day is about Erdély / Erdelj.

The Hungarian delegation: "The next day Huns arrived to Romania, they discovered that their horses are stolen, so Huns are still there"

Romanian delegation objects:

"How come they accuse us - but we weren't even there!"

The other three:

"Please for record: Romanians say, they did not steal the horses. They just admitted, weren't there when we came"


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

Go to the Turkish or Albanian terrorist sites if you can't read Cyrillic. Why are you posting Romanian sites>? Nobody has the inclination to learn to read or write Romanian vagabond.


pre 8 godina

Something more about that MixMarkt (and the horse-problem, since it was mentioned). The clients of that particular store are largely from Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova (and an other country).

The funniest is, they (from Moldova) speak the same language. You can determine, someone is from Moldova or from Ro**** because:

- the Moldovan would speak Russian
- the Moldovan has a body smell like Russians, Poles, Germans
- the Moldovan has a car which looks like a car.
- the Moldovan speaks in low voice, politely and does not forces himself through the line.

The rest is up your imagination. The "rest of us" usually take a strange look and laugh behind the R*** back: "They claim to be Europeans from EU???"

Ah yes, they buy the worst quality of meat / pork and can't calculate that what they buy is usually bones and is not economical at all. Anyone heard about a good Romanian mathematician?

But if it is about the cheap beer, they surpass anyone. Guess, that's the only fun they can allow at home. Welcome to the most retarded country of EU. Cross the border with Ukraina, you will think Ukraina is Lichtenstein.


pre 8 godina

Thank God for the Irish! Bosnian Islamic Muslim Terrorists failing to respect minute of silence for Paris victims.

"Republic of Ireland fans hit back at Bosnia supporters for failing to respect minute’s silence for Paris victims"

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/11/16/republic-of-ireland-fans-hit-back-at-bosnia-supporters-for-failing-to-respect-minutes-silence-for-paris-victims-5506475/#ixzz3saCNOSaA


pre 8 godina

The dialog between Zoran and Cry Me a River needs to be amended.
Today is Thankgiving and it's the only day when I have no objection to Turkey.

Accordingly, the heart of Turkey is today 60 Cent less in that Russian store. They warned me yesterday - but I am not every day in Germany, so had to fork out 2.83 for a 1 kg instead of 2.23. But given the right recipe the Turkey is yummy. Heart needs some barbecue sauce.

Turkey can be easily turned into Albania or Kosovo, all you need is a Greek Ouzo to soak the liver or the heart. If there is no Ouzo, the very spicy and crazy-tasting local Gewürztraminer will do it. There are so many spices, Turkey can't withstand the attack.

I first turned Turkey into Albania, than Albania into Russian Caucasus and Thailand. No one complained, Erdogan was not invited.


pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.
(Zoran, 25 November 2015 17:10)
Thanksgiving comes before Christmas and this turkey isn't getting pardoned.


pre 8 godina

Here is the mighty Pepe Escobar, Sasha. Check it out when you have a chance: http://sputniknews.com/columnists/20151125/1030730838/turkey-erdogan-war-russia.html

cry me a river

pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.

Yes, unless Putin is a vegetarian.
Anyway, your comment made me chuckle.

It was just a matter of time before this was going to happen to Russia.
What is the difference between Putin and Erdogan, anyway?
They can go at it if they want. Everyone else should step aside.


pre 8 godina

Russia has tucked her tail between her legs, and has been put in her place. If this was any other country, Russia would have declared war immediately. For some reason that's not the case here.
We all know Mr. Putin is a tough guy against smaller countries, weaker, but when it came to Turkey, Mr. Putin has shown that he fears too, he is not that invisible lol. This is the best Christmas gift given to Ukraine, and Georgia by Turks.

Are you serious Russia? Relations wil be reconsidered?

That's it? No war? No balls? This is the real Russia we all have known to be.

Now for you Serbs this is a lesson, don't ever think Russia will go to war for you, if they won't go to war for their own plane, and pilots that were shot down.


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

At last there’s something the insane cannot comment !


pre 8 godina

Депутаты Госдумы поддержали идею вернуть собор Святой Софии в турецком Стамбуле Православной церкви.


pre 8 godina

Bravo QUEST for your message ,you are inteligent
(adrian_bucharest, 25 November 2015 18:25)
Yep, I think he is as "inteligent" as you and your analysis.

Why would Russia go to war with Turkey for downing one jet? Even though Putin could flatten Turkey within a few hours, he is not stupid.

Just a little patience and wait for some measured responses. I doubt Turkey will be violating Syrian airspace for a very long time. It would be a graveyard for Turkish jets.

Joe A

pre 8 godina

Since Turkish Stream will be off the table now, South Stream might get a second life. So Russia can sign the agreement when they are in Belgrade. I assume Bulgaria will also be there so they can also sign.


pre 8 godina

бывший глава Роспотребнадзора Геннадий Онищенко, сообщает РИА Новости.

«Все понимают, что каждый купленный в "Ашане" или на рынке турецкий помидор — это вклад в очередную ракету, которая будет стрелять по нашим ребятам.


pre 8 godina

Законопроект об ответственности за непризнание геноцида армян Турцией в 1915 году внесен в Госдуму России, сообщил в среду лидер фракции партии «Справедливая Россия» Сергей Миронов.


pre 8 godina

So what did you know - ? - I Quote -

"Erdogan: We didn't know warplane was Russian" !

You are a lier and The FMs meting will avail to nothing.



pre 8 godina

I think it was a stupid mistake by Turkish military!
Turkish government will smooth thing's over with Russia. Alot of business is at stack ,with Turkey losing out.Tourism, Gas ,agricultural and mineral's,a big lost for Turkey.
So alot of opion's on B92 by idiot's, that are wrong.


pre 8 godina

The very popular Russian grocery store chain in Germany (Mix Markt) seem to silently remove most Turkish products. I was there today in Rastatt - the tomatoes are from NL, B, IL, FR - but nothing from Turkey. It seems, I will miss the Locum, too.

The seedless grape was from Turkey, the country origin was removed. I bought it like that.

The price of the Turkish feta is usually the same as the Bryndza. Now it's 2x, with two cans remaining, no more are expected to come. So either feta from RU or HU or GR.

Just FYI (and it's from Germany, next to French border).

"Mix Markt" is near every larger German town worth to mention. And it's only a begin.
Sorry, Erdogan, it will be quite widespread and painful.



pre 8 godina

Here is the mighty Pepe Escobar, Sasha. Check it out when you have a chance: http://sputniknews.com/columnists/20151125/1030730838/turkey-erdogan-war-russia.html

cry me a river

pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.

Yes, unless Putin is a vegetarian.
Anyway, your comment made me chuckle.

It was just a matter of time before this was going to happen to Russia.
What is the difference between Putin and Erdogan, anyway?
They can go at it if they want. Everyone else should step aside.


pre 8 godina

adrian_bucharest : ROTE god DIZY because of your message and wrote things in Cyrilic

Go to the Turkish or Albanian terrorist sites if you can't read Cyrillic. Why are you posting Romanian sites>? Nobody has the inclination to learn to read or write Romanian vagabond.


pre 8 godina

Thank God for the Irish! Bosnian Islamic Muslim Terrorists failing to respect minute of silence for Paris victims.

"Republic of Ireland fans hit back at Bosnia supporters for failing to respect minute’s silence for Paris victims"

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/11/16/republic-of-ireland-fans-hit-back-at-bosnia-supporters-for-failing-to-respect-minutes-silence-for-paris-victims-5506475/#ixzz3saCNOSaA


pre 8 godina

The dialog between Zoran and Cry Me a River needs to be amended.
Today is Thankgiving and it's the only day when I have no objection to Turkey.

Accordingly, the heart of Turkey is today 60 Cent less in that Russian store. They warned me yesterday - but I am not every day in Germany, so had to fork out 2.83 for a 1 kg instead of 2.23. But given the right recipe the Turkey is yummy. Heart needs some barbecue sauce.

Turkey can be easily turned into Albania or Kosovo, all you need is a Greek Ouzo to soak the liver or the heart. If there is no Ouzo, the very spicy and crazy-tasting local Gewürztraminer will do it. There are so many spices, Turkey can't withstand the attack.

I first turned Turkey into Albania, than Albania into Russian Caucasus and Thailand. No one complained, Erdogan was not invited.


pre 8 godina

Since these Thracians (OK, let them call Illyrians if they want) are there since a while, so are the Slavs and Huns - let me tell a little joke than.

There is a UNESCO session. The topic is Illyrian settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Tirana.

"When the Illyrians arrived to Romania, the next day they discovered, their horses are stolen, so they are still there".

The Russian and Hungarian delegation nodded, the Romanian got furious.

The next day the topic is about Slavonic settlements in Romania. The session is being hold by the delegation from Moscow.

"The next day the Slavs arrived to Romania they discovered that their horses are stolen - and the Slavs are still there".

Same story (this time nod from Tirana and BP, the Romanians are even more furious).

The third day is about Erdély / Erdelj.

The Hungarian delegation: "The next day Huns arrived to Romania, they discovered that their horses are stolen, so Huns are still there"

Romanian delegation objects:

"How come they accuse us - but we weren't even there!"

The other three:

"Please for record: Romanians say, they did not steal the horses. They just admitted, weren't there when we came"


pre 8 godina

Something more about that MixMarkt (and the horse-problem, since it was mentioned). The clients of that particular store are largely from Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova (and an other country).

The funniest is, they (from Moldova) speak the same language. You can determine, someone is from Moldova or from Ro**** because:

- the Moldovan would speak Russian
- the Moldovan has a body smell like Russians, Poles, Germans
- the Moldovan has a car which looks like a car.
- the Moldovan speaks in low voice, politely and does not forces himself through the line.

The rest is up your imagination. The "rest of us" usually take a strange look and laugh behind the R*** back: "They claim to be Europeans from EU???"

Ah yes, they buy the worst quality of meat / pork and can't calculate that what they buy is usually bones and is not economical at all. Anyone heard about a good Romanian mathematician?

But if it is about the cheap beer, they surpass anyone. Guess, that's the only fun they can allow at home. Welcome to the most retarded country of EU. Cross the border with Ukraina, you will think Ukraina is Lichtenstein.


pre 8 godina

Christmas is approaching and Turkey is on the menu.
(Zoran, 25 November 2015 17:10)
Thanksgiving comes before Christmas and this turkey isn't getting pardoned.