Tuesday, 21.10.2014.


Nearly all attacks on bakeries solved

The police solved nearly all attacks against bakeries owned by ethnic Albanians and Gorani that took place in the Vojvodina province in the past few days.

Izvor: Tanjug

Nearly all attacks on bakeries solved IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 9 godina

"We must be more responsible and demonstrate that this is a country that is safe for all citizens regardless of their ethnicity, " Stefanović said.

apparently soccer players were not safe, you had skinheads in the pitch that were arrested before O.o it is all BS


pre 9 godina

(O Ne, 22 October 2014 13:40)

Then maybe Serbs should treat Albanians the same as they treat Serbs in kosovo? Burn their homes, descrate their religious structures and cemetaries. What do you think?
Please cut the BS over how badly Albanians were treated by Serbs in the 1990s. Then why is it that your youth leaves Kosova looking for work in Serbia proper??????? Hello!!!!! You have had since 1999 to make a paradise of Kosova, what happend????? Its a crap hole.
For you information the Albanians that had their businesses damaged were not born there mate. Why not sell and move to Kosova???????

O Ne

pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.
(sj, 22 October 2014 11:47)

Same as Serbs living in Croatia and Kosovo you mean they are not treated bad? People are born in areas have business not easy too uproot family. There is a different expectation in a city where 0.0001% are Minoraty of what they get as benefit. Serbs wanted to treat 95% Albanians as second class in Kosovo. If you have not lived in Kosovo in !990's there is no way you will be able to understand.

There are Jews who live in Germany even after WW2.....? this shows that your way of thinking your brain produces.


pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.

O Ne

pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.
(sj, 22 October 2014 11:47)

Same as Serbs living in Croatia and Kosovo you mean they are not treated bad? People are born in areas have business not easy too uproot family. There is a different expectation in a city where 0.0001% are Minoraty of what they get as benefit. Serbs wanted to treat 95% Albanians as second class in Kosovo. If you have not lived in Kosovo in !990's there is no way you will be able to understand.

There are Jews who live in Germany even after WW2.....? this shows that your way of thinking your brain produces.


pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.


pre 9 godina

(O Ne, 22 October 2014 13:40)

Then maybe Serbs should treat Albanians the same as they treat Serbs in kosovo? Burn their homes, descrate their religious structures and cemetaries. What do you think?
Please cut the BS over how badly Albanians were treated by Serbs in the 1990s. Then why is it that your youth leaves Kosova looking for work in Serbia proper??????? Hello!!!!! You have had since 1999 to make a paradise of Kosova, what happend????? Its a crap hole.
For you information the Albanians that had their businesses damaged were not born there mate. Why not sell and move to Kosova???????


pre 9 godina

"We must be more responsible and demonstrate that this is a country that is safe for all citizens regardless of their ethnicity, " Stefanović said.

apparently soccer players were not safe, you had skinheads in the pitch that were arrested before O.o it is all BS


pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.


pre 9 godina

(O Ne, 22 October 2014 13:40)

Then maybe Serbs should treat Albanians the same as they treat Serbs in kosovo? Burn their homes, descrate their religious structures and cemetaries. What do you think?
Please cut the BS over how badly Albanians were treated by Serbs in the 1990s. Then why is it that your youth leaves Kosova looking for work in Serbia proper??????? Hello!!!!! You have had since 1999 to make a paradise of Kosova, what happend????? Its a crap hole.
For you information the Albanians that had their businesses damaged were not born there mate. Why not sell and move to Kosova???????

O Ne

pre 9 godina

For the hundredth time I ask what are Albanians doing living and working in Serb dominated areas???? You mean these people have been here even during Milosevic’s time???? Surely they would have fear death or genocide or some other catastrophe at the hands of the Serbs?????
Old Serbs saying – lies have very short legs.
(sj, 22 October 2014 11:47)

Same as Serbs living in Croatia and Kosovo you mean they are not treated bad? People are born in areas have business not easy too uproot family. There is a different expectation in a city where 0.0001% are Minoraty of what they get as benefit. Serbs wanted to treat 95% Albanians as second class in Kosovo. If you have not lived in Kosovo in !990's there is no way you will be able to understand.

There are Jews who live in Germany even after WW2.....? this shows that your way of thinking your brain produces.


pre 9 godina

"We must be more responsible and demonstrate that this is a country that is safe for all citizens regardless of their ethnicity, " Stefanović said.

apparently soccer players were not safe, you had skinheads in the pitch that were arrested before O.o it is all BS