Monday, 28.10.2013.


Nikolić: Aggression without weapons

President Tomislav Nikolić has said that the statement of Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan that "Kosovo is Turkey” constitutes "aggression without weapons."

Izvor: Tanjug

Nikoliæ: Aggression without weapons IMAGE SOURCE

14 Komentari

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pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
(Peggy, 29 October 2013 21:03)

But this is a news website dear and we are here to be informed about things we don't know. I'm glad to see that somebody knows the answer to my question and can illuminate with what the difference is...


pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
Like I said many times, you just keep on giving don't you.

just a thought

pre 10 godina

(AnitaK, 28 October 2013 20:08)
So what is the difference in Serbia having a relation with Turkey and them urging other countries to recognize Kosovo and the 25 countries of Europe that are doing the same thing. Serbia even wants to become a member of that group when the EP even issues a resolution calling on all European countries to recognize.
If Serbia wants to not be isolated maybe they should focus more on honoring the rights of states to decide their own foreign policies instead of criticizing them.


pre 10 godina

"In a release, Nikolić said that he did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence."

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!


pre 10 godina

President Nikolic did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence. This isn’t the first time that Erdogan has similar appearances in public. Unfortunately, the ideas of Kemal Ataturk are no longer the ideas of Turkey's leadership.


pre 10 godina

Strange, Turkish PM actually helped Serbian cause, it showed how far Albanians are willing to lie, cheat and manipulate just in order to keep Serbs from participating in the upcoming elections.


pre 10 godina

Turkeys behaviour is proof that islam is the main cause for conflict and instability in the balkans. They support independence for k-albs but refuse the same for the kurdis minority in their own country. Turkey once occupied Serbia and thinks it can do it again with the help of albs.


pre 10 godina

The only one who is aggressive is Serbia, by using all means to undermine Kosovo. The absence of weapons use has nothing to do with Serbia's peacefulness, but is only the consequence of the military situation on the ground.

It is time that Kosovo's allies use the same "peaceful" means to undermine Serbia where ever possible.

the truth

pre 10 godina

If dumb serb politicians are unable to read between lines, so be it. Nikolic is just blowing hot air for internal public consumption, no more n less.


pre 10 godina

This is aggression without a weapon, and we have to show that those people are not for denigrate. Nikolic has to justify his reputation and he has to show that he is stronger and no longer humble. He does not have to apologize anymore, now he deserves an apology.


pre 10 godina

Turkey has a more legitimate claim on Kosovo than Serbia. Actually Italy has more of a legitimate claim than both of them. This just goes to show you how much of a total BS Serbia's claims are.


pre 10 godina

Geez, you get some crackpots in this world. Good onya Turkey! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...Yeah, take over a country and claim it as yours. What a Turkey!!!


pre 10 godina

Actually Erdogan helped Serbia to unmask the Albanian counterparts. Erdogan is a bad guy in EU. So his Albanian friends gain nothing of such a frankness.


pre 10 godina

Actually Erdogan helped Serbia to unmask the Albanian counterparts. Erdogan is a bad guy in EU. So his Albanian friends gain nothing of such a frankness.


pre 10 godina

Geez, you get some crackpots in this world. Good onya Turkey! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...Yeah, take over a country and claim it as yours. What a Turkey!!!


pre 10 godina

This is aggression without a weapon, and we have to show that those people are not for denigrate. Nikolic has to justify his reputation and he has to show that he is stronger and no longer humble. He does not have to apologize anymore, now he deserves an apology.


pre 10 godina

Turkeys behaviour is proof that islam is the main cause for conflict and instability in the balkans. They support independence for k-albs but refuse the same for the kurdis minority in their own country. Turkey once occupied Serbia and thinks it can do it again with the help of albs.


pre 10 godina

Turkey has a more legitimate claim on Kosovo than Serbia. Actually Italy has more of a legitimate claim than both of them. This just goes to show you how much of a total BS Serbia's claims are.

the truth

pre 10 godina

If dumb serb politicians are unable to read between lines, so be it. Nikolic is just blowing hot air for internal public consumption, no more n less.


pre 10 godina

Strange, Turkish PM actually helped Serbian cause, it showed how far Albanians are willing to lie, cheat and manipulate just in order to keep Serbs from participating in the upcoming elections.


pre 10 godina

President Nikolic did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence. This isn’t the first time that Erdogan has similar appearances in public. Unfortunately, the ideas of Kemal Ataturk are no longer the ideas of Turkey's leadership.


pre 10 godina

"In a release, Nikolić said that he did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence."

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!


pre 10 godina

The only one who is aggressive is Serbia, by using all means to undermine Kosovo. The absence of weapons use has nothing to do with Serbia's peacefulness, but is only the consequence of the military situation on the ground.

It is time that Kosovo's allies use the same "peaceful" means to undermine Serbia where ever possible.


pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
(Peggy, 29 October 2013 21:03)

But this is a news website dear and we are here to be informed about things we don't know. I'm glad to see that somebody knows the answer to my question and can illuminate with what the difference is...

just a thought

pre 10 godina

(AnitaK, 28 October 2013 20:08)
So what is the difference in Serbia having a relation with Turkey and them urging other countries to recognize Kosovo and the 25 countries of Europe that are doing the same thing. Serbia even wants to become a member of that group when the EP even issues a resolution calling on all European countries to recognize.
If Serbia wants to not be isolated maybe they should focus more on honoring the rights of states to decide their own foreign policies instead of criticizing them.


pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
Like I said many times, you just keep on giving don't you.


pre 10 godina

Turkey has a more legitimate claim on Kosovo than Serbia. Actually Italy has more of a legitimate claim than both of them. This just goes to show you how much of a total BS Serbia's claims are.


pre 10 godina

Actually Erdogan helped Serbia to unmask the Albanian counterparts. Erdogan is a bad guy in EU. So his Albanian friends gain nothing of such a frankness.


pre 10 godina

Geez, you get some crackpots in this world. Good onya Turkey! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...Yeah, take over a country and claim it as yours. What a Turkey!!!


pre 10 godina

The only one who is aggressive is Serbia, by using all means to undermine Kosovo. The absence of weapons use has nothing to do with Serbia's peacefulness, but is only the consequence of the military situation on the ground.

It is time that Kosovo's allies use the same "peaceful" means to undermine Serbia where ever possible.


pre 10 godina

This is aggression without a weapon, and we have to show that those people are not for denigrate. Nikolic has to justify his reputation and he has to show that he is stronger and no longer humble. He does not have to apologize anymore, now he deserves an apology.

the truth

pre 10 godina

If dumb serb politicians are unable to read between lines, so be it. Nikolic is just blowing hot air for internal public consumption, no more n less.


pre 10 godina

Turkeys behaviour is proof that islam is the main cause for conflict and instability in the balkans. They support independence for k-albs but refuse the same for the kurdis minority in their own country. Turkey once occupied Serbia and thinks it can do it again with the help of albs.


pre 10 godina

Strange, Turkish PM actually helped Serbian cause, it showed how far Albanians are willing to lie, cheat and manipulate just in order to keep Serbs from participating in the upcoming elections.


pre 10 godina

President Nikolic did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence. This isn’t the first time that Erdogan has similar appearances in public. Unfortunately, the ideas of Kemal Ataturk are no longer the ideas of Turkey's leadership.

just a thought

pre 10 godina

(AnitaK, 28 October 2013 20:08)
So what is the difference in Serbia having a relation with Turkey and them urging other countries to recognize Kosovo and the 25 countries of Europe that are doing the same thing. Serbia even wants to become a member of that group when the EP even issues a resolution calling on all European countries to recognize.
If Serbia wants to not be isolated maybe they should focus more on honoring the rights of states to decide their own foreign policies instead of criticizing them.


pre 10 godina

"In a release, Nikolić said that he did his best to turn the relations into a sincere friendship between the two nations and kept warning the Turkish president that it not proper for Turkish officials to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence."

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!


pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
Like I said many times, you just keep on giving don't you.


pre 10 godina

Not sure why it is not proper for Turkey to call on other countries to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence, while it is proper for Serbia to call on other countries not to recognise Kosovo's so-called independence!!!
(icj1, 29 October 2013 03:46)

If you can't see what the difference is then you should not be commenting at all.
(Peggy, 29 October 2013 21:03)

But this is a news website dear and we are here to be informed about things we don't know. I'm glad to see that somebody knows the answer to my question and can illuminate with what the difference is...