Wednesday, 20.03.2013.


Future of talks “in hands of Priština, intl. community”

Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo Director Aleksandar Vulin said Tuesday the future of negotiations was now in the hands of the authorities in Priština.

Izvor: Tanjug

Future of talks “in hands of Priština, intl. community” IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.
(think about it, 20 March 2013 14:20)

Well said! I also have advocated change of EU policy towards Serbia for a very long time! If Serbia is unwilling to make the necessary democratic changes within her country, then future funds to Serbia should be slowely brought to an end! It is not that the EU would be directly isolating Serbia, but rather, Serbia would in-fact be isolating herself, by continuing to be a factor of instability in this part of future Europe! These funds would be more beneficial & have a greater positive impact, if they were allocated for Kosova, Albania & Macedonia, country's which have displayed more worthiness then Serbia has ever shown to be! The EU should let Serbia deal with whomever she likes, this however should exclude all EU member states! No EU funds, to EU member states, which would deal with Serbia!

think about it

pre 11 godina

And the stalemate continues but for Serbia only. You see Pristina had nothing to gain from the talks. The talks were for Serbia's benefit only. If the talks end with no agreement, then countries who have been holding out for recognition until the talks were over will make a decision.
Hopefully money that has been earmarked for Serbia once it fulfilled its criteria can be rerouted to other countries in the balkans that are really aspiring to become a part of the EU.
I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.

Willi Pfaff

pre 11 godina

Forget it Serbia, we do not want a state that thinks and acts like that in the EU. Just forget it all, and stay in the middle ages. That's where your politicians live, and people obviously want that, otherwise they would have voted differently. You are not ready for Europe, and your entire thinking, your entire way of looking at yourself and the rest of the world has to change before you can become a member of the free Europe.


pre 11 godina

not only for Serbs, but for all in the southern Serbian province”.

If Kosova is southern Serbian province, why your President,PM,VS and Police from Serbia cannot come to Kosova!?


pre 11 godina

vulin and i wannt the world to be my but chances are slimm SO VULIN and u serbs be ready to pay lot of war damages to kosovo 15 billion all together u will be paying for generations to comm


pre 11 godina

Serbia will not accept/give in anything that goes against Serbian platform and constitution....

Why is in Prishtina's hands the fate of these talks? This guy need a health check....


pre 11 godina

Serbia will not accept/give in anything that goes against Serbian platform and constitution....

Why is in Prishtina's hands the fate of these talks? This guy need a health check....

Willi Pfaff

pre 11 godina

Forget it Serbia, we do not want a state that thinks and acts like that in the EU. Just forget it all, and stay in the middle ages. That's where your politicians live, and people obviously want that, otherwise they would have voted differently. You are not ready for Europe, and your entire thinking, your entire way of looking at yourself and the rest of the world has to change before you can become a member of the free Europe.


pre 11 godina

not only for Serbs, but for all in the southern Serbian province”.

If Kosova is southern Serbian province, why your President,PM,VS and Police from Serbia cannot come to Kosova!?


pre 11 godina

vulin and i wannt the world to be my but chances are slimm SO VULIN and u serbs be ready to pay lot of war damages to kosovo 15 billion all together u will be paying for generations to comm

think about it

pre 11 godina

And the stalemate continues but for Serbia only. You see Pristina had nothing to gain from the talks. The talks were for Serbia's benefit only. If the talks end with no agreement, then countries who have been holding out for recognition until the talks were over will make a decision.
Hopefully money that has been earmarked for Serbia once it fulfilled its criteria can be rerouted to other countries in the balkans that are really aspiring to become a part of the EU.
I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.


pre 11 godina

I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.
(think about it, 20 March 2013 14:20)

Well said! I also have advocated change of EU policy towards Serbia for a very long time! If Serbia is unwilling to make the necessary democratic changes within her country, then future funds to Serbia should be slowely brought to an end! It is not that the EU would be directly isolating Serbia, but rather, Serbia would in-fact be isolating herself, by continuing to be a factor of instability in this part of future Europe! These funds would be more beneficial & have a greater positive impact, if they were allocated for Kosova, Albania & Macedonia, country's which have displayed more worthiness then Serbia has ever shown to be! The EU should let Serbia deal with whomever she likes, this however should exclude all EU member states! No EU funds, to EU member states, which would deal with Serbia!


pre 11 godina

Serbia will not accept/give in anything that goes against Serbian platform and constitution....

Why is in Prishtina's hands the fate of these talks? This guy need a health check....


pre 11 godina

not only for Serbs, but for all in the southern Serbian province”.

If Kosova is southern Serbian province, why your President,PM,VS and Police from Serbia cannot come to Kosova!?


pre 11 godina

vulin and i wannt the world to be my but chances are slimm SO VULIN and u serbs be ready to pay lot of war damages to kosovo 15 billion all together u will be paying for generations to comm

Willi Pfaff

pre 11 godina

Forget it Serbia, we do not want a state that thinks and acts like that in the EU. Just forget it all, and stay in the middle ages. That's where your politicians live, and people obviously want that, otherwise they would have voted differently. You are not ready for Europe, and your entire thinking, your entire way of looking at yourself and the rest of the world has to change before you can become a member of the free Europe.

think about it

pre 11 godina

And the stalemate continues but for Serbia only. You see Pristina had nothing to gain from the talks. The talks were for Serbia's benefit only. If the talks end with no agreement, then countries who have been holding out for recognition until the talks were over will make a decision.
Hopefully money that has been earmarked for Serbia once it fulfilled its criteria can be rerouted to other countries in the balkans that are really aspiring to become a part of the EU.
I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.


pre 11 godina

I think that EU has been going about it all the wrong way, instead of coddling Serbia and trying to encourage them to make the right choice in joining the EU they need to show Serbia what the isolation will create for them. With the drying up of funds from the EU and only expensive loans from Russia and China Serbia may soon realize the consequences of their actions. Plus Serbia will not be as attractive to R & C once they realize that there is no link to the EU.
All countries that are investing in Serbia so far are doing so because they think Serbia is advancing to the EU, those investments will eventually dry up as Serbia becomes more isolated.
(think about it, 20 March 2013 14:20)

Well said! I also have advocated change of EU policy towards Serbia for a very long time! If Serbia is unwilling to make the necessary democratic changes within her country, then future funds to Serbia should be slowely brought to an end! It is not that the EU would be directly isolating Serbia, but rather, Serbia would in-fact be isolating herself, by continuing to be a factor of instability in this part of future Europe! These funds would be more beneficial & have a greater positive impact, if they were allocated for Kosova, Albania & Macedonia, country's which have displayed more worthiness then Serbia has ever shown to be! The EU should let Serbia deal with whomever she likes, this however should exclude all EU member states! No EU funds, to EU member states, which would deal with Serbia!