Thursday, 27.12.2012.


Committee chair: Memorial is Priština's provocation

Milovan Drecun says a memorial to the members of a disbanded ethnic Albanian terror group in Preševo is "Priština's provocation".

Izvor: B92

Committee chair: Memorial is Priština's provocation IMAGE SOURCE

17 Komentari

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pre 11 godina

"Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?"
@(azir, 27 December 2012 21:33)
About Hague...Seselj destroy Hague in past 10 yr.
Also Seselj was very clear "who The Real Terrorist are" if you wanted to know truth turn his page and you will be very happy with his answer.bye..bye.


pre 11 godina

I wonder how many monuments albanians will have to build. It is still taboo for them to realize that atleast 10 000 UCK members got killed, while others were hiding in their basements waiting for NATO.


pre 11 godina

The albos are looking for another a** kicking again by the Serbs. Too bad this time the U.S. is less likely to intervene on your behalf. It would be wise if the Macedonians and Montenegrins pursue a pan slavic strategy


pre 11 godina

@ azir
it's much better for albo to make celabration on every bunker in albo.
world record 750.000 bunker is empty, forgeret south Serbia or Kosovo & Metohija is not your land.

The Count of Kosova

pre 11 godina

Invade Pristina.
Stop it, disolve it.
(Sergei, 27 December 2012 23:13)


I suspect you are one of many prepubescent Serb schoolboys with too much time on his hands. Try getting a part time job so as to help your family or indulge in a hobby, during your Christmas vacation, so as to keep yourself out of trouble.

If you are an adult then you have a serious problem. If your threat is to be carried out, Serbia will find itself in a very dangerous situation, the likes of which you could never imagine.

Let us hope you are a childish little boy who has, too often, listened to his chetnik grandfather's endless fairytales.


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.
(EA, 27 December 2012 18:33)

No suprise there... the showing of muscles is the first thing insecure people do


pre 11 godina

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.
(Ardi Asllani, 27 December 2012 19:02)

I guess tomorrow Ardi Asllani himself will come to central Serbia to deal with Serbian police.


pre 11 godina

I have yet to see a sovereign nation put up, or allow to be put up, a monument to a separatist group. Can we all agree that the Presevo KLA had the objctive of separating the valley from Serbia? I find this discussion imbecilic.


pre 11 godina

Hasnt this chest pounding, by Serbia been going on for a couple of months now? Be warned Serbia! You show aggression towards the Albanians of presevo & their monuments of democracy and freedom, and you will witness first hand, how much we Albanians fear Serbia! Haven't you been thought, to play with fire is a great liability?


pre 11 godina

Mr. Ratko if you really want to know who or what is terrorist just ask the UNSC financied and approved War Crimes for Former Yugoslavia @The Hague.

Land Thieves??

We are indigenous native Shqiptares and you call us "land thieves".........


NATO,EU,USA and majority of the World are our allies.........

Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?


pre 11 godina

@ azir

And we are not supposed to react to your agression (uck terroist monument)? You are a joke buddy. Go to tirana and put 1000 monuments in the middle of the city if you like. Bunch of land thieves & terrorists!

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.


pre 11 godina

US,EU,NATO,98 nations all support our freedom fighters and Serbs disagree.

If you feel that removing the memorial in Presheva will promote EU integration and peace efforts than by all means do it...

Please accept responsibility for the reaction to your aggression....


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.

Diplomatically Albanians are in much better position than Serbia to solve any issue. As the situation stands there would be no needs for Albanians to take guns. Integrity of Kosovo is guaranteed. The Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja will have exactly the same rights guaranteed to Serb minority in norther Kosovo and vice-versa. That would be one of the outcome of the current negotiations with Serbia. Serbia will be made to recognize formally Kosovo independence.


pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

As you are talking about "who has got/not got a brain" have you heared the expression "there is more than one way to skin a cat" apologies to animal lovers. You who still think Belgrade is a master and "terrorists eleminated by MUP", Dacic who is "showing its strength" to the political leadership in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. Serbia has lost many wars and big headed like you never will change but bullet. The history is on Albanian side GUARANTEED without guns. Our destiny is mapped out you like it or not...even if Dacic sent its troops to deal with a monument.

Hank the Tank

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.

Hank the Tank

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.


pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

As you are talking about "who has got/not got a brain" have you heared the expression "there is more than one way to skin a cat" apologies to animal lovers. You who still think Belgrade is a master and "terrorists eleminated by MUP", Dacic who is "showing its strength" to the political leadership in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. Serbia has lost many wars and big headed like you never will change but bullet. The history is on Albanian side GUARANTEED without guns. Our destiny is mapped out you like it or not...even if Dacic sent its troops to deal with a monument.


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.

Diplomatically Albanians are in much better position than Serbia to solve any issue. As the situation stands there would be no needs for Albanians to take guns. Integrity of Kosovo is guaranteed. The Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja will have exactly the same rights guaranteed to Serb minority in norther Kosovo and vice-versa. That would be one of the outcome of the current negotiations with Serbia. Serbia will be made to recognize formally Kosovo independence.

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.


pre 11 godina

@ azir

And we are not supposed to react to your agression (uck terroist monument)? You are a joke buddy. Go to tirana and put 1000 monuments in the middle of the city if you like. Bunch of land thieves & terrorists!


pre 11 godina

Hasnt this chest pounding, by Serbia been going on for a couple of months now? Be warned Serbia! You show aggression towards the Albanians of presevo & their monuments of democracy and freedom, and you will witness first hand, how much we Albanians fear Serbia! Haven't you been thought, to play with fire is a great liability?


pre 11 godina

I have yet to see a sovereign nation put up, or allow to be put up, a monument to a separatist group. Can we all agree that the Presevo KLA had the objctive of separating the valley from Serbia? I find this discussion imbecilic.


pre 11 godina

Mr. Ratko if you really want to know who or what is terrorist just ask the UNSC financied and approved War Crimes for Former Yugoslavia @The Hague.

Land Thieves??

We are indigenous native Shqiptares and you call us "land thieves".........


NATO,EU,USA and majority of the World are our allies.........

Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?


pre 11 godina

US,EU,NATO,98 nations all support our freedom fighters and Serbs disagree.

If you feel that removing the memorial in Presheva will promote EU integration and peace efforts than by all means do it...

Please accept responsibility for the reaction to your aggression....


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.
(EA, 27 December 2012 18:33)

No suprise there... the showing of muscles is the first thing insecure people do


pre 11 godina

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.
(Ardi Asllani, 27 December 2012 19:02)

I guess tomorrow Ardi Asllani himself will come to central Serbia to deal with Serbian police.

The Count of Kosova

pre 11 godina

Invade Pristina.
Stop it, disolve it.
(Sergei, 27 December 2012 23:13)


I suspect you are one of many prepubescent Serb schoolboys with too much time on his hands. Try getting a part time job so as to help your family or indulge in a hobby, during your Christmas vacation, so as to keep yourself out of trouble.

If you are an adult then you have a serious problem. If your threat is to be carried out, Serbia will find itself in a very dangerous situation, the likes of which you could never imagine.

Let us hope you are a childish little boy who has, too often, listened to his chetnik grandfather's endless fairytales.


pre 11 godina

The albos are looking for another a** kicking again by the Serbs. Too bad this time the U.S. is less likely to intervene on your behalf. It would be wise if the Macedonians and Montenegrins pursue a pan slavic strategy


pre 11 godina

I wonder how many monuments albanians will have to build. It is still taboo for them to realize that atleast 10 000 UCK members got killed, while others were hiding in their basements waiting for NATO.


pre 11 godina

@ azir
it's much better for albo to make celabration on every bunker in albo.
world record 750.000 bunker is empty, forgeret south Serbia or Kosovo & Metohija is not your land.


pre 11 godina

"Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?"
@(azir, 27 December 2012 21:33)
About Hague...Seselj destroy Hague in past 10 yr.
Also Seselj was very clear "who The Real Terrorist are" if you wanted to know truth turn his page and you will be very happy with his answer.bye..bye.


pre 11 godina

US,EU,NATO,98 nations all support our freedom fighters and Serbs disagree.

If you feel that removing the memorial in Presheva will promote EU integration and peace efforts than by all means do it...

Please accept responsibility for the reaction to your aggression....


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.

Diplomatically Albanians are in much better position than Serbia to solve any issue. As the situation stands there would be no needs for Albanians to take guns. Integrity of Kosovo is guaranteed. The Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja will have exactly the same rights guaranteed to Serb minority in norther Kosovo and vice-versa. That would be one of the outcome of the current negotiations with Serbia. Serbia will be made to recognize formally Kosovo independence.


pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

As you are talking about "who has got/not got a brain" have you heared the expression "there is more than one way to skin a cat" apologies to animal lovers. You who still think Belgrade is a master and "terrorists eleminated by MUP", Dacic who is "showing its strength" to the political leadership in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. Serbia has lost many wars and big headed like you never will change but bullet. The history is on Albanian side GUARANTEED without guns. Our destiny is mapped out you like it or not...even if Dacic sent its troops to deal with a monument.

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.
(Hank the Tank, 27 December 2012 17:52)

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.

Hank the Tank

pre 11 godina

I'm glad there are some albanians who have some brains to realize that an armed conflict with Serbia is suicide, especially now that albanians wont be able to count on Nato. Do as your masters in Belgrade say and bring down that monument over terrorists eliminated by MUP.


pre 11 godina

@ azir

And we are not supposed to react to your agression (uck terroist monument)? You are a joke buddy. Go to tirana and put 1000 monuments in the middle of the city if you like. Bunch of land thieves & terrorists!


pre 11 godina

Hasnt this chest pounding, by Serbia been going on for a couple of months now? Be warned Serbia! You show aggression towards the Albanians of presevo & their monuments of democracy and freedom, and you will witness first hand, how much we Albanians fear Serbia! Haven't you been thought, to play with fire is a great liability?


pre 11 godina

Mr. Ratko if you really want to know who or what is terrorist just ask the UNSC financied and approved War Crimes for Former Yugoslavia @The Hague.

Land Thieves??

We are indigenous native Shqiptares and you call us "land thieves".........


NATO,EU,USA and majority of the World are our allies.........

Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?


pre 11 godina

I have yet to see a sovereign nation put up, or allow to be put up, a monument to a separatist group. Can we all agree that the Presevo KLA had the objctive of separating the valley from Serbia? I find this discussion imbecilic.


pre 11 godina

@ azir
it's much better for albo to make celabration on every bunker in albo.
world record 750.000 bunker is empty, forgeret south Serbia or Kosovo & Metohija is not your land.


pre 11 godina

The albos are looking for another a** kicking again by the Serbs. Too bad this time the U.S. is less likely to intervene on your behalf. It would be wise if the Macedonians and Montenegrins pursue a pan slavic strategy


pre 11 godina

I wonder how many monuments albanians will have to build. It is still taboo for them to realize that atleast 10 000 UCK members got killed, while others were hiding in their basements waiting for NATO.


pre 11 godina

You have been fooled once again by politicians, and you don't know it. I hope you bring down the monument right now, but think what happens tomorrow.
(Ardi Asllani, 27 December 2012 19:02)

I guess tomorrow Ardi Asllani himself will come to central Serbia to deal with Serbian police.


pre 11 godina

I tend to believe in the political leadership of Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. One thing is for certain that the violence is in no one interest. The Serbian government seems to be very quick in "showing its muscles" and a "sensational news" pops up....and blaming straight away Prishtina.
(EA, 27 December 2012 18:33)

No suprise there... the showing of muscles is the first thing insecure people do


pre 11 godina

"Do you want to know who the REAL TERRORISTS ARE?"
@(azir, 27 December 2012 21:33)
About Hague...Seselj destroy Hague in past 10 yr.
Also Seselj was very clear "who The Real Terrorist are" if you wanted to know truth turn his page and you will be very happy with his answer.bye..bye.

The Count of Kosova

pre 11 godina

Invade Pristina.
Stop it, disolve it.
(Sergei, 27 December 2012 23:13)


I suspect you are one of many prepubescent Serb schoolboys with too much time on his hands. Try getting a part time job so as to help your family or indulge in a hobby, during your Christmas vacation, so as to keep yourself out of trouble.

If you are an adult then you have a serious problem. If your threat is to be carried out, Serbia will find itself in a very dangerous situation, the likes of which you could never imagine.

Let us hope you are a childish little boy who has, too often, listened to his chetnik grandfather's endless fairytales.