Friday, 26.10.2012.


Muslims start Kurban Bayram celebrations

Muslims started celebrating the first day of one of the biggest Islamic holidays, Kurban Bayram, with morning prayers in mosques across Serbia on Friday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Muslims start Kurban Bayram celebrations IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 11 godina

Koko, it's people like you who are the problem. If you don't happen to share their views that's fine but at least have the decency not to mock. This is so very disrespectful. When you are disrespectful to others you only tarnish yourself.
I for one am glad that there are reasonable people of all faiths who keep insanity at bay.
Hoping there will be many more who just want to live in peace and respect each other.


pre 11 godina

What a day for special friend voodoo, both religious and political.

Now the media, hairy dudes, and politicians can copy paste their speeches from last year all over again. All thanks to voodoo.

Try this bs with kids and see how long they keep this mysticism up.

Give them a box, and when they open it up tell them it is a playstation. And if they cry punish them and tell them to play with the imaginary playstation. Yes, it is that low.


pre 11 godina

Koko, it's people like you who are the problem. If you don't happen to share their views that's fine but at least have the decency not to mock. This is so very disrespectful. When you are disrespectful to others you only tarnish yourself.
I for one am glad that there are reasonable people of all faiths who keep insanity at bay.
Hoping there will be many more who just want to live in peace and respect each other.


pre 11 godina

What a day for special friend voodoo, both religious and political.

Now the media, hairy dudes, and politicians can copy paste their speeches from last year all over again. All thanks to voodoo.

Try this bs with kids and see how long they keep this mysticism up.

Give them a box, and when they open it up tell them it is a playstation. And if they cry punish them and tell them to play with the imaginary playstation. Yes, it is that low.


pre 11 godina

What a day for special friend voodoo, both religious and political.

Now the media, hairy dudes, and politicians can copy paste their speeches from last year all over again. All thanks to voodoo.

Try this bs with kids and see how long they keep this mysticism up.

Give them a box, and when they open it up tell them it is a playstation. And if they cry punish them and tell them to play with the imaginary playstation. Yes, it is that low.


pre 11 godina

Koko, it's people like you who are the problem. If you don't happen to share their views that's fine but at least have the decency not to mock. This is so very disrespectful. When you are disrespectful to others you only tarnish yourself.
I for one am glad that there are reasonable people of all faiths who keep insanity at bay.
Hoping there will be many more who just want to live in peace and respect each other.