Saturday, 25.08.2012.


Mali denies recognizing Kosovo

Mali does not recognize Kosovo, a statement from the Republic of Mali presidency has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

Mali denies recognizing Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

26 Komentari

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pre 11 godina

ICJ :I realise you were being ironic but if I were Vuk, (apart from receiving a very good salary) I would probably make as few references to Kosovo as possible during my tenure at the UN. He persuaded this body to refer the case to the ICJ and then, when the opinion was not what he hoped, simply ignored it. There are many issues confronting the UN today that require urgent action to stop innocent people being slaughtered in their thousands. The forum for discussion of the Kosovo issue is the bilateral talks, whoever attends on behalf of each country. The number of 'recognitions' is irrelevant, it is the fact that the G7 have all done so as have 22 of 27 EU member states (yes I've counted some twice). Like it or not, and frankly I don't, the US and her buddies are currently running the show and it will only get worse if Gospodin Romney takes over.

Bam Bam

pre 11 godina

@ Peggy...Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.

FYI> Peggy, Serbia will also one day become a E.U & NATO member and guess what they to will become a lackey for the U.S war machine. If you think that your beloved Serbia is exempt from sending it's soldiers into the middle east, think again..The time will come when Serbs will perish on the icy hill tops of Afghanistan just like other coalition soldiers before them.


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
(Gone fishin, 26 August 2012 19:49)

Great... do you want an applause for that ?! I thought Serbia was aspiring much higher than just trying to do better than a black hole like Kosovo :)


pre 11 godina

The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.
(Zoran, 25 August 2012 22:14)

Well, the countries voted already with the majority of them saying that Kosovo is country in 2009. But, if anybody wants a vote in the GA, I'm sure that the UN incoming chief Vuk will make that happen :)


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.

-- Gone fishin, that alone should make any Serb weep. Serbia's per capita GDP is only twice that of Kosova. Judging from that it is not hard to see that this is a total failure. Kosova came into existence inits current configuration only a few years ago. As it is, it has limited resources due to the situation and you brag that Serbia has twice the GDP per capita. You should be weeping why that that number is not a least one order of magnitude higher.


pre 11 godina

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.

Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
Funny that your arguement is based upon Serbia receiving loans, and not gifts, which is how every other major nation get money. Serbia, like America borrows money from international banks and other countries when their own balances are out of place.
This has little to nothing to do with, your opinion, of some sort of nationalistic arguement. It is evident that Serbia's economy currently has better potential than that of kosovo's.

Mirel from Albania

pre 11 godina

...A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.
(Megadeth, 26 August 2012 06:49)...

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.
Since most the first and second world countries have recognised Kosova there are going to be only third world countries to recognise it.
As for recognision from Mali,Pacolli is there and we will know the truth soon.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.
(J.Oker, 26 August 2012 14:29)
I have to say you Serbs are a bit too much. In one sentence you claim that Kosovo does not have the capability to stand on its own, then turn around and claim that they ARE buying recognition from almost half the countries of the world.


pre 11 godina

The first installment has been paid to the Prime Minister,and the second will be paid to the President of Mali, than we will have full recognition. Long live Bexhet Pacolli with billions of them, until independence recognized by all member states of the UN.


pre 11 godina

"I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point."
(just a thought, 25 August 2012 18:04)

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.


pre 11 godina

A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.


pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.
(Gone fishin, 25 August 2012 16:45)

Gone fishin you can say the same exact thing about Serbia. In fact in a few weeks you will be begging the IMF for more money. The problem with your side is that nationalism has left you so blind about the basket case it is. Keep doing it though, its all good with us. Comparing the 80's to now Serbia is nothing but a shadow of a dying ebola patient. Keep doing what you're doing and blame others. Its all good with us.


pre 11 godina

LOL!! I wonder how many countries have really recognised "Kosova"*? The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.
(gjon fusha, 25 August 2012 15:59)

Gone Fishin said it much better than I could. But its nice to know that you 'really like men' as you say I mean if that's your lifestyle choice by all means just keep it off the streets of Serbia. The drugs I cannot get down with though. At least not the hard stuff. You guys keep flooding Serbia with it (after all K albs live in Serbia) but soon we will clean up the drug trafficking/islamic extremism.

Anyway go find Lenard, he's around lurking somewhere. He's a Croat from Herceg-Bosna who constantly pokes at RS when his people in Bosnia are envious of RS. Anyway, hes the main gay pride parade organizer in Zagreb. He can help you out better than I can I think.


pre 11 godina

Mali, will eventually recognize Kosova.. I think Mali most likely wants to wait till after the NAM conference that is to take place in,Iran in the upcoming days! Serbia will also be participating at this gathering..

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

Before most of you guys make stupid comments, you should first read a little to know what is going on in Mali.
There is new President and former President. One is recognizing Kosova and the other is claiming that did not recognize Kosova. Therefore , I suggest for all you die hard Serbs on this site to do some research before you post your own comments on this site.


pre 11 godina

don't you albos look stupid when a government denies your propaganda. This is probably true about most of your "recognitions" - you make it up and the us state department pays that government not to confirm nor deny it.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

Before people get too excited on either side of the fence they should realize that Mali just had a coup takeover and it is still questionable as to who is in charge and which part of the contested government is releasing which statements. The interim president or the president in exile.
I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.

gjon fusha

pre 11 godina

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.
(Ari Gold, 25 August 2012 11:38)

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.

Pete K.

pre 11 godina

Just like the nazi WWII "puppet" state croatia, with germanys{and others}help they will still try to force {it?}until they get thier a*** kicked once again.


pre 11 godina

How embarrassing is that? Pacolli and the rest of these clowns in pristina are showing their desperation by making up recognitions. haha, What a joke.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

I wonder how many countries that have "recognized kosovo" even are aware of it. The whole thing is a joke and a publicity stunt to get the people in Kosovo i Metohija to truly believe they live in a real independent country and their lives are better than they were when Kosovo i Metohija was not occupied.

When the Albanians are smart enough to realize their own people have been playing and lying to them then there could be talks towards peace, reconciliation (and inevitably re-integration because the first two aren't possible with that).

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

I wonder how many countries that have "recognized kosovo" even are aware of it. The whole thing is a joke and a publicity stunt to get the people in Kosovo i Metohija to truly believe they live in a real independent country and their lives are better than they were when Kosovo i Metohija was not occupied.

When the Albanians are smart enough to realize their own people have been playing and lying to them then there could be talks towards peace, reconciliation (and inevitably re-integration because the first two aren't possible with that).

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.


pre 11 godina

How embarrassing is that? Pacolli and the rest of these clowns in pristina are showing their desperation by making up recognitions. haha, What a joke.

Pete K.

pre 11 godina

Just like the nazi WWII "puppet" state croatia, with germanys{and others}help they will still try to force {it?}until they get thier a*** kicked once again.


pre 11 godina

don't you albos look stupid when a government denies your propaganda. This is probably true about most of your "recognitions" - you make it up and the us state department pays that government not to confirm nor deny it.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.
(gjon fusha, 25 August 2012 15:59)

Gone Fishin said it much better than I could. But its nice to know that you 'really like men' as you say I mean if that's your lifestyle choice by all means just keep it off the streets of Serbia. The drugs I cannot get down with though. At least not the hard stuff. You guys keep flooding Serbia with it (after all K albs live in Serbia) but soon we will clean up the drug trafficking/islamic extremism.

Anyway go find Lenard, he's around lurking somewhere. He's a Croat from Herceg-Bosna who constantly pokes at RS when his people in Bosnia are envious of RS. Anyway, hes the main gay pride parade organizer in Zagreb. He can help you out better than I can I think.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

Before people get too excited on either side of the fence they should realize that Mali just had a coup takeover and it is still questionable as to who is in charge and which part of the contested government is releasing which statements. The interim president or the president in exile.
I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point.

gjon fusha

pre 11 godina

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.
(Ari Gold, 25 August 2012 11:38)

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

Before most of you guys make stupid comments, you should first read a little to know what is going on in Mali.
There is new President and former President. One is recognizing Kosova and the other is claiming that did not recognize Kosova. Therefore , I suggest for all you die hard Serbs on this site to do some research before you post your own comments on this site.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.


pre 11 godina

LOL!! I wonder how many countries have really recognised "Kosova"*? The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.


pre 11 godina

A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.


pre 11 godina

Mali, will eventually recognize Kosova.. I think Mali most likely wants to wait till after the NAM conference that is to take place in,Iran in the upcoming days! Serbia will also be participating at this gathering..


pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.
(Gone fishin, 25 August 2012 16:45)

Gone fishin you can say the same exact thing about Serbia. In fact in a few weeks you will be begging the IMF for more money. The problem with your side is that nationalism has left you so blind about the basket case it is. Keep doing it though, its all good with us. Comparing the 80's to now Serbia is nothing but a shadow of a dying ebola patient. Keep doing what you're doing and blame others. Its all good with us.


pre 11 godina

"I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point."
(just a thought, 25 August 2012 18:04)

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.
(J.Oker, 26 August 2012 14:29)
I have to say you Serbs are a bit too much. In one sentence you claim that Kosovo does not have the capability to stand on its own, then turn around and claim that they ARE buying recognition from almost half the countries of the world.

Mirel from Albania

pre 11 godina

...A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.
(Megadeth, 26 August 2012 06:49)...

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.
Since most the first and second world countries have recognised Kosova there are going to be only third world countries to recognise it.
As for recognision from Mali,Pacolli is there and we will know the truth soon.


pre 11 godina

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.

Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
Funny that your arguement is based upon Serbia receiving loans, and not gifts, which is how every other major nation get money. Serbia, like America borrows money from international banks and other countries when their own balances are out of place.
This has little to nothing to do with, your opinion, of some sort of nationalistic arguement. It is evident that Serbia's economy currently has better potential than that of kosovo's.


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.

-- Gone fishin, that alone should make any Serb weep. Serbia's per capita GDP is only twice that of Kosova. Judging from that it is not hard to see that this is a total failure. Kosova came into existence inits current configuration only a few years ago. As it is, it has limited resources due to the situation and you brag that Serbia has twice the GDP per capita. You should be weeping why that that number is not a least one order of magnitude higher.


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
(Gone fishin, 26 August 2012 19:49)

Great... do you want an applause for that ?! I thought Serbia was aspiring much higher than just trying to do better than a black hole like Kosovo :)


pre 11 godina

The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.
(Zoran, 25 August 2012 22:14)

Well, the countries voted already with the majority of them saying that Kosovo is country in 2009. But, if anybody wants a vote in the GA, I'm sure that the UN incoming chief Vuk will make that happen :)


pre 11 godina

The first installment has been paid to the Prime Minister,and the second will be paid to the President of Mali, than we will have full recognition. Long live Bexhet Pacolli with billions of them, until independence recognized by all member states of the UN.

Bam Bam

pre 11 godina

@ Peggy...Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.

FYI> Peggy, Serbia will also one day become a E.U & NATO member and guess what they to will become a lackey for the U.S war machine. If you think that your beloved Serbia is exempt from sending it's soldiers into the middle east, think again..The time will come when Serbs will perish on the icy hill tops of Afghanistan just like other coalition soldiers before them.


pre 11 godina

ICJ :I realise you were being ironic but if I were Vuk, (apart from receiving a very good salary) I would probably make as few references to Kosovo as possible during my tenure at the UN. He persuaded this body to refer the case to the ICJ and then, when the opinion was not what he hoped, simply ignored it. There are many issues confronting the UN today that require urgent action to stop innocent people being slaughtered in their thousands. The forum for discussion of the Kosovo issue is the bilateral talks, whoever attends on behalf of each country. The number of 'recognitions' is irrelevant, it is the fact that the G7 have all done so as have 22 of 27 EU member states (yes I've counted some twice). Like it or not, and frankly I don't, the US and her buddies are currently running the show and it will only get worse if Gospodin Romney takes over.

gjon fusha

pre 11 godina

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.
(Ari Gold, 25 August 2012 11:38)

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

I wonder how many countries that have "recognized kosovo" even are aware of it. The whole thing is a joke and a publicity stunt to get the people in Kosovo i Metohija to truly believe they live in a real independent country and their lives are better than they were when Kosovo i Metohija was not occupied.

When the Albanians are smart enough to realize their own people have been playing and lying to them then there could be talks towards peace, reconciliation (and inevitably re-integration because the first two aren't possible with that).

The only thing the international community 'recognizes' about Kosovo is its a huge propped up joke that has no means of standing on its own legs. And any entity that cannot do that is simply not a real country. I would even take a step further and say the rest of Serbia is not much of a country either. But the rest of Serbia at least has the resources to be one in the future.

Ardi Asllani

pre 11 godina

Before most of you guys make stupid comments, you should first read a little to know what is going on in Mali.
There is new President and former President. One is recognizing Kosova and the other is claiming that did not recognize Kosova. Therefore , I suggest for all you die hard Serbs on this site to do some research before you post your own comments on this site.


pre 11 godina

Mali, will eventually recognize Kosova.. I think Mali most likely wants to wait till after the NAM conference that is to take place in,Iran in the upcoming days! Serbia will also be participating at this gathering..


pre 11 godina

How embarrassing is that? Pacolli and the rest of these clowns in pristina are showing their desperation by making up recognitions. haha, What a joke.

Pete K.

pre 11 godina

Just like the nazi WWII "puppet" state croatia, with germanys{and others}help they will still try to force {it?}until they get thier a*** kicked once again.

Ari Gold

pre 11 godina

Hey Ari Gold! I really like you men. But I would love you if you will give me some of that stuff you are smoking! Looks a really good one. I know we Albanians sell that staff. But is obvious, you Serbians have much better quality.
(gjon fusha, 25 August 2012 15:59)

Gone Fishin said it much better than I could. But its nice to know that you 'really like men' as you say I mean if that's your lifestyle choice by all means just keep it off the streets of Serbia. The drugs I cannot get down with though. At least not the hard stuff. You guys keep flooding Serbia with it (after all K albs live in Serbia) but soon we will clean up the drug trafficking/islamic extremism.

Anyway go find Lenard, he's around lurking somewhere. He's a Croat from Herceg-Bosna who constantly pokes at RS when his people in Bosnia are envious of RS. Anyway, hes the main gay pride parade organizer in Zagreb. He can help you out better than I can I think.


pre 11 godina

don't you albos look stupid when a government denies your propaganda. This is probably true about most of your "recognitions" - you make it up and the us state department pays that government not to confirm nor deny it.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.


pre 11 godina

The first installment has been paid to the Prime Minister,and the second will be paid to the President of Mali, than we will have full recognition. Long live Bexhet Pacolli with billions of them, until independence recognized by all member states of the UN.


pre 11 godina

It's odd the gjon is serenading ari and offering absolutely nothing about the article in question. Got nothing to say worth saying?
If you actually think Kosovo is an entity that can survive fincially and has something to offer the rest of us other than running narcotic itd have been a prime opportunity to demonstrate that. Alas even gjon likely doesn't believe in the Disney tales of milk and honey flowing through Kosovo, but he does request accesss to stronger hallucinogenics than he's already using. Perhaps there is the reason for such beleif.
(Gone fishin, 25 August 2012 16:45)

Gone fishin you can say the same exact thing about Serbia. In fact in a few weeks you will be begging the IMF for more money. The problem with your side is that nationalism has left you so blind about the basket case it is. Keep doing it though, its all good with us. Comparing the 80's to now Serbia is nothing but a shadow of a dying ebola patient. Keep doing what you're doing and blame others. Its all good with us.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.
(J.Oker, 26 August 2012 14:29)
I have to say you Serbs are a bit too much. In one sentence you claim that Kosovo does not have the capability to stand on its own, then turn around and claim that they ARE buying recognition from almost half the countries of the world.

Mirel from Albania

pre 11 godina

...A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.
(Megadeth, 26 August 2012 06:49)...

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.
Since most the first and second world countries have recognised Kosova there are going to be only third world countries to recognise it.
As for recognision from Mali,Pacolli is there and we will know the truth soon.


pre 11 godina

To persuade our serbian friends in this forum,that the civilized world has already racognised Kosova since 2008,we should ask USA,Canada,Japan,Australia,South Korea,Swiss,England,France,Germany and other 19 countries of EU to recognise Kosova one more time.

Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.


pre 11 godina

LOL!! I wonder how many countries have really recognised "Kosova"*? The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.


pre 11 godina

A big LOL to the albanian troll that said few days ago that Mali recognised Kosovo! Hilarious to expect recognision from a 3rd world country so to be able to say 'world recognires us'.

Gone fishin

pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
Funny that your arguement is based upon Serbia receiving loans, and not gifts, which is how every other major nation get money. Serbia, like America borrows money from international banks and other countries when their own balances are out of place.
This has little to nothing to do with, your opinion, of some sort of nationalistic arguement. It is evident that Serbia's economy currently has better potential than that of kosovo's.

just a thought

pre 11 godina

Before people get too excited on either side of the fence they should realize that Mali just had a coup takeover and it is still questionable as to who is in charge and which part of the contested government is releasing which statements. The interim president or the president in exile.
I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point.


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.

-- Gone fishin, that alone should make any Serb weep. Serbia's per capita GDP is only twice that of Kosova. Judging from that it is not hard to see that this is a total failure. Kosova came into existence inits current configuration only a few years ago. As it is, it has limited resources due to the situation and you brag that Serbia has twice the GDP per capita. You should be weeping why that that number is not a least one order of magnitude higher.


pre 11 godina

"I would say it is best to leave Mali off the list of countries recognizing Kosovo at this point."
(just a thought, 25 August 2012 18:04)

I would say: Send Pacolli with a suitcase to Mali, and problem will be solved the usual way.


pre 11 godina

Though I don't pretend to beleive that Serbia is a superstate, nor would I disagree that it is a shadow of what it once was, it is hard to argue the facts that the percapita GDP of Serbia is nearly twice that of Kosovo.
(Gone fishin, 26 August 2012 19:49)

Great... do you want an applause for that ?! I thought Serbia was aspiring much higher than just trying to do better than a black hole like Kosovo :)


pre 11 godina

The reason the US/EU have done everything they could to prevent a UN general assembly vote on "Kosova"* is to hide the real truth about the number of fake recognitions.
(Zoran, 25 August 2012 22:14)

Well, the countries voted already with the majority of them saying that Kosovo is country in 2009. But, if anybody wants a vote in the GA, I'm sure that the UN incoming chief Vuk will make that happen :)

Bam Bam

pre 11 godina

@ Peggy...Most of the "civilized" countries that recognised "Kosova" are only US lackeys. They go to war when told to by the US so what else would you expect from them and that includes Australia.

FYI> Peggy, Serbia will also one day become a E.U & NATO member and guess what they to will become a lackey for the U.S war machine. If you think that your beloved Serbia is exempt from sending it's soldiers into the middle east, think again..The time will come when Serbs will perish on the icy hill tops of Afghanistan just like other coalition soldiers before them.


pre 11 godina

ICJ :I realise you were being ironic but if I were Vuk, (apart from receiving a very good salary) I would probably make as few references to Kosovo as possible during my tenure at the UN. He persuaded this body to refer the case to the ICJ and then, when the opinion was not what he hoped, simply ignored it. There are many issues confronting the UN today that require urgent action to stop innocent people being slaughtered in their thousands. The forum for discussion of the Kosovo issue is the bilateral talks, whoever attends on behalf of each country. The number of 'recognitions' is irrelevant, it is the fact that the G7 have all done so as have 22 of 27 EU member states (yes I've counted some twice). Like it or not, and frankly I don't, the US and her buddies are currently running the show and it will only get worse if Gospodin Romney takes over.